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[COVID-19 Virus] The Sinkies are fucked Thread.


change parades still bearable. this type of unending changes by different ministars depreciate the tenacity of everyone. bloomberg is right, no leadership. and to add to the mess, the temasick ho keep firing pot shots creating more mess. haaaa. notice how the indian ministars all keep quiet. they are smart to avoid limelight so as not to take blame. lol.
They will say this... :biggrin:



That I'd rather be, admit I don't know when I don't know, rather than be approved by FOUR boards and still don't admit you don't know and still get things wrong.:laugh:
I don't see any post of you admitting not knowing. Only mysterious grammatically bad posts of you knowing everything .

How far did u go in school ?


Alfrescian (Inf)
This is what happen when people are allowed to act with impunity-deaths are just another statistics to them and the ends justify the means.
With so much power already, they keep on passing more and more oppressive laws eg POFMA, FICA, to prolong their stay in power.
I have yet to see a Health Minister who is more interested in economic growth than saving lives and that really says it all.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Knowing how PAP works, you will know that it will only happen when their own family gets the virus or are in ICU.

So when the next lockdown happens, please celebrate as it implies the virus is getting to the right people.

Hey dredd porcaputtana your mRNA is not working!!!

Better pray it is only not working, meaning it has been a cash grab scam from the very beginning.

If health problems and deaths arise from this, especially when they already had the foreknowledge of that happening but went along with it anyway... we need genocide trials and executions. Save your $225k 'compensation', we'll see you hanged at the Padang for free. :cool:


How far did u go in school ?
I didn't go anywhere in school. Nor did I take no mRNA. With those 2 qualifications, I am exempted from getting Covid. :biggrin:

Let me give you an example of why doctors have some skill but they do not know everything.

Question: Do you have medication to bring down highly elevated blood pressures? Yes of course you have.

But do you have medication to quickly bring up dangerously low blood pressures? The answer is NO.

See, you don't know many things but some people know something.
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Scrooball (clone)


5 seniors die from Covid-19 complications; 2,236 new cases in Singapore​

SINGAPORE - Five more people have died from Covid-19 complications in Singapore, the Ministry of Health (MOH) said on Tuesday (Sept 28).

They comprised four Singaporean men aged between 69 and 79, and a 77-year-old Singaporean woman.

Two of them were unvaccinated, while one was partially vaccinated. The other two were inoculated against the virus.

So vaccine still not good enough if u are old and have other underlying health issues la.