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Covid19 Pandemic has definitely made people MORE FUCKING NASTY!!!!

syed putra

Why you guys think it is racial?

It isnt.

In fact most times the patients think I am white. My name pronounced sounds like a white person last name.

It is more to do with just not getting what they want.

What do they want? They want free cannabis. They want to be able to carry a card issued by me that allows them to use cannabis anytime anywhere with no fear of legal issues. They want to be able to use cannabis at work with no risk of losing their job. They want to be able to use cannabis while they are in drug rehab.

And when they dont get what they want they get angry and nasty.

There are also those siao lang who get so pissed with having to do phone call follow ups every 3 months that they will kpkb. I tell them simply you dont need an Rx to access cannabis! it is legal! Just go to the store and buy it! If you dont have an Rx then we dont have to call you. But they will kpkb why they cannot have Rx and only call them once a year. I say it is the rules with the licencing to prescribe. I have to call every 3 months. They say fuck your rules.

These days people are like that. It is all about the FUCKING INDIVIDUAL. Nobody cares about the collective anymore.

FUCK THE INDIVIDUAL. I hope the individuals all die.
So i guess cannabis is not as good as what they say it is.


Super Moderator
Staff member
No idea, ask Hanslesley73. According to him, your issues are racial. Not to me. They sound like a mid life crisis to me, at least when you said "it's all downhill from here"

Others here say you are homesick - you know where home is and you are sick of it :tongue:

I am very curious why everyone always plays the race card when my 4 years in the United States were very pleasant. Strange :thumbsdown:
Because sinkies are one of the most fucking racist people on this planet?

And because they are so fucking racist they assume that if they go to a country where they become the minority they will be discriminated against by race just like they discriminate the non chinese in Sinkieland.


What do they want? They want free cannabis. They want to be able to carry a card issued by me that allows them to use cannabis anytime anywhere with no fear of legal issues. They want to be able to use cannabis at work with no risk of losing their job. They want to be able to use cannabis while they are in drug rehab.

I don't get it, why do these folks think that just because cannabis is legalized then it becomes like tic tacs you can take anytime?

it's just like alcohol isn't it? you don't fucking drink and drive, you don't drink at work, you don't drink while walking down the street. You don't expect the government to give you free shots of whiskey every month... rules of social decency still apply.

maybe it's just the euphoria of legalization. but frankly I'm surprised the Canadians are behaving in this manner as you've narrated. perhaps you are meeting the skiving minority?

Byebye Penis

What do they want? They want free cannabis. They want to be able to carry a card issued by me that allows them to use cannabis anytime anywhere with no fear of legal issues. They want to be able to use cannabis at work with no risk of losing their job. They want to be able to use cannabis while they are in drug rehab.

And when they dont get what they want they get angry and nasty.

There are also those siao lang who get so pissed with having to do phone call follow ups every 3 months that they will kpkb. I tell them simply you dont need an Rx to access cannabis! it is legal! Just go to the store and buy it! If you dont have an Rx then we dont have to call you. But they will kpkb why they cannot have Rx and only call them once a year. I say it is the rules with the licencing to prescribe. I have to call every 3 months. They say fuck your rules.

These days people are like that. It is all about the FUCKING INDIVIDUAL. Nobody cares about the collective anymore.

FUCK THE INDIVIDUAL. I hope the individuals all die.

Brother, I saw this message on my way to work and you have been on my mind.
there are two kinds of problems in this world; those that we can solve, those that we cannot solve.
I fell into depressions when I was overwhelmed with those that I cannot solve.
Your problems, can be solved, you can ignore. Many salesgirls in singapore faced such shit from customers like your experience. They put it aside after the end of the workday, we should learn from them.

Then, some of these problems are caused by us, some are not.
In your situation, your problems are not caused by you, you don't need to take them personally.

I am envious of you, what you have, where you are. I can't even speak proper english like you to make AMDK think i am white.
Don't need to die for work bro.



Interesting. I did 4 years of uni in the United States but I did not perceive any racial bias towards myself as an asian person. For me was a positive experience.

It might be a "better not mess with Texas thing" but I remember reading Houston and Dallas both have very large Asian Communities. Austin itself is very liberal, no?
Austin is a uni town, hence it is a lot more liberal as compared to other Texan states. What I noticed is that racism is not obvious especially in states like nyc, Washington, etc. Generally speaking, it is also not apparent amongst educated, worldly people. Many of the people in Texas do not even have a passport, and they think America is still number 1 in the world. The funny thing is that my experience in racism at USA was brought about by a 65 yr old racist, black, bitter American Instructor. As a teacher, she sets an unhealthy example to the rest of my classmates. They embraced it especially bcoz I used to always score the highest in every tests/exams. People will try to bully/belittle you when their ego is threatened. That’s why, discount the bullies, if you can, practice compassion on them and perceive them as a retard(No insults to retards though). I ended up completing my studies and was asked by the owner of the school to take up their instructor program free of charge( they also processed my student visa)- stayed 5 years in total. When I asked her,’why me?’ amongst the sea of other American students(I was the only foreigner for my intake year), she said it was bcoz she noticed the patient and nurturing way I reacted to the bullies.
In challenging situations, how you react to it matters more than the situation itself. Sometimes bad things can happen to good people, condition our mindset to react constructively if we can. Otherwise, ignore or leave the situation.
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Super Moderator
Staff member
I don't get it, why do these folks think that just because cannabis is legalized then it becomes like tic tacs you can take anytime?

