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Countries that try to stamp out the virus find it very hard to restart....


Alfrescian (Inf)
one of the worst local govs is santa clara county. since the county is run by an incompetent bunch of county supervisors or committee of indian chiefs, no one dares to make a decision and calls off the lockdown. every county supervisor is waiting for someone else to stick head out to make the call. this can last for as long as until they die or are replaced by new supervisors which will not happen in the foreseeable future. thus the lockdown in the county will carry on until all of them man up and make the call. now i expect every city mayor within the county to take the leadership role and override this bunch of useless and gutless supervisors. at least the state governor has already made some decisions and modifications to the lockdown. this is how politics are fragmented in a failed (liberal) state.


3. In my uncle's opinion no life is deemed too old nor any number deemed too little KNN and anything that can be done to save lives should be carried out at all expense except those that causes another life (with suicide as a result of economy problems exceptional becas this is what they ownself wanted to) KNN

"if you don't make stuff, there's no stuff" - Elon musk

if the world stops making stuff, where we going to get our food from? even if countries dole out wads of cash, there'll be nothing to buy if nothing is made.

the world will eventually wise up and choose to sacrifice the life of the few for the good of the many. so those in vulnerable groups will have to start living in bubbles to avoid the virus. given modern technology, its better to encapsulate all the vulnerable groups and to quickly re-start the economy.

Thick Face Black Heart

Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
152,000 people die every day. It is perfectly normal.

The world is afraid of new stuff, especially new viruses. The global lockdowns were a combination of the following:

(i) Needing to prevent the healthcare system from being overwhelmed

(ii) Uncertainty as to the true mortality rate of the virus, and also alarm at its seemingly aggressive symptoms in certain cases (shortness of breadth, mucus, lungs filling with fluid, clotting, pneumonia-like distress, needing ventilators). Remember these symptoms are either absent or present to a far lesser degree of severity in the usual seasonal influenza

Once governments around the world have increased healthcare capacity and learnt that the virus produces manageable symptoms in most, the lockdowns will be a thing of the past, as was the case post-Spanish Flu.


"if you don't make stuff, there's no stuff" - Elon musk

if the world stops making stuff, where we going to get our food from? even if countries dole out wads of cash, there'll be nothing to buy if nothing is made.

the world will eventually wise up and choose to sacrifice the life of the few for the good of the many. so those in vulnerable groups will have to start living in bubbles to avoid the virus. given modern technology, its better to encapsulate all the vulnerable groups and to quickly re-start the economy.
This is the sad hard truth but any idea how pap gonna face this ? KNN many of it's members are also in the vulnerable group KNN they cannot be hiding in their ivory tower forever too KNN


This is the sad hard truth but any idea how pap gonna face this ? KNN many of it's members are also in the vulnerable group KNN they cannot be hiding in their ivory tower forever too KNN

the PAP is in panic mode and is plain for all to see. their interests (to remain in power) and the country's interests (the greater good of the people) are no longer aligned.

they will pander to their kiasi-baotoh-your-neighbour-type voters and keep us in this state of lock down until a vaccine or treatment is found because they lack the balls to lift it despite what the data is showing as Sam has posted umpteen times.

they will raid the reserves to pay for this lack of balls and protect sectors of the economy linked to or controlled by them. if your business is not part of the temasek gang, good luck to you, you are fucked.


the PAP is in panic mode and is plain for all to see. their interests (to remain in power) and the country's interests (the greater good of the people) are no longer aligned.

they will pander to their kiasi-baotoh-your-neighbour-type voters and keep us in this state of lock down until a vaccine or treatment is found because they lack the balls to lift it despite what the data is showing as Sam has posted umpteen times.

they will raid the reserves to pay for this lack of balls and protect sectors of the economy linked to or controlled by them. if your business is not part of the temasek gang, good luck to you, you are fucked.
KNN although my uncle is not the baotoh your neighbour type of voter but he very kiasi (the real mati kind) so he glad to hear that pap rikely will continue to raid the reserves since the money will not be his anyway KNN and he also sort of leelated to temasek gang oops but only at the most bottom protected layer KNN by the time reserves empty pap collapse my uncle already leetire liao :biggrin: KNN
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one of the worst local govs is santa clara county. since the county is run by an incompetent bunch of county supervisors or committee of indian chiefs, no one dares to make a decision and calls off the lockdown. every county supervisor is waiting for someone else to stick head out to make the call. this can last for as long as until they die or are replaced by new supervisors which will not happen in the foreseeable future. thus the lockdown in the county will carry on until all of them man up and make the call. now i expect every city mayor within the county to take the leadership role and override this bunch of useless and gutless supervisors. at least the state governor has already made some decisions and modifications to the lockdown. this is how politics are fragmented in a failed (liberal) state.
typical politicians. most that's why public sector unions are an exercise in rewarding failure.


