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Casino gambling fall in here!!!


Mdm Tang

Top Las Vegas casino boss says if we go ahead with IRs...
Big spenders will flock to S'pore
CASINOS call them whales. Huge spenders intent on gambling thousands at one sitting.
By Desmond Ng

21 May 2005
CASINOS call them whales.

Huge spenders intent on gambling thousands at one sitting.

We're not talking about $100 a hand on blackjack types - think US$25,000 ($41,000) for that perfect 21 (blackjack), or US$150,000 ($250,000) for a game of baccarat on average.

Winning that one hand of baccarat could get you a five-room HDB flat.

And Singapore, when it has casinos, will be a prime hunting ground for them.

That's the view of the president of The Venetian, one of the top casinos in Las Vegas.

In an exclusive interview with The New Paper, Mr Robert Goldstein, whose casino is part of the Las Vegas Sands group, said Singapore could be a unique market - THE place that will attract the rich and famous.


Las Vegas Sands is one of the 12 remaining contenders for the two integrated resorts (IRs).

Mr Goldstein said that Singapore's strength lies in its central location in Asia and it's uniqueness which makes it a great place to visit.

He said: 'We'll do well on the premium market in Singapore. We'll be able to attract people from all over the Pacific Rim.

'The country is safe, politically stable and would be a favourite place for tourists.'

To him, a high-roller is one who gambles a significant amount, spending anything from US$100,000 to an outrageous US$10 million at the tables.

'Unfortunately, sometimes they win too, which is sad,' he joked.

The gambling hub of the east, Macau, is currently a favourite destination for high-rollers but Mr Goldstein thinks the region can support a few IRs targeting the same market.

Others have said that Singapore will put pressure on Macau and, possibly, Australia, the two favoured destinations among wealthy Indonesians who enjoy high stakes card games.

'If Singapore can build international standard resorts, then I think Indonesians will continue to flock there,' said Mr Daniel Budiman, a partner at asset management firm Mahanusa Capital in a Business Times report last month.

It may be life imitating art like in the Hong Kong movie, God of Gamblers, but it's no secret that a good proportion of the high-rollers in casinos around the world are from Asian countries such as Indonesia, Hong Kong, China, Japan and even Singapore.

Mr Goldstein said their table revenue last year was US$240 million, of which 30 per cent came from these high-rollers.

This works out to be about $120m. He added that their main source of revenue comes from room occupancies, food and beverage, slot machines, retail and high-roller gambling.

More than 60 per cent comes from non-gambling sources.

Most of the gamblers in the high-rollers section of The Venetian were Asians, brooding quietly over their cards, in a separate enclosure away from the noisy slot machines and table games with lower limits.


This section - called The Salon - contained several individual rooms for those who wanted privacy.

And as Mr Goldstein pointed out, some of the decor had that Asian touch where teapots and Chinese vases filled an entire cabinet.

There were complimentary croissants, sandwiches and cigars for premium players and a flat-screen TV showing the latest news for those taking a break.

Unlike the table games in the main casino arena, the ones in The Salon had no signs showing the minimum or maximum limit.

Card dealer Steve said the table limit is US$25,000, but when guests want to up the stakes, he has to inform his manager.

But even if the IRs here do manage to attract these high-rollers, will the Singaporean high-rollers take the bait and gamble in their own back yard?

Unlikely, said Ms Mabel Lee, a veteran 'host' of high profile, high net-worth Singaporeans who regularly spend time in Las Vegas casinos.

Her Singaporean clients include many top, familiar, corporate names and she reckons there are easily more than 100 of them, according to a Business Times report in March.

She said that these Singaporeans don't want people at home to know that they gamble.

She was quoted as saying: 'It's not that they're ashamed, or that they're afraid their banker will find out - they don't care.

'But when a person gambles, another side of their character surfaces, and when you have reached a certain level of popularity', you don't want people to see that side of you.'

Mdm Tang

Gambling: Big Time Baccarat
Win, lose or draw, baccarat is the highest stakes game for the world's most serious gamblers.

