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City Harvest sends Team to Haiti


8 S'poreans in Haiti to provide medical aid
Judith Tan
Tue, Jan 19, 2010
The Straits Times

EIGHT Singaporeans - two doctors, three nurses and three disaster-relief workers - will arrive in the earthquake-torn Haitian capital of Port-au-Prince today.

The team, assembled in 24 hours under the non-profit organisation City Care, will bring with them medical supplies. City Care is the humanitarian arm of City Harvest Church here.

There has been no accurate number on the death toll, but up to 200,000 people could have been killed in last Tuesday's quake, which measured 7 on the Richter scale. Another three million in the Caribbean nation are believed to have lost their homes.


Alfrescian (Inf)
they are very kind.

i hope they are very becareful where they go, haitian are not like sinkies. There are many place even heavy armed UN troops does not dare to go to.

hope they can come back home safely.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
It is okay. God will protect them. Even if they die, they will go to heaven for what they did.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Solid my ass !

No fucking wisdom.

Just try to score PR points.

Any pastor accompanying ? No right ?

Ask for a few doctor volunteers, plus nurses then all expenses paid - go for a Caribbean Holiday !

Why I dissent ?

Having seen the havoc on TV, limpei fully agree Cheng Hu give only 50K. Let the Yankies help out these voodoo lovers !

Nabei, no common sense, send these good natured brainwahed do-gooders into harm's way !

LIke the cantonese say, good heart do bad deeds ! Tiu !


Alfrescian (Inf)
Caribbean Holiday my arse. Haiti is a sea of human suffering. If you are not willing to help, dun insult those who are.


I think doctors are more important then pastor at this point.

If they send a team of 10 pastors i would be flippin mad. Cos that would mean they making use of people suffering to take advantage to convert.

Solid my ass !

No fucking wisdom.

Just try to score PR points.

Any pastor accompanying ? No right ?

Ask for a few doctor volunteers, plus nurses then all expenses paid - go for a Caribbean Holiday !

Why I dissent ?

Having seen the havoc on TV, limpei fully agree Cheng Hu give only 50K. Let the Yankies help out these voodoo lovers !

Nabei, no common sense, send these good natured brainwahed do-gooders into harm's way !

LIke the cantonese say, good heart do bad deeds ! Tiu !


Alfrescian (Inf)
I think doctors are more important then pastor at this point.

If they send a team of 10 pastors i would be flippin mad. Cos that would mean they making use of people suffering to take advantage to convert.

One pastor from that church can get involved and raise funds for the HAITIANS...



84) fancy free on January 19th, 2010 11.52 am

I think the apologists for CHC got a point there.

Who are we to question what goes on in their church?

Are they using tax payers’ money?

All the money comes from willing donors, don’t they?

They, the worshippers alone, should have the right to challenge the Church’s board if they feel there’s something wrong, say a purchase of a private jet for the management’s exclusive use. Even then that right is questionable because once you donate money over, it’s no longer yours the moment it leaves your hand. The only action that can be taken as a gesture of protest is to withhold further donations.

Pastor Kong Hee had once said to all who disagrees with the way things are, to worship in another of Singapore’s numerous churches.

Unless the detractors can prove something to the contrary. CHC is clean as a freshly “bleached and laundered white sheet.”

And please don’t bring up the fact that his wife had a photo taken with a man in drag known to be a prolific porn director published on her website and since removed!

VA:F [1.6.3_896]
Rating: 0 (from 0 votes)

85) Kenz on January 19th, 2010 12.13 pm

fancy free,

Everybody is entitle to their opinion.

i, for one would not dispute your claim that CHC or other similar megachurches are 1) not using taxpayers money 2) accepting money from willing donors.

But here lies the crux of people’s dissatisfaction.

1) Church, as in other religious organization is tax free (correct me if i am wrong).
Therefore, by being tax free and cannot be questioned, they are in even better position than, say PAP.

2) Massive expenditure like this only to bring up issue of evangelism.
The stigma attached the evangelism is not a pretty picture at the moment.
What if the society started to think that true purpose of evangelism is less than noble (as in sharing Jesus Christ’s message of love) but just to built bigger, better and more expensive structure? Wouldnt this negate the effort of those are are truly doing noble work of evangelism?

3) PR image of the overall christianity.
We have catastrophes in many parts of the world, we have homeless in SG and etc.
Is this the best message to be sent to those who are in less fortunate situation at this point of time?. Retail and F&B within development, is not helping either.

Personally, i care not for KH and his wife PR images. But what they represent and the direction of the Church is …. nothing short of ….. (eye brow raising).

VA:F [1.6.3_896]
Rating: 0 (from 0 votes)


To think of the human saint Mother Theresa.

What a truly rare breed she is!

She gave of herself personally, and lived among the destitute and the poorest wretched suffering souls.

Which modern day alluent millionaire pastor can match even a tiny fraction of her truly selfless godliness.

I'd say they are not even fit to kiss the holy fragrance of her toes. Amen.


Alfrescian (InfP) [Comp]
Generous Asset
What a golden opportunities for them to spread their wings. Think, all those fallen churches could be rebuild and rename to City Harvest!


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
They are all well-intentioned and all assistance to earthquake torn Haiti would much valuable, HOWEVER, this group is made of 1 girl and 7 guys. The girl should not go, for her own sake and for her team's sake. The guys will have to devote attention and focus to protecting her at the same time. Earthquake devastated Haiti (with Haitians angry at foreigners because they're simply angry at life) is a dangerous place for a young foreigner girl. Don't tempt fate (and the Haitians), and risk causing a great deal of grief for everyone, should something unfortunate happen.


Stage 5

Shouldn't it be pastor kong and wife that should be going, instead of letting the followers risk their lives whiles they take all the credit safely in Sg. :rolleyes:



8 S'poreans in Haiti to provide medical aid
Judith Tan
Tue, Jan 19, 2010
The Straits Times

EIGHT Singaporeans - two doctors, three nurses and three disaster-relief workers - will arrive in the earthquake-torn Haitian capital of Port-au-Prince today.

The team, assembled in 24 hours under the non-profit organisation City Care, will bring with them medical supplies. City Care is the humanitarian arm of City Harvest Church here.

There has been no accurate number on the death toll, but up to 200,000 people could have been killed in last Tuesday's quake, which measured 7 on the Richter scale. Another three million in the Caribbean nation are believed to have lost their homes.

Why are they smiling so widely posing for the photo?


Maybe Pastor Sun Ho can enlist the help of her porno industry pal to bring in his stuff to Haiti to help regenerate the population. You know, fuck your brains out, don't stop at two.:p