it's just like alcohol isn't it? you don't fucking drink and drive, you don't drink at work, you don't drink while walking down the street. You don't expect the government to give you free shots of whiskey every month... rules of social decency still apply.

maybe it's just the euphoria of legalization. but frankly I'm surprised the Canadians are behaving in this manner as you've narrated. perhaps you are meeting the skiving minority?

Not the minority.

You see the problem is that cannabis does have medicinal value. Especially the CBD. Actually it is the balance and ratio of CBD and THC.

So there are people who get benefits from using cannabis. Helps with anxiety. Pain. Inflammation. Sleep. And epilepsy.

But if you use high THC it makes you high. Impaired. Does that help depression? Sure. Do I think that is the right way to treat depression? No.

Also high THC can worsen anxiety and cause panic attacks and precipitate psychosis.

But there is also something called tolerance. In fact THC has the same tolerance potential as caffeine.

You know most peopel are ok with coffee 1 to 2 cups a day? Not everyone has to drink more and more for the same effect once they drink coffee right? But there are those siao lang will laugh at you and say how you survive on 2 cups? He has to drink 20.

Same with cannabis.

So some siao lang already smoke THC higher and higher then say eh I need so much to get same effect you talking nonsense only need so little. Fuck them man. But everyone is their own expert right?

So the majority of true blue Canadians believe cannabis is a miracle drug and are very proud that it is legalized. But when they learn what the prosecution laws for driving under influence and allowing employers to prohibit cannabis at the work place are they kpkb!

The problem also is the people making and selling the "medicinal cannabis" are the same jokers who make and sell recreational cannabis.

They should separate the two. Either you are in the medical or the recreational.

Can you imagine the people making Fentanyl for medical use in ICU and palliative care are the same as the drug dealers on the street?

It is quite fucked up honestly.

It is a case where people are marketing this drug for both its medicinal and harmful effects to different target customers and everyone is all over the place.
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Super Moderator
Staff member
Brother, I saw this message on my way to work and you have been on my mind.
there are two kinds of problems in this world; those that we can solve, those that we cannot solve.
I fell into depressions when I was overwhelmed with those that I cannot solve.
Your problems, can be solved, you can ignore. Many salesgirls in singapore faced such shit from customers like your experience. They put it aside after the end of the workday, we should learn from them.

Then, some of these problems are caused by us, some are not.
In your situation, your problems are not caused by you, you don't need to take them personally.

I am envious of you, what you have, where you are. I can't even speak proper english like you to make AMDK think i am white.
Don't need to die for work bro.

Thanks bro.

I know what you mean. I try. But it is hard lah. It is relentless daily thing.

It also makes it harder when the other drs are dr shysters. Everything also can.

Imagine they are happy to write prescription for 40g/day ie 1200g/month. The average rx is 1g/day or 30g/month.

To put it in perspective a 40ml bottle of CBD oil is equivalent to 10g of dried cannabis. So this means they are allowing patients to buy 120 bottle of oil a month! Each bottle costs between $70-$90. Seriously?
Or in dried flower that is 1.2kg a month. A standard joint is 0.3g. A large joint is 1g. If you smoke a joint the effects last for 4 hours. So they are saying these patients need to smoke 6g joints every 4 hours without going to sleep everyday?

They also have no qualms about writing a rx so that someone who is in drug rehab can smoke high THC while they are there on the premise it is for medicinal use.

They will also write letter to certify that the patient will never be high and cannot get into accident.

I hope one day these dr shysters do get into big trouble and get sued their socks off.

Byebye Penis

Thanks bro.

I know what you mean. I try. But it is hard lah. It is relentless daily thing.

It also makes it harder when the other drs are dr shysters. Everything also can.

Imagine they are happy to write prescription for 40g/day ie 1200g/month. The average rx is 1g/day or 30g/month.

To put it in perspective a 40ml bottle of CBD oil is equivalent to 10g of dried cannabis. So this means they are allowing patients to buy 120 bottle of oil a month! Each bottle costs between $70-$90. Seriously?
Or in dried flower that is 1.2kg a month. A standard joint is 0.3g. A large joint is 1g. If you smoke a joint the effects last for 4 hours. So they are saying these patients need to smoke 6g joints every 4 hours without going to sleep everyday?

