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[COVID-19 Virus] The Sinkies are fucked Thread.


Super Moderator
ring fencing sounds good theoretically but hard to implement
I like the ideas from SDP, particularly points 5-7. points 2-4 are sound and can be streamlined. point 8 I have no comments.

from what I understand, regarding #5 heat maps for clusters will be available in Oct on MOH website.

regarding #6, I thought we could further localise it to C19+ patient plus household members only, since Delta shown that familial spreading is a sure-fire.

regarding #7, the tracking allows more data point and facilitate understanding.

leaving the best for the last, to test or not to test, that is the question.


Very good points raised but I'm afraid they will not see the light of day. Not with the current ruling party who sees everything not first thought of by them as "bad ideas".

Yes, do away with blanket closures and restrictions! They are not productive and are steps made backwards if the will to make COVID19 an endemic disease is still strong.





‘Happy Hypoxia’ among younger patients contributes to increased Covid-19 cases, says Health Ministry​


PETALING JAYA: One of the factors contributing to the increased number of severe Covid-19 cases is "Happy Hypoxia", especially among younger patients, says the Health Ministry.

It said that the number of Category 4 and 5 Covid-19 patients admitted into hospital increased by 35%.

"One of the factors is Happy Hypoxia among younger patients who do not realise they are experiencing a decrease in oxygen levels until the situation becomes more serious," it said in a tweet on Friday (June 18).

Happy Hypoxia is when a Covid-19 patient has a very low level of oxygen as shown on the monitor, but appears to be breathing more or less normally.

In a series of videos on the Health Ministry's Facebook page on Thursday (June 17), it said that among the symptoms of the condition or when oxygen levels were less than 91% included breathing difficulties, headaches, dizziness, skin turns bluish, and cold palms.

Dr Mohd Noor Akmal who is attached to the ministry said that the young who were healthy were most at risk for the condition.

He said the condition occurred when there was an infection in the lungs.

"The Covid-19 virus causes infection in the tissues of the lungs, causing damage to it. Teenagers, young people, and the healthy do not display any symptoms because they have high immunity... what they don't realise is that the oxygen levels in the blood decreases because of lung damage. This is termed Happy Hypoxia," he said.

All individuals diagnosed with Covid-19 are categorised into five stages.

In the first stage, patients are asymptomatic, while those in the second stage display mild symptoms but have no pneumonia.

In the third stage, patients display symptoms and have pneumonia, while those in the fourth stage have symptoms, pneumonia and require supplemental oxygen.

For those in the fifth stage, they are diagnosed as critically ill and need to be intubated, as well as to be put on a ventilator.


Super Moderator
ring fencing sounds good theoretically but hard to implement
Sinkie sheep kiasee mah- little bit only, sakit nak mati, tio boh?

With 1 oxymeter and 3 ART kits per household distributed, sudah lah. Once eQO/QO issued, just ensure that the individual and folks living in the same household has additional ART kits for that week, do one round PCR sweep for whole family, HWR issued to household members, ok liao lah. Just ask CERTIS don’t screw up can already, tio boh?

If whole family tio COVID, convert all HRW to QO and everyone follow the last end date of QO in that household. Any serious cases in the household just surface to telemedicine group or call for peeporpeepor send to loh kun choo. Seems like it’s a question of when, not if. tio boh?

Those that need financial support could be given helplines, so long as whole family hunker down, 98% bo tai chee, tio boh? I thought the statistics has shown this thus far?


Super Moderator
Actually are we understating? Do i understand correctly that if bo symptoms don't even need to report?
Truth be told, how many flu cases are reported each month to MOH? How many more unreported cases are there? Unless MC is needed, we just pop 2 piriton and go tidur, betul?

For C19, I suspect the asymptomatic don’t even know they are carriers, that’s the problem!


Truth be told, how many flu cases are reported each month to MOH? How many more unreported cases are there? Unless MC is needed, we just pop 2 piriton and go tidur, betul?

For C19, I suspect the asymptomatic don’t even know they are carriers, that’s the problem!

Is it Really "Flu"?​

Many patients in Singapore use the term “flu” to describe a variety of symptoms such as running nose, fever and cough. Physicians usually diagnose most of these conditions as acute upper respiratory tract infections (URTI). URTI are caused by a variety of pathogens, mostly viral.