Lou is a big guy with a big bankroll. He's used to visiting Las Vegas casinos and being schmoozed by hosts, set up with fight tickets and gifted with TV sets and automobiles on his birthday. Lou likes the action and he digs the vibe -- especially in the high-limit rooms around town, where minimum bets are $100, the Scotch is smooth and the cigars are aged. Over the years, he has established himself as a serious blackjack player. He puffs hard on his Montecristos, bets big, employs basic strategy and enjoys the game's streaky nature.

On this quiet night he sits at the Hard Rock Café's Peacock Lounge, taking a breather between hands of blackjack and grooving to the booming beats that sonically define the casino's high-roller enclave. A dealer asks Lou if he has ever tried baccarat before.

Lou acknowledges that he has no idea how the game works, although he's seen it played and been intrigued by its rituals and Bond-dipped mystique. That night, he discovers baccarat possesses a beautiful Zen-like minimalism: you bet on player or banker (a term that is purely symbolic) and the side that gets closest to nine (picture cards and 10s count as zero, aces are one) is the winner.

The player and banker each get dealt two cards; the player always goes first and draws a third card if the first two cards total from zero to five. The banker may or may not draw a third, depending on the player's total and the banker's first two cards. However, the banker always gets a slight advantage over the player (in terms of his drawing situations), and, in exchange for that, the banker pays a 5 percent commission on every win. There is a third bet as well: wagering that the two hands of cards will tie. It pays 8-to-1, but an expert gambler I know points out that the real odds are 15-to-1 and that "it is one of the five worst bets in a casino." However, this does not stop countless baccarat aficionados from laying down money on the poorly valued long shot. Apparently, in a game that seems to be based on hunches and irrational trends, they can't keep themselves from placing big bets on the highest paying hunch of all.

On this night, as Lou becomes initiated into the brotherhood of baccarat, he quickly realizes that the game's surface simplicity is deceiving. Blessed with a mathematical mind, he immediately likes the way players keep track of winning hands, using black ink to denote player victories and red ink for banker's. Players sketch in little rectangles and track scores so obsessively that the sheets look like studies for big two-toned abstract artworks. Sometimes Lou and the other players save their cards, study them in hushed quorums and scrutinize them for information that will provide an edge next time.

These days, 18 months after first being exposed to baccarat, Lou has filled in many cards. He sketches and bets with the best of them. Employing some of the same skills that once made him a gifted options trader, he keeps an eye out for trends, riding dips and rises with the gameness of a big wave surfer who skitters from one life-threatening curl to the next. "You look at the patterns that develop," says Lou. "And you jump on them for as far as they'll take you."

Mdm Tang


It is the day after a long night of play at the Hard Rock. Lou's sitting at a big table in his stylishly posh, wood-paneled suite on the top floor of the new Palms Hotel and Casino. He's been given the kind of elite accommodations where anything seems possible, but you won't spend a night here unless you bet enough to make your presence worth wooing. Downstairs, in the high-rollers room, Lou made his presence so well known that a sign has been placed on the seat near the dealer (the center spot, which Lou prefers for its vantage point). It reads: Reserved for Lou.

"Last night I was hot because the patterns kept repeating," says Lou. "I think it is just totally random, but I can show you cards that go banker, player, banker, banker for 10 hands in a row. When you see these spreads you play them. When there is no pattern, it becomes an expensive game. That's when I bet low amounts and wait for the patterns to redevelop."

Other players lack Lou's patience. One guy who's been gambling with Lou tells me about his worst session at the tables. He'd been playing for three days and managed to get ahead by $170,000. "Then," he says, half bragging, half woeful, "I gave back the whole buck-70 in three hours. I got frustrated and started chasing the losses. Most people would be ecstatic to be up that much. I thought the cards would turn themselves around, so I pressed my bets and they just wouldn't hit." But don't feel too bad for this mega-roller. "My greatest night," he recounts with significantly more gusto, "was winning $290,000. What's really unbelievable, though, is that $210,000 came out of one shoe in 40 minutes. I have a high-paying job, but I can't make that kind of money at work. Unfortunately, though, I think this may have been as rare as Halley's Comet. I had 27 straight pattern payouts."