Canada is not as highly indebted on a per capita basis as the other welfare states. I think they'll be fine.
in the past, I will agree with you. Canada was impossibly good. :thumbsup: Not anymore since the magazine idol take over. :frown: Really have to watch out this 2nd generation silver spoon in mouth leaders. They really can get a country in trouble.

His famous quote is "the budget will balance itself". just watch Canada's deficits already realized under this twit. Now watch after his multi-billion spending spree.


Yes agree very much this has been played up by the media and it does seem like a comedy of errors has gotten us into this shithole.

Politicians the world over have been gripped by fear, fear of losing at the ballot box should they be perceived to have mismanaged the crisis and have thus overreacted.

Now we have hard data coming out that fatalities are ridiculously low in Asia (praise the gods!) BCG, diet, better healthcare (?) or whatever reason.

So what's the next move by the politicians?

"(It's) the economy, stupid!" :smile:
that in bold is the crux of the matter. :thumbsup:


"if you don't make stuff, there's no stuff" - Elon musk

if the world stops making stuff, where we going to get our food from? even if countries dole out wads of cash, there'll be nothing to buy if nothing is made.

the world will eventually wise up and choose to sacrifice the life of the few for the good of the many. so those in vulnerable groups will have to start living in bubbles to avoid the virus. given modern technology, its better to encapsulate all the vulnerable groups and to quickly re-start the economy.
I keep upping your stuff! :thumbsup:


The only country that has adopted the correct strategy has been Sweden ie they allow the virus to spread in a controlled manner.


Coronavirus: South Korea reverses on reopenings following nightclub outbreak
08:41, May 11 2020FacebookTwitterWhats AppRedditEmail

8-10 minutes

More than 2100 nightclubs and bars in Seoul have been forced to close.

Ahn Young-joon/AP
More than 2100 nightclubs and bars in Seoul have been forced to close.

South Korea has reported 34 additional cases of the coronavirus amid a spate of infections linked to clubgoers, underscoring the dilemma authorities face as they try to reopen their economies.
The Korea Centres for Disease Control and Prevention showed 26 of the 34 new patients were locally transmitted cases, the first time that the daily jump has been above 30 in about a month.

Most of the cases in the past few days were linked to nightclubs in Seoul's Itaewon entertainment neighbourhood, after the country began reopening. A 29-year-old man had visited three clubs before testing positive last week.
Seoul mayor Park Won-soon on Saturday ordered more than 2100 nightclubs, hostess bars and discos closed and urged others to enforce anti-virus measures, including distancing, temperature checks, keeping customer lists and requiring employees to wear masks.
* Ten arrested, police officer injured in Melbourne anti-lockdown protest
* Three New York children die from illness linked to coronavirus
* North Korea says Kim Jong-un has praised Chinese president for keeping coronavirus under control

Park said health workers were trying to contact about 1940 people who had been at the three clubs and other places nearby. The mayor said gains made against the virus were now threatened "because of a few careless people".
President Moon Jae-in urged calm on Sunday as his nation continued to work to overcome the "colossal" economic damage caused by the pandemic.
"The infection cluster, which recently occurred in entertainment facilities, has raised awareness that even during the stabilisation phase, similar situations can arise again, any time, anywhere in an enclosed, crowded space," Moon said.
"We must never lower our guard regarding epidemic prevention," he said.

