<<1. teaching chinese dialects in singapore school, that is impractical. there are too many chinese dialects. most of the chinese communities throughout the world, they learn mandarin in school, and learn dialects at home.>>
mandarin is a major chinese dialect that is taught in every school. why is this dialect preferred over all other dialects? teaching each and every dialect as part of the school curriculum may be impractical, as your PAP masters will ask you to argue but allowing students to communicate in their dialects and forming clubs or societies for the promotion, learning and appreciation of dialects as an ECA is certainly feasible.
mandarin as the major chinese dialect taught in every school all over the chinese communities, thats a fact. a reality. if u are against that, wat do u propose then? use what language as the official chinese spoken language then?
i am not against dialect. how many times do i have to repeat myself? so your suggestion that the school forming clubs and allow students to communicate among themselves in dialect, i have no problem with that.
<<2. the parents, the family, should take up the responsibility of preserving dialect language if they value it. >>
this is not a family issue, it is a societal issue. it must be done at a national level. we must do away with that dialects is low class mentality or we hv no resources or our students are too stupid to learn a dialect. o/w dialects like any other language will slowly die off because no one uses it anymore
yes, its a social issue. okay, so it must be done in national level. but its not feasible to teach dialects in school. 'cause there are too many dialects.
mind you, i am not against dialect. but if we cant teach dialects in school, who else should teach the kids dialect? it falls on the parents and families, and communities. the national level, would be, the govt first of all, should get off the back of dialect. stop degrading dialect. stop bad mouthing dialect.
<<3. chinese language standard in spore is low. thats a problem. saying things such as dialect could connect to chinese culture 3000 years, and mandarin could only connect to chinese culture for 300 years, that doesn't help improve the situation. it only complicate it.>>
the reason for this low standard in chinese is due to people who think that mandarin is your mother tongue and has always been so since Qin Shih Huang whne in fact, mandarin is already a simplifed and diluted form of spoken chinese. if you only learn a simplified and diluted form of chinese, your command of the language will always be low.in countries in malaysia, taiwan, hong kong where dialects are preserved and used, the standard of chinese is far higher. so pretending that mandarin alone is good enuff will never be good enuff. refusing to acknowledge the fact that mandarin is a new simplified 300 years old dialect and neglecting 3000 years of lingusitc history before that is the cause of the problem you highlighted and the cure is not to ignore this because of political agendas
i don't know why u wanna keep on deriding mandarin. the low chinese language standard, is because PAP doesn't respect chinese language. they promote english language, and demote chinese language standard. simple as that.
<<4. for most of the chinese sporeans, they are not interested in reading chinese books, not to talk about chinese classics. so why talk about reading chinese classics in dialect is better than reading chinese classic in mandarin?? the priority is to get people interested in reading chinese books, using chinese language. using dialect or mandarin to read it....does it matter??>>
typical party propaganda. it does not matter whether you read in dialect and mandarin because you are so detached from your roots i.e. you do not understand that your ancestors who lived 3000 years ago would have read it in a totally different language.the rhythm is different, there were rhymes and no tones. and pls note this silly argument of yours is pathetic because mandarin will not get ppl interested either or in fact it is likely to present a misleading picture.
the situation in spore, is chinese language standard is low. both mandarin and dialect, and written chinese language. i don't see the purpose of u to keep on putting down mandarin if u are so concern about upholding of chinese culture.
<<5. i am against pap eradicating of dialects. there's great value in dialect language. but i just don't agree that in order to read chinese classic, we should learn dialects first. >>
everything you post before this suggests that you are in support of a mandarin only policy. you are not agst eradication of dialect because you clearly suggest that mandarin must be given top priority and dialect is to left to its doom. your motivation is that if we all use mandarin, there is no need for dialects and it will die a natural death. nothing is to be done to change this. all your points above clearly exposes your view that dialects has no values even if it connects you to ancient spoken tongues, it is useless. there is no need to try and reconstruct the lost language used by ancestors. by suggesting this, you are clearly looking for the eradication of dialects since this is by far the greatest value in dialects as a living fossil.
i didn't support mandarin only policy. and i don't support teaching all different dialect in school, because there are too many dialects in spore, therefore its not feasible.
i don't wanna see the death of dialect. therefore, i talk about the responsibilities of the families, communities to uphold the language. and on national level, the govt should first of all, stop deriding, stop putting down dialect language in national level. stop the blatant discrimination on dialects. and remove all public policies discriminating dialect.
to connect to chinese classic via dialect, i don't see the urgency in that. as long as people interested in reading chinese classic, doesn't matter in mandarin or dialect.