At the Hard Rock tonight, the situation is a modified version of that great run. Cards are hitting hard, players are high-fiving, sipping Corona beer and reaping rewards.

Lou has a fortress of yellow $1,000 chips stacked in front of him. A fresh shoe of cards is being prepared and the beautiful rituals of baccarat slowly unfold. It begins with six fresh decks being cracked open. Next, the cards are washed in beautiful swirls across the table. They are finally grouped together and loaded into the shoe.

Following much consideration and consultation, players lay down their bets on player or banker or tie, cards are dealt, and gamblers take turns looking at the two cards in totally idiosyncratic ways. Some slowly fold the cards up with choppy turns. Others tear the card as they expose it. Lou stabs his cards with the inky end of a ballpoint pen. He skewers the plastic and flips it up for all to see. At the end of each hand, used cards are permanently disposed of, making for tiny passion plays that always end with symbolic death as the spent cards get folded, spindled and mutilated.

Win, lose or draw, baccarat is a hell of an entertaining gamble, loaded with drama and symbolism. Considering all the flash and show, it's not surprising that the game was invented by somebody other than the guys who came up with, say, Red Dog and Caribbean Stud. Baccarat is of French descent and it dates back to the fifteenth century. The game from which it originates was dubbed chemin de fer -- with rules that require elevated risk and more decision making than baccarat does -- and was introduced stateside around 1900 in Saratoga, New York. American gamblers didn't take to the game and it returned to Europe, where it remained a beloved pastime of French and Italian noblemen. What's now called American baccarat actually originated in the United Kingdom, became the rave of pre-Castro Havana, and migrated to Las Vegas in the late 1950s. Though the game retains an aura of bygone elegance, in Vegas it's often played by men in chinos and Bermuda shorts and whatever else they feel like wearing as long as they've got the bankroll to withstand baccarat's brutal swings. (For the less well-heeled, mini baccarat, which is offered on the casino floor and is essentially the same game, requires much lower minimum bets.)

The high-limit players are not the only ones who fret over big swings of money -- the casinos do as well. One regular player recalls a heart-pounding session in which two Asian whales -- one from Taiwan, the other from mainland China, ideologically opposed, and situated in salon privés so that their paths would never cross -- were placing specially arranged $250,000-limit bets. Casino managers continually monitored the action and seemed to be sweating it more intensely than the players, who, in this case at least, might be better equipped to withstand the multimillion-dollar swings primed to occur every 10 minutes. But it can get even hairier than that.

Mdm Tang


Kerry Packer, the Australian media tycoon, dropped a reported $20 million during a a September 2000 stay at the Bellagio. In 1992, he raked in $9 million in one day from Caesars Palace, managing to win the casino's quarterly profits at the tables. Lucky for Caesars, though, Packer remained in town and played long enough and high enough to give back those winnings and then some. But even his mega-wagers can only put a dent in the long-term take that Las Vegas Strip casinos enjoy from baccarat, which, according to The Wall Street Journal, totaled $536 million in 2000.

But Packer is not baccarat's only iron man. Players with bankrolls that fail to rival those of casinos have been known to play for three days straight, to get virtual full-body massages alongside the baccarat table, to have casino bosses shuttling in chefs who cook gourmet meals that get consumed during play.

"Baccarat is a repetitive, seductive activity," says gambling historian Peter Ruchman, himself a veteran of many hours behind the felt-topped oval. In trying to figure out why people tend to play rather than sleep, he points out, "If you stand on four in blackjack, you know you're making dumb mistakes, you're tired, you shouldn't play anymore. You get disgusted. In terms of baccarat, if you wind up with a four, you made a bad choice" -- in selecting which side of the game to bet on -- "or the gods weren't with you. That [continual testing of fate] makes the game popular among Asians. If you do well, the gods are with you and you are fortunate."