Chung Sung-Jun/Getty-Images
South Korea reported 34 new cases of the coronavirus on Sunday, the first time the daily jump has been above 30 in a month.
Around the world, countries are wrestling with how to ease curbs on business and public activity without causing the virus to come surging back.
China reported its first double-digit rise in new cases in 10 days on Sunday, saying 14 had been detected, 12 of them domestic infections and two from abroad.
Elsewhere, Belarus, which has not locked down despite increasing case numbers, saw tens of thousands of people turn out to mark Victory Day, the anniversary of Nazi Germany's defeat in 1945. That was in contrast to Russia, which skipped the usual grand military parade in Red Square.
Worldwide, at least 4 million people have been confirmed infected by the virus, and more than 275,000 have died, including over 78,000 in the US, according to a tally kept by Johns Hopkins University. Spain, France, Italy and Britain have reported about 26,000 to 32,000 deaths each.
Germany and South Korea have both carried out extensive testing and contact tracing and have been hailed for avoiding the mass deaths that have overwhelmed other countries. But even there, authorities have struggled to find the balance between saving lives and salvaging jobs.
Health officials in Germany faced outbreaks at three slaughterhouses in what was seen as a test of the government's strategy for dealing with any resurgence of the virus during the easing of the restrictions. At one slaughterhouse, in Coesfeld, 180 workers tested positive.
Italy saw people return to the streets for their traditional aperitivos and revel in fine weather as restrictions there were eased, alarming some public officials.
Milan Mayor Giuseppe Sala warned that "a handful of crazy people" were putting the city's recovery at risk and threatened to shut down the trendy Navigli district after crowds of young people were seen out at aperitivo hour ignoring social-distancing rules.
In Rome, the Campo dei Fiori flower and vegetable market was bustling on Saturday morning, the first weekend Italians were allowed outside for more than just work and necessities.
But confusion about what is now allowed and what is not created frustration for business owners.
Carlo Alberto, owner of the TabaCafe, an Argentine empanada bar that was selling cocktails to a few customers, said that since reopening this week he had been threatened with a fine by the police because of the crowds in front of his bar.
"Am I supposed to send them home? They need a guard here to do that," he said. "The laws aren't clear, the decree isn't clear. You don't know what you can do."
In New York, the deadliest hot spot in the US, Governor Andrew Cuomo said three children died from a possible complication of the coronavirus involving swollen blood vessels and heart problems. At least 73 children in the state have been diagnosed with symptoms similar to Kawasaki disease - a rare inflammatory condition - and toxic shock syndrome. But there is no proof the mysterious syndrome is caused by the virus.
A Cuomo spokesman said Saturday that the governor was extending stay-at-home restrictions to June 7, but another top aide later clarified that that was not so; the May 15 expiration date for the restrictions remains in place "until further notice," Melissa DeRosa said in an evening statement.
Businesses in the US continue to struggle as more employers are realising their laid-off employees might not return to work anytime soon. US health officials are watching for a second wave of infections, roughly two weeks after states began gradually reopening with Georgia largely leading the way.
Some malls have opened up in Georgia and Texas, while Nevada restaurants, hair salons and other businesses were able to have limited reopenings on Saturday or once again allow customers inside their establishments after nearly two months of restrictions. Meanwhile some national parks have started testing out public access.
The head of the US Food and Drug Administration, Stephen Hahn, put himself in quarantine after coming into contact with an infected person. And the government said it is delivering supplies of remdesivr, the first drug shown to speed the recovery of COVID-19 patients, to six more states. Seven states were sent cases of the medicine earlier in the week.
Elsewhere, Pakistan allowed shops, factories, construction sites and other businesses to reopen on Saturday, while more than 1600 new cases and 24 deaths were reported. Prime Minister Imran Khan said the government was rolling back curbs because it couldn't support millions of families that depended on daily wages.
The government warned that controls would be reimposed if the public failed to follow social-distancing guidelines.
In Spain, health authorities will allow certain regions to scale back their lockdowns starting Monday, with limited seating at bars, restaurants and other public places. But Madrid and Barcelona, the country's largest cities, both badly hit by the scourge, will remain shut down.
"The pandemic is evolving favourably, but there is a risk of another outbreak that could generate a serious catastrophe," Spanish health official Fernando Simon said. "Personal responsibility is vital."
This year's observance of Victory Day in Russia had been expected to be especially large because it is the 75th anniversary. Instead, Vladimir Putin laid flowers at the tomb of the unknown soldier, and a show of military might was limited to a flyover of 75 warplanes and helicopters.
Belarus, though, held a military parade in front of big crowds in the capital, Minsk, despite sharply rising coronavirus infections. Belarus has not imposed restrictions to halt the virus' spread, and authoritarian President Alexander Lukashenko has dismissed concerns about it as a "psychosis."
A fire at a Moscow hospital treating people infected by the coronavirus killed one patient and forced the evacuation of about 200 others. The cause of the blaze was not immediately determined.
Ya exactly like what I said to one Malaysian liar son of whore here before zero infection also can go back to twenty anytime.


KNN although my uncle is not the baotoh your neighbour type of voter but he very kiasi (the real mati kind) so he glad to hear that pap rikely will continue to raid the reserves since the money will not be his anyway KNN and he also sort of leelated to temasek gang oops but only at the most bottom protected layer KNN by the time reserves empty pap collapse my uncle already leetire liao :biggrin: KNN

your uncle is a lucky man. a lot of unlucky people out there not related to temasek gang. my heart goes out to them.

this lock down is hurting the bottom and top stratas of society (albeit in different ways.) the middle class is by and large enjoying the extended WFH break. a dream come true for many.