Have read many forum posts regarding CPF. Most arguments are at the both extreme ends, whether CPF is good or bad. They can argue until kingdom come and would still get no result until one started to fook the other. The title of this thread is likely to end the same. It is just like whether it is good to migrate. It has always the content of ‘the green is greener at the other ends and the moons are rounder there.”
We know that CPF is here to stay. Like many system, it has the goods and the bads. Lets focus on why Singaporeans are not happy about the CPF system and why one of the Singaporeans has taken offence to defame the PM.
About 10 years ago when CPF interest rate was high, there was not much complaints except for a very few who could not withdraw their savings at will. After 2007/08, things started to change. The CPF members were seeing lower interest rate. At first, no one was alarmed because interest rates were lowering everywhere all thanks to Bernanke’s QE monetary policies. Then when someone found that the Malaysian EPF and the Hong Kong Provident Funds etc could offer higher interests to their members, some members like Furry Brown beginning to question why in 2009. (Don’t get wrong ideas, I am not Furry Brown).
There were also grumblings in many Forums after Malaysia and Hong Kong published their figures in 2008.
Lets forget about how and why this has developed until today’s stage where our PM has to take one of his citizens to court. As an ordinary Singaporean, I could only look helplessly as our Government has ignored the voices from the ground since 2008. What are those “grassroots” were doing or is it the present Government is so complacent that they are sure they will also win in the 2016 election? I am still seeking good answers.
Thanks for your contributions.