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[COVID-19 Virus] The Sinkies are fucked Thread.



69 per 100,000 = 4140 deaths in 2018


Dengue kills a bit more

With almost 2 years into this covid pandemic MOH should have sufficient data to harvest and analyse. It's about damn fucking time some politician with balls to come out and declare with vaccination (including boosters) covid 19 is now little more than a serious flu. In fact 98% of the vaccinated have little or no symptoms .

MTF is now like that A level candidate about to submit his math paper but dare not. Check and double check again to make sure he gets a A .

While the rest of us suffer and wait.


You silly man. Without the vaccines, you may have to add another zero to that number.

Nothing to celebrate at the expense of the sufferings of others. Saying that doesn't prove you are right, makes you a loser like you are. :o-o:
Do you have a good place you can recommend for dinner? I understand that all places only allow groups of two. Because those F&B that insisted on vaxx status has gone bust? :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Honestly, I am not celebrating the suffering of more people, but celebrating the fact that I am right and MTF idiots and supporters are brainless zombies.

The fact that I am out and about, with the non vaxxed status of the whole family, never giving a care to the virus, living normally, speaks loudly about how you can live with this pandemic safely. I shall not say more so as not to give dummies any suggestion that will then implement it and claim credit to the ideas.
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Do you have a good place you can recommend for dinner? I understand that all places only allow groups of two. Because those F&B that insisted on vaxx status has gone bust? :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Honestly, I am not celebrating the suffering of more people, but celebrating the fact that I am right and MTF idiots and supporters are brainless zombies.

I don't get it

which part are you right ?


I don't get it

which part are you right ?
The fact that I am out and about, with the non vaxxed status of the whole family, never giving a care to the virus, living normally, speaks loudly about how you can live with this pandemic safely. I shall not say more so as not to give dummies any suggestion that will then implement it and claim credit to the ideas.

Like I said, I will not share anything. :laugh:

For a person who has approval of four boards, you had to ask?:biggrin:


Alfrescian (Inf)
why no PAP mps have Covid ? they have special vaccines, different from peasants ?
Basically that is the jist of the matter-the rich and powerful asking the poor to go and die.
I will listen to PAP if the ministers/mp's commute daily by train and buses , eat at hawker centres and queue up at polyclinics for hours to see doctors which they made others do.
By the way you notice Halimah very quiet? These increasing numbers of death apparently has no impact on her and the elites?
Anyway i do not pity these peasants who voted for them and are now being sacrificed at the altar of endemic
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The fact that I am out and about, with the non vaxxed status of the whole family, never giving a care to the virus, living normally, speaks loudly about how you can live with this pandemic safely. I shall not say more so as not to give dummies any suggestion that will then implement it and claim credit to the ideas.

Like I said, I will not share anything. :laugh:

For a person who has approval of four boards, you had to ask?:biggrin:

based on what you wrote I already know what meds you skipped

you are 2 signs short of classic schizophrenia

keep working on it . don't give up


based on what you wrote I already know what meds you skipped

you are 2 signs short of classic schizophrenia

keep working on it . don't give up
Haha the Dr with four boards butthurt because the ordinary man in the street beat him on how to handle and live with covid.
Just admit you dont know everything, even medical issues. There is still a million skills in this world that you still have yet to master.
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Haha the Dr with four boards butthurt because the ordinary man in the street beat him on how to handle and live with covid.
Just admit you dont know everything, even medical issues. There is still a million skills in thus world that you still have yet to master.


ordinary man in the street


enough said



5 seniors die from Covid-19 complications; 2,236 new cases in Singapore​

SINGAPORE - Five more people have died from Covid-19 complications in Singapore, the Ministry of Health (MOH) said on Tuesday (Sept 28).

They comprised four Singaporean men aged between 69 and 79, and a 77-year-old Singaporean woman.

Two of them were unvaccinated, while one was partially vaccinated. The other two were inoculated against the virus.

All had various underlying medical conditions, MOH said, without giving details of these conditions in its statement.

It was the ninth consecutive day that deaths from Covid-19 were reported. So far, 85 people here have died because of the virus.

The latest fatalities bring the total number of people who have died of Covid-19 this month to 30, compared with 18 last month.

The number of new cases here hit 2,236 on Tuesday – surpassing the 2,000 mark for the first time.

It was also 589 more than Monday’s figure.

The total number of cases in Singapore now stands at 91,775.

The latest case figure includes 1,711 cases in the community and 515 among dormitory residents. The remaining 10 are imported cases.

Among the local cases are 483 people who are above the age of 60.

The 10 imported cases were already placed on stay-home notice (SHN) or isolated on arrival
in Singapore.

Six of them were detected on arrival, while four developed the illness during SHN or isolation.

A new cluster has also emerged at Man Fatt Lam Elderly Joy Day Centre in Bedok.

Two cases were added to the cluster, taking its total number to 11.

Transmission took place among clients and staff at the centre, said MOH. Ten of the cases were clients, while the remaining case was a staff member.

The centre has been closed since Saturday, said MOH.

Six more cases were also added to the Pasir Panjang Wholesale Centre cluster, bringing its total to 106. MOH said the new patients had been quarantined.

The cluster at Blue Stars Dormitory in Jurong West had 20 new cases, taking its total to 401, while 40 were added to the Woodlands Dormitory cluster, which now had a total of 216 cases.

Meanwhile, the cluster at Avery Lodge in Jurong had 15 more cases and a total of 256.

Transmission took place in the dormitories, with no evidence of spread outside them, and that new cases had been quarantined.

MOH added that 1,325 cases are currently warded in hospital.

Among them are 209 patients who need oxygen supplementation. There are also 30 people in critical condition in the intensive care unit.

Of the patients who have fallen very ill, 201 are above the age of 60.


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
The fact that the number is so low reinforces what I have been saying all along. Covid is a minor illness in the vast majority of those that catch it.


Macam change parade during NS days :coffee::coffee::coffee:
change parades still bearable. this type of unending changes by different ministars depreciate the tenacity of everyone. bloomberg is right, no leadership. and to add to the mess, the temasick ho keep firing pot shots creating more mess. haaaa. notice how the indian ministars all keep quiet. they are smart to avoid limelight so as not to take blame. lol.