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Countries that try to stamp out the virus find it very hard to restart....


Digging in is fine but all we are doing is postponing the inevitable. The virus is not going away anytime soon.
I think lockdowns are quite a clumsy, hamfisted way of dealing with the virus. Since you brought up how absurd they are, I've been doing some thinking and I've been wondering why lockdowns are so prevalent and my conclusion is that China has a big role in it. care to hear why?

Thick Face Black Heart

Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Even if it is double or triple the death rate of influenza we still have to carry on with life.

We lived through, polio, TB, plague, smallpox etc without shutting down surely the wuhan flu is still minor in comparison.

Last time, technology did not exist to allow people to work from home. Now we have tablets and electronic whiteboards for teaching, Zoom for business meetings, ability to sign documents digitally, email, whatsapp, and Skype.

Locking down will not harm half of the population. Those who cannot WFH have govt plans to assist them. In Canada, they get $2,000 a month for 4 months.


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
Last time, technology did not exist to allow people to work from home. Now we have tablets and electronic whiteboards for teaching, Zoom for business meetings, ability to sign documents digitally, email, whatsapp, and Skype.

Locking down will not harm half of the population. Those who cannot WFH have govt plans to assist them. In Canada, they get $2,000 a month for 4 months.

The problem is that after the lockdown the jobs are gone. Sky city in Auckland just fired 700 staff. Air New Zealand has fired more than 1000. In the South Island cafes, restaurants and hotels are closing for good. They can't afford to keep going. There is more to business overheads than just wage bills.

A one month lockdown can create a problem that will last for years. I would agree that if covid-19 killed 2% or more of those who caught it but at around 0.1% and mainly the elderly it just does not make sense.

Thick Face Black Heart

Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
The problem is that after the lockdown the jobs are gone. Sky city in Auckland just fired 700 staff. Air New Zealand has fired more than 1000. In the South Island cafes, restaurants and hotels are closing for good. They can't afford to keep going. There is more to business overheads than just wage bills.

How do you know these jobs will not be lost in a normal economic downturn?

We were long overdue for a correction anyway after 10+ years of steady growth


The problem is that after the lockdown the jobs are gone. Sky city in Auckland just fired 700 staff. Air New Zealand has fired more than 1000. In the South Island cafes, restaurants and hotels are closing for good. They can't afford to keep going. There is more to business overheads than just wage bills.

A one month lockdown can create a problem that will last for years. I would agree that if covid-19 killed 2% or more of those who caught it but at around 0.1% and mainly the elderly it just does not make sense.

My soul mate Elon agrees with u.

“You can’t just legislate money and solve these things,” Musk told podcaster Joe Rogan.

“This notion though, that you can just sort of send checks out to everybody and things will be fine, is not true, obviously,” Musk said, referring to stimulus checks sent out over recent weeks, and warning “the [economic] machine just grinds to a halt,” impacting medical and food supplies.

“Several people have this absurd view that the economy is a magic horn of plenty,” Musk told Rogan, adding, “if you don’t make stuff, there’s no stuff.”


Yes definitely! Love to hear your thoughts on this
thank you for giving me face! :laugh: :laugh:

From early numbers, we had a clear pattern about at risk groups. Generally 80 and above, male and presenting with a few comorbidities. It was well-established that a great honking bulk of the population was not severely affected by this virus. Early numbers and numbers from China being what they are, there was a reason to take it with a pinch or shaker full of salt.

However, I think authoritarian and totalitarian China set a precedent. It locked down as a response to the virus. Goodness knows what exactly was going on through their minds, but something about fear or fear of losing face may have played a role. Building hospitals and quarantine sites on the spot. And guess what? The western-centric press was ready to go to war with China and they really played the virus up for all it was worth to generate news dollars and/or do their government chums a favour or basically just to shit on China because racist or whatever. So they took all the crap happening there and played it up.

So now there's mass hysteria thanks to great airtime and an overhanded response to a hush hush problem. As far as the world is concerned, this thing could go nuclear if China's (over)reactions and play mute approach were anything to go by. So really, it's a failure on multiple fronts as these things tend to be. Hamfisted Chinese leadership (oxymoron in itself) followed by loud alarmist media.

Now we're stuck with totally zombie economies because of mismanagement, misinformation and too much of the fearful public having a say in policy instead of well-informed and reasonable people.

Should've just kept the oldies or the riskies under gentle lock and key and provided support services like free food delivery and regular checkups. Instead monkey see, monkey do. Another reason to be fearful of Chinese(CPC) precedence.


Last time, technology did not exist to allow people to work from home. Now we have tablets and electronic whiteboards for teaching, Zoom for business meetings, ability to sign documents digitally, email, whatsapp, and Skype.

