Is this true? Another act by that cheebye ramesh swine. Fuck his mother's black and chaocheebye.
Scare anot? Lowly serfs still dare to be insolent to your new masters?Latest news is the condo security coy has been terminated and replace by a new security coy.
Ramesh won
Fire the peasant to protect the Elites
We need more shitskins in this country
Shitskins with highly dubious qualifications.![]()
The condo management did the right thing in following my advice to sack the security company for their role in harassing Ramesh. If the company had fired the guard dogs for uploading the video that led to Ramesh being doxxed, they would not have been fired for their unprofessionalism.
Go fuck yourself lah
Your parents should regret giving birth to you seeing you suck shitskin's dick
Might as well say CPF scheme also your idea![]()
Except that I adviced the condo board to fire the security company for sending over a bunch of old farts to be security guards. That shithead of a dog who was rude to Ramesh was really the final straw. CPF clearly wasn't my idea, but it's a great idea!
Writing is on the wall. CECASTE Rules.
Tharman and ho ching words carry no weight.
not even a whimper from CAQ lee hsien loong .
Goes to show that the pap is powerless, tied, bounded and gagged by the CECA agreement.
Better to vote out lee hsien loong grc and vote out pap to save sg.