For all the luck and drama and theories attached to the game, there is one very good reason to play baccarat: it offers some of the best odds to be found in a casino, second only to blackjack. Players who employ basic blackjack strategy have a 0.5 percent disadvantage; with baccarat, the casino's advantage is 1.3 percent, but 15 million hands must be dealt before that edge becomes something close to a certainty. In trying to shift the odds toward them, players watch past patterns and try using them to predict the future.

"It's like fortune tellers reading tea leaves," says Ruchman. "So some players follow the shoe, trying to see streaks. Others just play bank [which has a slight mathematical advantage]. Another strategy might be to not play every hand. One edge for a player is that casinos let you observe play and not bet; since card counting doesn't matter in baccarat, they don't care [about stuttery playing patterns] the way they would in blackjack. You can wait for what the mathematicians call deviations, and those are what players want. Then I've seen people sit at the table, watch a winning player, and just mirror everything that he does."

If the clueless copycat happens to find himself at a table occupied by a Frenchman we'll call François, he will have a very lucky night indeed. When you ask most baccarat players about their strategies, they can articulate them only after the fact, when they look at the scorecards, see the patterns that emerged, and explain how they played them. François has a definite strategy, one that clearly works, and one that, maddeningly but not surprisingly, he refuses to reveal in any detail. A former card counter who's been banned from global blackjack pits and would never play any game where he has no edge, François has worked out a strategy that remains invisible to the casinos. He plays American baccarat in Monte Carlo, Baden Baden and Las Vegas. The game provides him with a handsome living and he wins most every night.

"I spent years trying to figure out the game," he allows. "At the beginning I would win a little but lose a lot. Then I discovered a way to play that is far easier than counting cards. It is situational, but it is also predicated on the simultaneous occurrence of different events." Pressed for details, François sharply replies, "I refuse to elaborate on this. It took me years to figure out. You can do the same thing if you want."

A couple nights later, in the high-limit room of the Palms Casino, I tell high-roller host Jimmy Tipton about François. Jimmy comes off as a fun-loving Jim Belushi type, and he takes care of his players real well. He's a guy's guy, always picking up tabs, stirring action. Hearing about François, though, he has to laugh. "They all have strategies," he says. "We send limos for guys with systems and strategies. We love 'em."

It is difficult to argue with Jimmy's skepticism as two Chinese men sit at the far end of the table, shouting, "Monkey! Monkey!" at the dealer, using the nickname for baccarat's no-value picture cards. One of them started with $700 in chips, worked it up to $5,000, and is now removing a wad of hundreds from his pocket so that he can buy more chips. A buddy of mine named Art Cruz, an early Oracle employee, is sketching out algorithms, trying to predict the outcomes of cards that lack memory. The Chinese guys gab among themselves, cards are kissed and coiled, thousands of dollars swim from one end of the table to the other. A cocktail waitress brings doubles of 18-year-old Macallan. Cigar smoke curls toward the ceiling and a sense of impending fortune resonates around the baccarat oval. Maybe for the casino, maybe for the players. Stab your pen through a card and find out.

Mdm Tang


Re: Baccarat Card Counting


Much has been written on baccarat, but much of the published literature has been worthless or even harmful. "Money management" and progression betting systems do not work on baccarat any more than they work on craps or roulette; however, because baccarat is played with cards that are not shuffled between each trial, the trials are not truly independent, and so it may not be immediately apparent that such systems are doomed. This report debunks the systems by showing what happens with perfect card counting and by explaining the enormous variability in results, which sometimes confuses systems players into thinking they are playing with a winning system.This report debunks the systems by showing what happens with perfect card counting and by explaining the enormous variability in results, which sometimes confuses systems players into thinking they are playing with a winning system.


Baccarat is a relatively simple game to describe how to play and to analyze the odds.

i. The Rules

[This subsection was lifted from a rec.gambling post, but I have lost the attribution. I did receive permission to use the text, however.]

Your only choice in Baccarat is whether to bet on the bank, the player, the tie, or some combination, and how much to bet. There is a 5% commission on winning bank hands and ties pay 9 for 1, which is 8 to 1.

