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[COVID-19 Virus] The Sinkies are fucked Thread.


Then does that mean we get COVIDed eventually?
yep, most certainly
u either belong to 98% not actually sick or u belong to the 2% sick.
yr strategy to ride this covid storm shd be as follows:
1. keep healthy by exercising daily or at least 3x a week.
2. eating well, sleeping well and stay clear of hypertension and hyperlipidemia
3. don't happy happy go jalan jalan or hang around kopitiam la lopi and tcss with kumgong pg and mg people
4. quit smoking if u are a smoker, otherwise if u end up with copd, even if u are vaxed, the vax won't save u.
5. be thankful every day u wake up and live to see another day
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Liberation Day! Merdeka!
its also abt time to :
1.remove the stupid tap it tap out nonsense in malls, hawker centres and markets, etc
2. remove the silly orange plastic on surrounding the food centres and sitting spaces

there's nothing more to trace. if u get covided, u either belong to 98% or 2%.
if u end up as 2% and futther end up as the 0.1% dead, it's fated.


its also abt time to :
1.remove the stupid tap it tap out nonsense in malls, hawker centres and markets, etc
2. remove the silly orange plastic on surrounding the food centres and sitting spaces

there's nothing more to trace. if u get covided, u either belong to 98% or 2%.
if u end up as 2% and futther end up as the 0.1% dead, it's fated.
Damn straight! I for one will be looking forward to the day when masks are off and life returns to normal. After 2 years of being holed up and being held hostage by a virus, we need to open up and live with COVID.

We shall breathe again! Thanks to the 90% vaccinated for liberating us and no thanks to the antivaxxers who are trying to bring us back to the dark ages.


yep, most certainly
u either belong to 98% not actually sick or u belong to the 2% sick.
yr strategy to ride this covid storm shd be as follows:
1. keep healthy by exercising daily or at least 3x a week.
2. eating well, sleeping well and stay clear of hypertension and hyperlipidemia
3. don't happy happy go jalan jalan or hang around kopitiam la lopi and tcss with kumgong pg and mg people
4. quit smoking if u are a smoker, otherwise if u end up with copd, even if u are vaxed, the vax won't save u.
5. be thankful every day u wake up and live to see another day
I too believe that all of us will likely catch COVID at some point in our lives.

Like I've said before, who can honestly say they did not have flu before?


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset

Finance Minister Lawrence Wong said just 0.2 per cent of infected cases will need ICU treatment, but 10 per cent will need hospital beds as they are vulnerable

Hence, Singapore is bolstering its hospital capacity to cope with a possible surge to more than 5,000 daily cases

Once capacity is ramped up, cases will remain high as that is what it means to live with Covid-19, said Mr Wong

Acknowledging people’s frustrations at the latest measures, he said the Government had “no choice” as the healthcare system is under strain

Read more at https://www.todayonline.com/singapo...ovid-19-cases-day-or-maybe-more-lawrence-wong



this type of case below clearly shows u that EVEN if u are young BUT lead an unhealthy lifestyle, VAX OR UNVAX makes NO FUCKING DIFFERENCE when u catch the fucking contagious indian delta virus. keep yr bmi in check, steer clear from obesity, hypertension and hyperlipidemia.

New Orleans entrepreneur, 33, dies of COVID-19 despite vaccination​


Angelle Mosley’s family hopes her breakthrough case and subsequent death from COVID-19 will still encourage vaccination.

A 33-year-old woman has died in New Orleans despite being vaccinated against COVID-19, a “breakthrough” case that her family hopes will serve as a reminder to Americans to continue to wear masks.

Angelle Mosley told her mother and sister in July that she had tested positive for the delta variant of coronavirus, but her mom told CBS News her health quickly deteriorated because she was obese.

Her mother, Tara Mosley, was asked if doctors specifically told her that her daughter’s weight was a factor in her severe illness. “He did,” she said in response. “He did. He says that she’s a large person. Her heart could not pump like it should have been pumping.”

Obesity is one of the comorbidities that can put a person at risk for severe symptoms of COVID-19. Others include kidney and heart disease, as well as asthma and a history of cancer. The CDC recommends that people with comorbidities continue to wear masks and social distance — in addition to vaccination

Dr. David Agus, who is a medical contributor to CBS News, commented on Angelle’s story, saying that while vaccines are keeping many people from severe cases of COVID-19, people who died from the virus despite vaccination had serious underlying medical conditions.

It’s very important for every single person who’s been vaccinated to know if you have other medical conditions, the vaccine doesn’t protect from those becoming an issue or causing a problem,” Agus said. “While the vaccines may give you some protection, it’s not enough to overcome the medical issues or the lack of a very strong immune system, unfortunately.”

Angelle’s mother reiterated that she still recommends vaccination, even if people will use her daughter’s case as a reason not to.

“I will still say to them, ‘Still be vaccinated because her weight played a lot in it,'” she added.

Outside of Angelle’s business, Brave Beautique, which specializes in clothes for plus-size women, a memorial is growing since her July 25 death.

Her mother has pledged to keep the store open.

When asked what her daughter would want to hear her say at this time of mourning, she said, “Keep her business going, because that was her baby; it was her dream,” Mosley replied. “I know she really wanted the people to know to actually get to be vaccinated, to still mask up. You know, it is very imperative that we still mask up.”

More than 166 million Americans have been fully vaccinated against COVID-19 as of Aug. 9, 2021, according to the CDC
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Scrooball (clone)

I just watched a video of Lawrence Wong and Ong Yi Kung explaining why they had to impose 2 pax restrictions.

KNN....these 2 are bloody experts of talking cock!


Alfrescian (Inf)
The figures keeps going up despite the fact that at 1,000 they are already cannot cope and many were left to their own wits.
If really hit 5,000 a day ,imagine the chaos that will upon us, with huge numbers under quarantine, hospitalised and many dying.

Sheep slaughtered to please the god of money and so called economic growth


Alfrescian (Inf)