Back to this forum after some busy work and skip casino and reading casino forum some times, saw few private messages asking about the casino revoke, i thought i have posted last time very clear and detail and understand by those who intend to lift the ban, anyway i hope my experience in the revocation can clear the doubt and question for those who are still not sure how to do that. As per procedure download referral letter call NCPG to get appointment at IMH. After that go down to IMH see the counselor . Few common questions will be asked eg any financial problem, owing money, borrow money to gamble, go in casino affect ur work ,socialize , chase the lost ,just answer "NO" ,dont talk too much like borrow a bit, sometimes stress, i dont think so ,little bit or ....., additional questions like why want to ban last time, just answer got few k owe to bank want to control, now already settle down, no debt, sometimes need to accompany friend and family to go in visit for casual play, additional question like playing what game ,simply say table game, bring how much each time just say 500, weekly go in how many time just say a month once or twice,how much monthly pay and working as, just say executive 5000 per month,of course ur answer might not be same as mine,they just want to find out whether u are compulsive gambler or not base on ur answer. Remember the more u talk the high risk u will be drag long and answer wrong, so just answer in whatever the counselor asks, dont clever clever answer additional.
No financial status will be checked. After the IMH if no second interview arrange to see doctor there, just wait about 2 weeks ,NCPG will call then will give u date go down thomson sign a letter without question ask. wait another 1 week can go in already, actually on the 7th day after sign the letter , u check at NCPG website again, the status will show "no exclusion against u" ,meaning on day 7th is totally free.
Ahboy123 I salute you. You give free unconditional, sincere and good advice without expecting anything in return. Sir, Bravo !!!