The "banker" and the "player" are each dealt a hand of two cards; the value of each hand is determined by adding the two cards' value aces count for 1, tens and face cards for 0 -- and taking the last digit of the sum. A hand holding the 3 of clubs and 4 of diamonds has the value 7; a hand with the ace of hearts and jack of spades is worth 1.

Now, if either or both side holds a score of 8 or 9 right off the top, it's called a natural, there is no draw, and the high value wins -- the hand is a tie if both have 8 or if both have 9. If there is no natural, play begins with the player hand. If the player hand holds a score of 0 through 5, the player draws a third card; if the player hand holds a score of 6 or 7, the player stands. Now turn to the bank hand. The bank hand always draws with a 0, 1, or 2. With a three, the bank draws unless the player drew and its third card was an 8. With a four, the bank draws unless the player drew and its third card was outside the range of 2 through 7. With a five, the bank draws unless the player drew and its third card was outside the range of 4 through 7. With a six, the bank stands unless the player drew and its third card was either a 6 or a 7. With a seven, the bank stands.

After either, neither or both sides have drawn a third card according to the above rules, the final value of the hand is determined and the high hand wins -- or a tie is declared. A score of 0 is commonly called baccarat; the good scores, 8 and 9, are often called la petite and la grande, respectively. Baccarat is a negative expectation game which makes up a disporportionately high percentage of the casinos' intake, given the relatively low number of tables and players it attracts. The reason is that it is, as Silberstang says, the casino's only real "glamorous game," and the shills and tuxedoed dealers lend it an aura of elegance that attracts big, and sometimes huge, bettors




Sadly, baccarat is a tough nut to crack. Even perfect card counting yields pathetic results, and linear counting systems and progressive systems must by definition do worse. You may be able to use the information here to play baccarat intelligently for the comps, or perhaps you'll think of some "angle" to beat the game that violates the assumptions here (for example, I assumed no errors in payoffs of bets), but otherwise if you want to play with an advantage, you should stick to blackjack, poker, certain video poker machines, or any of a handful of other beatable games. Baccarat may be "beatable" with a huge bankroll, but it just isn't worth it.


U can book thru anybody u like. At harbourfront, several diferent junkets are stationed there. However, if you book through a particular junket, u have to book thru him next time.

Book direct thru Asian Cruise = 63760908

I book thru a junket called "SD",

Hi Bro,
A few weeks ago, I was at the counter, I approached the junket for booking (am not a member), and he just rudely walk away. So I book directky from the main counter. Any idea why ? Whats the actual procedures or system to use a junket? Is it must be recommended and any minimum amount?
Actually, I always go LW, which is more friendly. LJ had given me a very bad imppression. Thanks in advance.


Dear Bro SilverFox and Bros n Sis

where are you all ... ? please do not stop to contribute here !!!

i really believe this is one of the best internet site on "BACCARAT" and Casinos in general.

Dear Bro SilverFox i am sure many if not all of bros n sis here have benefitted from your
contibutions to this site . Not forgetting other bros n sis who have contributed also...


I have not been stopping. Just that these days busy with many things.
Shares monitoring, a new business venture, converting all my research on baccarat into a blog, and these have just been taking up the bulk of my time. I will still continue to share what I have research on.

Even soccer statistics, I have been compiling the results and I have calculated it could generate a profit of at least 8% per annum without the need to even predict the match result. Just plain betting via statistics.
Now just looking at a few websites which could provide that extra edge and % in terms of payout which could enhance our winnings.

When we buy shares, people call it investment. But it is also considered gambling.
When we buy soccer bets, people call it gambling. But another point of view it could be considered investment too.
Investment is a form of gambling and gambling can be deemed as a form of investment if one is disciplined and play by the odds.

If one buys $10000 worth of shares, vs $10000 capital set aside for playing soccer.

For soccer, just for a league, one could generate about $800(8%)
So for 2-3 more leagues, one could generate about $2400 per annum based on a single bet of $100 with a capital outlay of $10000.

