• IP addresses are NOT logged in this forum so there's no point asking. Please note that this forum is full of homophobes, racists, lunatics, schizophrenics & absolute nut jobs with a smattering of geniuses, Chinese chauvinists, Moderate Muslims and last but not least a couple of "know-it-alls" constantly sprouting their dubious wisdom. If you believe that content generated by unsavory characters might cause you offense PLEASE LEAVE NOW! Sammyboy Admin and Staff are not responsible for your hurt feelings should you choose to read any of the content here.

    The OTHER forum is HERE so please stop asking.

Cheebye. 90% of first page threads are GIN upping various thread and lying that she’s not a whore or scolding people


Discuss, not curse


Hokay la, she is quite pitiful and wanting to gain attention only. The fact that she keeps tagging minister Shanmugam's name in her facebook with nonsensical complaints about guys whistling at her clearly shows her Tao Nao Bor Hor Say already.

You all still go and jia her, later make her more kee siao...LOL.

I think only solution is to put her through this kind of Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT) session will jitao cure already:

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Hokay la, she is quite pitiful and wanting to gain attention only. The fact that she keeps tagging minister Shanmugam's name in her facebook with nonsensical complaints about guys whistling at her clearly shows her Tao Nao Bor Hor Say already.

You all still go and jia her, later make her more kee siao...LOL.

I think only solution is to put her through this kind of Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT) session will jitao cure already:

Pls explain @ginfreely you did this ?


Whenever I'm around jurong east area, I will lookout to find any short bow leg auntie with a lion hair, and challenging uncles to whistle at her.
If I go nearby Mayfair, I will pause at the gate to see any chance to see this chicken auntie.


Whenever I'm around jurong east area, I will lookout to find any short bow leg auntie with a lion hair, and challenging uncles to whistle at her.
If I go nearby Mayfair, I will pause at the gate to see any chance to see this chicken auntie.
The best indicator is still with the low seat bicycle :geek:


Yeah sad but what can I do? If I banned all those I consider to be a nuisance there'd be nobody left.
Edmw is currently banning a lot & a new alternative had been set up filled with mostly Edmwrs. Don't be surprised some visitors will start joining here. ... Hopefully this forum will continue with differing views just like edmw was in the past.


Old Fart
Hokay la, she is quite pitiful and wanting to gain attention only. The fact that she keeps tagging minister Shanmugam's name in her facebook with nonsensical complaints about guys whistling at her clearly shows her Tao Nao Bor Hor Say already.

You all still go and jia her, later make her more kee siao...LOL.

I think only solution is to put her through this kind of Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT) session will jitao cure already:

Tao Nao Bor Hor Say means brain not doing good? A lobotomy is the best treatment for such a condition.


Hokay la, she is quite pitiful and wanting to gain attention only. The fact that she keeps tagging minister Shanmugam's name in her facebook with nonsensical complaints about guys whistling at her clearly shows her Tao Nao Bor Hor Say already.

You all still go and jia her, later make her more kee siao...LOL.

I think only solution is to put her through this kind of Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT) session will jitao cure already:

State harassment crimes of evil doers ganging up to whistle at me is called nonsensical complaints is just like a virgin is called whore indeed.


Whenever I'm around jurong east area, I will lookout to find any short bow leg auntie with a lion hair, and challenging uncles to whistle at her.
If I go nearby Mayfair, I will pause at the gate to see any chance to see this chicken auntie.
Chicken is your Cantonese mother Pui!!


Pls explain @ginfreely you did this ?
Go ask criminals to explain and not victim of crimes to explain Pui you Cantonese dog son of chicken persecuting victim of crimes. 不要检讨受害者去检讨罪犯and that’s you Cantonese dogs sons of chickens ganging up to smear defame and harass me from online to offline Pui!