Locking down will not harm half of the population. Those who cannot WFH have govt plans to assist them. In Canada, they get $2,000 a month for 4 months.
tfbh, sorry to be fly in ointment. I've heard that people in Canada shaking in their boots wondering whether the economy can ever rise again to make up that debt,


My soul mate Elon agrees with u.

“You can’t just legislate money and solve these things,” Musk told podcaster Joe Rogan.

“This notion though, that you can just sort of send checks out to everybody and things will be fine, is not true, obviously,” Musk said, referring to stimulus checks sent out over recent weeks, and warning “the [economic] machine just grinds to a halt,” impacting medical and food supplies.

“Several people have this absurd view that the economy is a magic horn of plenty,” Musk told Rogan, adding, “if you don’t make stuff, there’s no stuff.”
and no money from selling stuff...


Alfrescian (Inf)
We shut down a whole economy because of this??????
It is inevitable. The planet earth is ruled by incompetent, capitalistic and power hungry leaders who have never fought an invisible war before. Even billgate is clueless of saving humanity.


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
How do you know these jobs will not be lost in a normal economic downturn?

We were long overdue for a correction anyway after 10+ years of steady growth

Because we have been through economic downturns eg the Asian financial crisis and the 2009 crash but neither of these resulted in the same scale of devastation.

The whole hospitality industry has collapsed completely and large hotel chains simply do not see the light at the end of the tunnel. They are simply closing operations and mothballing the premises. In previous economic downturns all they had to do was to offer special discounts to keep going.


thank you for giving me face! :laugh: :laugh:

From early numbers, we had a clear pattern about at risk groups. Generally 80 and above, male and presenting with a few comorbidities. It was well-established that a great honking bulk of the population was not severely affected by this virus. Early numbers and numbers from China being what they are, there was a reason to take it with a pinch or shaker full of salt.

However, I think authoritarian and totalitarian China set a precedent. It locked down as a response to the virus. Goodness knows what exactly was going on through their minds, but something about fear or fear of losing face may have played a role. Building hospitals and quarantine sites on the spot. And guess what? The western-centric press was ready to go to war with China and they really played the virus up for all it was worth to generate news dollars and/or do their government chums a favour or basically just to shit on China because racist or whatever. So they took all the crap happening there and played it up.

So now there's mass hysteria thanks to great airtime and an overhanded response to a hush hush problem. As far as the world is concerned, this thing could go nuclear if China's (over)reactions and play mute approach were anything to go by. So really, it's a failure on multiple fronts as these things tend to be. Hamfisted Chinese leadership (oxymoron in itself) followed by loud alarmist media.

Now we're stuck with totally zombie economies because of mismanagement, misinformation and too much of the fearful public having a say in policy instead of well-informed and reasonable people.

Should've just kept the oldies or the riskies under gentle lock and key and provided support services like free food delivery and regular checkups. Instead monkey see, monkey do. Another reason to be fearful of Chinese(CPC) precedence.

Yes agree very much this has been played up by the media and it does seem like a comedy of errors has gotten us into this shithole.

Politicians the world over have been gripped by fear, fear of losing at the ballot box should they be perceived to have mismanaged the crisis and have thus overreacted.

Now we have hard data coming out that fatalities are ridiculously low in Asia (praise the gods!) BCG, diet, better healthcare (?) or whatever reason.

So what's the next move by the politicians?

"(It's) the economy, stupid!" :smile:


Yes agree very much this has been played up by the media and it does seem like a comedy of errors has gotten us into this shithole.

Politicians the world over have been gripped by fear, fear of losing at the ballot box should they be perceived to have mismanaged the crisis and have thus overreacted.

Now we have hard data coming out that fatalities are ridiculously low in Asia (praise the gods!) BCG, diet, better healthcare (?) or whatever reason.

So what's the next move by the politicians?

"(It's) the economy, stupid!" :smile:
KNN for this my uncle think
1. Don't forget most of the Politicians themselves are also vulnerable KNN
2. It's decisions is also somewhat similar to dealing with terrorist holding elderly people as hostages should the gov let them die or abide the terrorist demands KNN
3. In my uncle's opinion no life is deemed too old nor any number deemed too little KNN and anything that can be done to save lives should be carried out at all expense except those that causes another life (with suicide as a result of economy problems exceptional becas this is what they ownself wanted to) KNN


No idea. What I do know is The Best Is Yet to Be!

And the worse is still to come

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Alfrescian (Inf)
The problem is that after the lockdown the jobs are gone. Sky city in Auckland just fired 700 staff. Air New Zealand has fired more than 1000. In the South Island cafes, restaurants and hotels are closing for good. They can't afford to keep going. There is more to business overheads than just wage bills.

A one month lockdown can create a problem that will last for years. I would agree that if covid-19 killed 2% or more of those who caught it but at around 0.1% and mainly the elderly it just does not make sense.

Having hundreds or thousands of death each day is not normal.