For shares, $10000, one might earn more or from paper loss, might have 60% or more wiped out. (I still have a few paper losses from this financial crisis)

So who says investing shares sure make money?:o


Alfrescian (Inf)

Baccarat strategy is often said to be non-existent. Not so. There are a number of things you can do to increase your odds of winning this game, and there are a number of things you can avoid doing. Many people will give you advice on what they would call a baccarat strategy. Unfortunately the majority of the time these are myths.

The first thing you notice about baccarat at land based casinos, is that almost everyone at the table is tracking the results of each hand on scorecards. These people are pattern chasing, or pattern spotting.

Quite simply they are looking for patterns in the outcomes of the hands. You may ask why. If so you may be intelligent! There is no rhyme or reason to use pattern spotting as a baccarat strategy, it's simply superstition. Where is the rational behind thinking a randomly shuffled shoe of eight decks is going to follow distinct patterns?

So although you may see everyone around you marking down numbers, take it as entertaining company, but don't be fooled into participating. Think about it, would the casinos provide everyone with a pencil and chart if they were really worth anything?

Card counting is another technique that people attempt to utilize as a baccarat strategy. This method is usually associated blackjack, and involves keeping track of cards that have been played from the shoe in order to gain an advantage against the house. This sounds awfully promising considering the nature of baccarat. As more cards are played from the shoe, the more you know about the cards that are left. But even though cards can be shown to be mathematically favorable or unfavorable, the effect is miniscule.

Unlike blackjack you can't alter your bet mid-hand. Using card counting as a baccarat strategy finds so few situations with an advantage against the house that the efforts overall are worthless. Baccarat can be considered a coin toss played with a lot of fanfare. Don't let this impression lure you towards systems that involve doubling your bet until you win. Streak analysis or pattern spotting is also useless, but serves as entertainment in a game where the simplicity can produce monotony. Looking at the numbers the odds are always better if you bet on the banker. Does this mean you should always bet on the banker? Technically yes. Practically, perhaps not. This baccarat strategy would be undeniably boring, and so you wouldn't be playing for very long. Remember, the house does have an edge, even though it is relatively small for baccarat. This means that in the long run the house will win, undeniably.

The point here is, although the casino does have the advantage in the long run, baccarat provides a rare opportunity for short term success. Try to escape with your winnings and don't chase your losses. Never lose track of how much your betting per hour, this is your best possible baccarat strategy.

Good luck!


Alfrescian (Inf)

Using right strategy for some casino games can be very advantageous to the player. The best example is a game of blackjack, of course. When you know the basic strategy and understand what is card counting, you can even override the negative expectation and have an edge over the casino about 1%!

Card counting is not for Video Poker, but still you can be in very good position when you possess the proper Video Poker strategy.

Unfortunately, there is no strategy that works for Baccarat as the player has not many options - rules are automatic and after you have made a bet you can only hope on your luck. Any baccarat system that is based on the previous hands (and the bets you have made, if any, on those hands) is useless and should be completely disregarded.

But as for any other casino game there is always room for improvement and if you want to establish an effective baccarat strategy there is a few things to consider

don't bet on "tie"
Playing Baccarat you have only a choice of three bets, but it does not mean you don't have any options at all.

Betting on the Player Hand - the house edge is 1.29%.
Betting on the Bank Hand - the house edge is 1.01%.
Betting on a Tie Hand - the house edge is 15.75%.
The house edge numbers mean that Banker hand wins more often in the long run. Even after paying a 5% commission it is still a slightly better proposition than betting on "Player hand". So, there is only one good bet to make - Bank Hand.

As for betting on Tie hand the casino will pay nine for one odds. Unfortunately, the casino advantage on this bet is over 15%. So, don't bet on "Tie".

Well, it may be a very boring when you have only one good bet to make, but still the game of baccarat has one of the best odds in casino if you know this.

number of decks and commission
As shown on the Baccarat Odds, you can improve your chances by choosing the right game to play: you should look for the casino that offers the lower number of decks played and lower commission.