They also have no qualms about writing a rx so that someone who is in drug rehab can smoke high THC while they are there on the premise it is for medicinal use.

They will also write letter to certify that the patient will never be high and cannot get into accident.

I hope one day these dr shysters do get into big trouble and get sued their socks off.

One personal curiosity, seriously is weed addictive?


Super Moderator
Staff member
One personal curiosity, seriously is weed addictive?
As addictive as caffeine.

So yes. But not common unless you are one of those mega users for a long time.

Are there those who are addicted to coffee? The term addiction is not very good.

We prefer to differentiate tolerance and dependence.

Tolerance means need higher and higher dose to get same effect.

Dependence means require it to the point if they dont have it they cannot function properly and are obsessed with it might even commit crime to get it.

I would say high dose THC cannabis you can get tolerance to it. But dependence very rare.


Super Moderator
Staff member
Screenshot_20201209-195922_Google PDF Viewer.jpg

Look at this chart. See where marijuana is?

The Y axis as you go higher it is dependence (and tolerance) potential. The X axis is toxicity.

You will notice LSD and Psilocybin (magic mushroom). Nearby the marijuana.

The dangers with marijuana LSD and Psilocybin is that they impair or make people go siao and they get into accident. Drive and crash. Jump off building. Jump off cliff. Attack people.

But does it damage organs? No.

Addicted? No. But peopel go back for it cos ghe experience was awesome? Sure.

You ever seen people say wah that roller coaster ride was so awesome let's go again! And again! And again!

Now imagine the roller coaster but got no seat belts.....no safety measures......


Bro. It's just a job. Give them what they want.

It's better u give or they go black market and when no money they come to rob you.

No mercy..

Not the minority.

You see the problem is that cannabis does have medicinal value. Especially the CBD. Actually it is the balance and ratio of CBD and THC.

So there are people who get benefits from using cannabis. Helps with anxiety. Pain. Inflammation. Sleep. And epilepsy.

But if you use high THC it makes you high. Impaired. Does that help depression? Sure. Do I think that is the right way to treat depression? No.

Also high THC can worsen anxiety and cause panic attacks and precipitate psychosis.

But there is also something called tolerance. In fact THC has the same tolerance potential as caffeine.

You know most peopel are ok with coffee 1 to 2 cups a day? Not everyone has to drink more and more for the same effect once they drink coffee right? But there are those siao lang will laugh at you and say how you survive on 2 cups? He has to drink 20.

Same with cannabis.

So some siao lang already smoke THC higher and higher then say eh I need so much to get same effect you talking nonsense only need so little. Fuck them man. But everyone is their own expert right?

So the majority of true blue Canadians believe cannabis is a miracle drug and are very proud that it is legalized. But when they learn what the prosecution laws for driving under influence and allowing employers to prohibit cannabis at the work place are they kpkb!

The problem also is the people making and selling the "medicinal cannabis" are the same jokers who make and sell recreational cannabis.

They should separate the two. Either you are in the medical or the recreational.

Can you imagine the people making Fentanyl for medical use in ICU and palliative care are the same as the drug dealers on the street?

It is quite fucked up honestly.

It is a case where people are marketing this drug for both its medicinal and harmful effects to different target customers and everyone is all over the place.


Super Moderator
Staff member
Bro. It's just a job. Give them what they want.

It's better u give or they go black market and when no money they come to rob you.

No mercy..

They dont even need to go black market. They just go to the shop and buy. No need Rx.

I tell them no need Rx! Just go store!

What they want is ridiculous rubbish lah. Stuff if I give is more likely give myself more bigger problem.

Imagine someone complain eh Dr N why you give this guy in for drug rehab high dose THC ah? Now he high all he time. Other patient saying they also want rx so they also can get high. WTF you doing?

Or dr N you wrote this guy cannot get high good to drive school bus. Now he crashed and killed 20 children. You responsible ok?

Give? I dont give.


Because sinkies are one of the most fucking racist people on this planet?

And because they are so fucking racist they assume that if they go to a country where they become the minority they will be discriminated against by race just like they discriminate the non chinese in Sinkieland.