The term “flu” should refer more specifically to influenza. Influenza is a viral infection that affects mainly the nose, throat, bronchi, and occasionally, the lungs. Infection is characterised by high fever, chills, sore throat, cough, headache, muscle ache, nasal discharge, and fatigue. It may be difficult to differentiate influenza from other URTI clinically. However, it is important to note that influenza infections may lead to serious complications such as pneumonia, ear infection, and meningitis.

Influenza is not always a mild disease.

Influenza In Singapore​

While there is ongoing influenza transmission in the community throughout the year, Singapore has two main influenza seasons, from December to February, and from May to July, corresponding approximately to the northern and southern hemisphere winters.

In Singapore, influenza-associated hospitalisation has been estimated to be 29.6 per 100000 persons each year, or about 1500 hospitalisations per year. The elderly and children had much higher rates of hospitalisation. Hospitalisation rates for persons >75 years of age and children <6 months of age were 47 times and 26 times higher, respectively, than those for persons 25–44 years of age. An earlier study had estimated that influenza caused 588 deaths in Singapore annually.

Have You Been Vaccinated?​

Influenza vaccine provides good protection against influenza infection and its complications. Annual vaccination is recommended, especially for individuals at higher risk of developing complications from influenza infections. These individuals include :

  • persons aged 65 years and older,
  • children aged 6 months to less than 5 years (i.e. 59 months), adults and children who have chronic disorders of the lung or heart systems, including asthma
  • adults and children who have required regular medical follow-up or hospitalisation during the preceding year due to chronic metabolic diseases (including diabetes mellitus), renal, neurologic, liver, or blood disorders, or immunosuppression (including immunosuppression caused by medications or the Human Immunodeficiency Virus);
  • children and adolescents aged 6 months to 18 years who are receiving long-term aspirin therapy and therefore might be at risk for developing Reye syndrome after influenza infection;
  • women at all stages of pregnancy;
  • residents of nursing homes and intermediate and long term care facilities;

The uptake of influenza vaccination in Singapore is low. In the 2012 Health Behaviour Surveillance of Singapore, only 8.7% of adults aged 50–69 years reported having been vaccinated against influenza3.

The new Southern Hemisphere vaccine which has been released in May 2015 protects against the current circulating strains of influenza. It covers all 3 common strains of influenza i.e. influenza A/H1N1, A/H3N2, and influenza B.

Do visit your healthcare provider to enquire about influenza vaccination, and get your flu shot today!


Super Moderator

Is it Really "Flu"?​

Many patients in Singapore use the term “flu” to describe a variety of symptoms such as running nose, fever and cough. Physicians usually diagnose most of these conditions as acute upper respiratory tract infections (URTI). URTI are caused by a variety of pathogens, mostly viral.
True, we misuse the term “flu”- That’s why we use this term “having flu-like symptoms” so very often.


588 deaths from flu annually in sg vs 80 deaths in 2.5 years for COVID, somemore all the old type 70+ years...

Proves that the flu is more deadly. :biggrin:
cannot compare liddat
flu death numbers occurred with no lockdown, safe distancing, restrictions and vax
covid death numbers are lower because of these measures
if unrestricted and no vax, surely it will.be a huge death toll by now

Byebye Penis

HK up 1.29% today
Singapore down 0.6% so far
USD at one-month's high against SGD

hinting some restrictions going to announce in the next 24 hours


588 deaths from flu annually in sg vs 80 deaths in 2.5 years for COVID, somemore all the old type 70+ years...

Proves that the flu is more deadly. :biggrin:
Bhai as my uncle said the death rate for covid is much higher just that pap uses the dormitories cases to leeflate the actual figure KNN now that real community cases are building up the figure will definitelee way higher than flu KNN also lifespan will be expected to leeduce so my uncle think there is no point for sinkies to work so hard from now KNN


Bhai as my uncle said the death rate for covid is much higher just that pap uses the dormitories cases to leeflate the actual figure KNN now that real community cases are building up the figure will definitelee way higher than flu KNN also lifespan will be expected to leeduce so my uncle think there is no point for sinkies to work so hard from now KNN
Forummers be leeminded that intiiallee there were many imported and dormitories cases whereby mostlee were young chaps KNN now that the real figures will start to show be prepared life expectancy will be greatlee leeduced on top of flu KNN chao turtle


Forummers be leeminded that intiiallee there were many imported and dormitories cases whereby mostlee were young chaps KNN now that the real figures will start to show be prepared life expectancy will be greatlee leeduced on top of flu KNN chao turtle
Those forummers in their late 30s to earlee 40s don't be smug becas in 10 years time you will also start to have chronic diseases and covid will kill you without a blink :sneaky: KNN chao turtle