The best choice is the 6 deck card game with 4 percent commission on the winning "Banker" hand. As for the single deck, you can find it only at some online casinos which use Microgaming software.

money management
Knowing only the best bet for Baccarat game will not make a good strategy. The next decision is how much to bet.

It is not a secret that many players risks more than they can afford to loose when they put on the table their money - a really good way to go completely broke. But following some simple rules can help you to increase your chances to win:.

Even before you sit down at the baccarat table decide how much you are going to loose.
Divide up your money and control how much you bet at each round.
One of the best ways to manage your money during the play is to pocket a certain percentage of your winnings each time you win or to pocket it all.
For example you have $500 to wager. Start the game betting the table limit (let's say $25). Put the winnings aside, and at the end of the 25ths round you'll only have played $500 even, which is exactly what you intended to spend and any winnings are yours to keep.

This simple strategy gives you chance to enjoy the thrill of gambling for a longer period of time without going broke.

And one more advice: Never underestimate luck, it is the biggest factor when you play any game of chance - if you leave the table having more dollars in your pocket than you started (even if it is only $25) you win!

The sad thing about any gambling strategy is the discipline. Remember, if you do not follow your chosen strategy, you do not have strategy at all!

So, bet on the Banker hand, stick to the money management and let the luck be on you side!


Alfrescian (Inf)

Baccarat Strategies
The game of baccarat is largely a game of luck. That is a fact that must be accepted. Nevertheless, those who understand the rules, the odds, and the probabilities of the baccarat game are able to devise strategies that help the luck go their way.

Understand the Baccarat Rules
To devise a viable baccarat strategy, it is crucial that you thoroughly understand the baccarat rules. The most important baccarat rules are:

You may bet on the Player's hand, the Banker's hand, or a Tie. You win at baccarat if your bet correctly matches the outcome of the hand.
The Player and the Banker are each dealt two cards initially and then, sometimes, one or both of them is dealt a third card.
Neither the Player nor the Banker has any say in whether he wants a third card. The decision is made automatically pursuant to strict baccarat rules.
Tens and face cards count as zero, aces count as one, and all other cards count as their face values.
When adding up the values of the cards in a baccarat hand, only the final digit of the total counts. Fifteen counts as five; twenty-one counts as one.
The hand that comes closest to a total of nine wins.
Betting on the Banker or the Player
A baccarat bet on the Banker or on the Player each has its advantages and disadvantages. The advantage of betting on the Banker is that, statistically, the Banker's hand wins slightly more than the Player's hand wins. How could this be, you might ask, if the cards are dealt randomly? The answer is in the rules concerning the third card.
The rules governing whether the Player or the Banker receives a third card are very complicated. Suffice it to say that the rule governing a third card for the banker is different from the rule governing a third card for the Player; and that the rule governing a third card for the Banker involves a complex formula that factors in the Banker's initial cards, whether or not the Player has received a third card, and, if so, what that third card is. The result of all this is that the Banker is given an advantage so that, over the long run, the Banker is likely to win more hands than the Player wins.

On the other hand, the advantage of betting on the player is that, if you win, you get to keep all of your winnings. If you bet $10 on the Player and you win, you get your bet back plus an additional $10. If you bet on the Banker and you win, you have to pay a 5 percent commission on your winnings to the house, which means you get your bet back plus only $9.50 additional. So a winning bet on the Player puts more money in your pocket than does a winning bet on the Banker.

So there you have it. Betting on the Banker means you will probably win a little more often. Betting on the Player means you get your full payout with no commission deducted. All in all, the advantages and disadvantages of the two bets pretty much cancel each other out, although the statisticians say there is still a tiny overall advantage to betting on the Banker. This may or may not affect your personal online baccarat strategy, but it at least means that you understand what you are doing and why.