Sad but true :o-o:


Austin is a uni town, hence it is a lot more liberal as compared to other Texan states. What I noticed is that racism is not obvious especially in states like nyc, Washington, etc. Generally speaking, it is also not apparent amongst educated, worldly people. Many of the people in Texas do not even have a passport, and they think America is still number 1 in the world. The funny thing is that my experience in racism at USA was brought about by a 65 yr old racist, black, bitter American Instructor. As a teacher, she sets an unhealthy example to the rest of my classmates. They embraced it especially bcoz I used to always score the highest in every tests/exams. People will try to bully/belittle you when their ego is threatened. That’s why, discount the bullies, if you can, practice compassion on them and perceive them as a retard(No insults to retards though). I ended up completing my studies and was asked by the owner of the school to take up their instructor program free of charge( they also processed my student visa)- stayed 5 years in total. When I asked her,’why me?’ amongst the sea of other American students(I was the only foreigner for my intake year), she said it was bcoz she noticed the patient and nurturing way I reacted to the bullies.
In challenging situations, how you react to it matters more than the situation itself. Sometimes bad things can happen to good people, condition our mindset to react constructively if we can. Otherwise, ignore or leave the situation.

Those non passport people you describe seem to fit the kind of people whom are being lost in today's America. The White People used to be the majority but they are dying off, due to drugs, lack of opportunity, so their numbers are dwindling from 80% to today's 60%. Its said that by 2035 the majority will be minorities in the United States, so you can say soon it wont be a white country anymore.

Racism exists worldwide. I've not seen it personally in my years in the States, but have seen EXTREME racism in Australia and S Africa, where its particularly bad.


Sad but true :o-o:
True mah? If its true, then why are you in this forum where majority of the members are Singaporeans? There are a lot of inter racial marriages here, in fact Singapore has a multi racial society since Way back when. Chinese neighbours grew up alongside Malay and Indian neighbours in harmony. It used to be so much better 20yrs ago as compared to now admittedly, but the racial harmony here is still evident. Can you imagine how the Americans/Australians/Canadians would react if they were to have nearly 59k of covid cases and 90% of the cases are non citizens? There would be a spike in crimes against the foreign group(already in UK Asians are being targeted just bcoz they are Asians - eg. Uncle Roger aka Nigel NG was recently assaulted. But not here in Singapore, yes online, we vent. But in real life, we regard everyone we meet irl as our fellow human family Irregardless of their skin colour.


KNN not in any particular leelation with this thread my uncle suddenly have to urge to live life easy and turn over a new leaf and will view the world from another angle KNN today he started off being friendlier to leeal people and while he was drinking a cup of hot coffee while waiting to see loctor a auntie asked him where he got his drink from KNN he showed the auntie the vending machine then auntie said alamak need to pay 60c she don't have coins so my uncle told her you can also use ezlink card KNN she said don't have it today then my uncle offered to use his card to pay for her KNN but auntie leejected my uncle nicely KNN my uncle think is a good start to developing more positive feeling towards people KNN


Not the minority.

You see the problem is that cannabis does have medicinal value. Especially the CBD. Actually it is the balance and ratio of CBD and THC.

So there are people who get benefits from using cannabis. Helps with anxiety. Pain. Inflammation. Sleep. And epilepsy.

But if you use high THC it makes you high. Impaired. Does that help depression? Sure. Do I think that is the right way to treat depression? No.

Also high THC can worsen anxiety and cause panic attacks and precipitate psychosis.

But there is also something called tolerance. In fact THC has the same tolerance potential as caffeine.

You know most peopel are ok with coffee 1 to 2 cups a day? Not everyone has to drink more and more for the same effect once they drink coffee right? But there are those siao lang will laugh at you and say how you survive on 2 cups? He has to drink 20.

Same with cannabis.

So some siao lang already smoke THC higher and higher then say eh I need so much to get same effect you talking nonsense only need so little. Fuck them man. But everyone is their own expert right?

So the majority of true blue Canadians believe cannabis is a miracle drug and are very proud that it is legalized. But when they learn what the prosecution laws for driving under influence and allowing employers to prohibit cannabis at the work place are they kpkb!

The problem also is the people making and selling the "medicinal cannabis" are the same jokers who make and sell recreational cannabis.

They should separate the two. Either you are in the medical or the recreational.

Can you imagine the people making Fentanyl for medical use in ICU and palliative care are the same as the drug dealers on the street?

It is quite fucked up honestly.

It is a case where people are marketing this drug for both its medicinal and harmful effects to different target customers and everyone is all over the place.

the problem here is the blurred line between recreational and medical use.

it's under the guise of medical use that many recreational users are hiding under. they are trying to justify their recreational use by claiming medical benefits, though I'm sure some of them are genuine.

this pretense can stop when people accept that cannabis use is akin to drinking alcohol. people just do it to relax, get high and forget their problems.

this "nonsense" with medical cannabis is a great marketing gimmick to get mainstream society to accept the widespread use of cannabis.

I'm sure there are genuine uses for cannabis in certain fields of psychiatric medicine, like treating PTSD patients or mild cases of depression. But by and large the real money is to be made in recreational use.

Looking back into the history of the criminalization of cannabis use, it was (ironically) largely funded by the alcohol companies who today are promoting cannabis.

it's just money man.