• IP addresses are NOT logged in this forum so there's no point asking. Please note that this forum is full of homophobes, racists, lunatics, schizophrenics & absolute nut jobs with a smattering of geniuses, Chinese chauvinists, Moderate Muslims and last but not least a couple of "know-it-alls" constantly sprouting their dubious wisdom. If you believe that content generated by unsavory characters might cause you offense PLEASE LEAVE NOW! Sammyboy Admin and Staff are not responsible for your hurt feelings should you choose to read any of the content here.

    The OTHER forum is HERE so please stop asking.

Cheebye. 90% of first page threads are GIN upping various thread and lying that she’s not a whore or scolding people


Can have a zoom meeting , settle once and for all


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
What’s similar to you may not be similar to her? Agree?

I did quite a lot of housekeeping of her posts a couple of years ago and it resulted in even MORE crap from her not to mention a whole lot of abuse hurled at me constantly for days on end.

I was extremely intimidated and had sleepless nights as a result. I expressed affection for her but it made no difference.

I now steer clear of her as much as possible. She terrifies me.


Super Moderator
This is why you are the housekeeper.
I removed her from my ignore list and took a look at those threads, they all had different tags to different @ handles.

They are different threads albeit the prevalence of the common topic of her being subjected to abuse.



Super Moderator
I did quite a lot of housekeeping of her posts a couple of years ago and it resulted in even MORE crap from her not to mention a whole lot of abuse hurled at me constantly for days on end.

She terrifies me.
Boss, I concur, neither logic nor compassion moves her :coffee::coffee::coffee:
  • Haha
Reactions: cat


I removed her from my ignore list and took a look at those threads, they all had different tags to different @ handles.

They are different threads albeit the prevalence of the common topic of her being subjected to abuse.

She abuses herself with spam.


Nobody is saying that she cannot post. The problem is she is treating posts as threads, so that every post becomes a new thread on the same topic.
Tell that to yourself and clone lying whores @cat Cantonese dog son of chicken spamming and upping chicken threads. What’s the Chinese saying? You can start fire but forbid others from burning a lamp. Pui!


Tell that to yourself and clone lying whores @cat Cantonese dog son of chicken spamming and upping chicken threads. What’s the Chinese saying? You can start fire but forbid others from burning a lamp. Pui!
Damn disgusting indeed all the lying whores and prostitute descendants from @zhihau to @Rogue Trader etc ownself can do evil spamming and upping slut whore threads while say my threads should be merged. Go merge @cat etc ccb chicken slut whore mistress threads first all same ccb topic why don’t merge? Double standard hypocrites criminal bullies lying whores Pui!


I'm not asking you to put her in the rubbish heap nor deter her from posting. I'm not demanding that you do anything TO her. I'm requesting that you do YOUR housekeeping by merging similar topics (which are posts in disguise) into ONE thread. She can up the ONE thread as many times as she desires, and it will just take up one spot on the front page.

She is perfectly entitled to post other topics as new threads, just like her cancer threads.
So self entitled Cantonese dog son of chicken to demand to merge all my posts in one thread while leave your defamation posts of Gansiokbin in many threads and so shameless still want to benefit from me act kind let me post cancer threads woh Pui!


So self entitled Cantonese dog son of chicken to demand to merge all my posts in one thread while leave your defamation posts of Gansiokbin in many threads and so shameless still want to benefit from me act kind let me post cancer threads woh Pui!
Remember I told u, 看开,格局