Betting on a Tie
Betting on a Tie also has advantages and disadvantages. The advantage is the big payout: 8 to 1. If you bet $10 on a tie, and the hand is indeed a tie, you will get back your original $10 plus and additional $80.
The disadvantage of the Tie bet is that, statistically speaking, fewer than 10 percent of baccarat hands are likely to result in a tie. Over the course of a hundred hands, the probability is that you will lose ninety of them, for a loss of $900, and win ten, for winnings of $800. So in the end, you would be down $100 for the day.

Of course, what holds true for millions of gamblers over the long run might not hold true for you individually over the short run. There are individuals who bet on the Tie and get lucky and win that sweet 8-to-1 payout more often than the statisticians expect them to. It's just like betting on those long shots at the race track. It is not a recommended way to invest for your retirement, but there are days when luck is with you and you do hit the big jackpots.

So that's it for the Tie bet. You are statistically likely to lose more than you win, but when you get lucky you can win a big 8-to-1 payout. Knowing these advantages and disadvantages can help you plan your online baccarat strategy accordingly.

A Baccarat Strategy to Avoid
Some baccarat players like to keep track of the outcome of every hand, in the belief that they can spot trends in favor of the Player or the Banker and thus predict the outcome of future hands. This is known as "pattern spotting." The land-based casinos actually encourage this by providing scorecards and pencils at the baccarat table. They do so because they know that pattern spotting is not a winning baccarat strategy. Charting past trends will not help you win at baccarat online or on land. Don't waste your time on it.
A Final Word on Baccarat Strategy
Baccarat is a game of luck — there is no doubt about it — but that does not mean that you cannot employ a strategy in the game to maximize your luck. Whether you have eight decks or one deck, whether you are playing one-on-one or in multi-play, or whether you are placing high-rolling bets or small mini-baccarat bets, the most important thing about your baccarat strategy is to keep a cool head, understand what you are doing and why, and enjoy your online baccarat game. That way you are bound to get something out of the game and hopefully win at baccarat more than you lose.


In many books, articles, it has been said that card counting does not work in Baccarat. But so far there is no basis to prove that card counting does not work.

1 simple logic to prove is for a deck of cards, put in extra 4 cards of 10s.

The scenario will happen.

-Higher percentage of Player side when drawing 3rd card will draw a 10,J,Q,K
When Player draws a 3rd card with a 10,J,Q,K, Banker winning percentage is very very high. (9 out of 10times)

****However counting in Baccarat is not based on just counting on 10s.


廣東小調 - 賭仔自嘆 A gambler's woes

A catchy cantonese song, enjoy...
<param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/3ajtrRd7dLw&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/3ajtrRd7dLw&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>


Casino Gamblers' Regret 赌仔自叹 (The Venetian Macau)

The Cantonese dilemma song of a ruin and broken gambler. Written in Hongkong about 80 years ago, but an ever popular song still commonly sang in KTV karaokes and homes. 赌仔自叹. With video clips of The Sands Macau Venetian, Genting Highlands, First World Hotel, Chow Yun Fatt's God of Gamble, Roulette, Baccarat, Jackpot, Mahjong, poker contest, Adam Cheng, Dice games, Blackjack, etc. 股民之歌 死了都不賣 (3)
<param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/aj1pB1dPRms&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/aj1pB1dPRms&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

Uncle Lim Song
This is a song in canto-rap to describe genting highlands and the legendary "Uncle Lim Goh Tong"..quite a funny and creative song...enjoy
<param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/61MmS2AX-ZU&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/61MmS2AX-ZU&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>


Alfrescian (Inf)
In many books, articles, it has been said that card counting does not work in Baccarat. But so far there is no basis to prove that card counting does not work.

1 simple logic to prove is for a deck of cards, put in extra 4 cards of 10s.

The scenario will happen.

-Higher percentage of Player side when drawing 3rd card will draw a 10,J,Q,K
When Player draws a 3rd card with a 10,J,Q,K, Banker winning percentage is very very high. (9 out of 10times)

****However counting in Baccarat is not based on just counting on 10s.
I think card count for Baccarat definitely does works and have it's advantages.

But in order to card count need to start from the very beginning of the deck to be accurate. So rather than spending the time to card count, go look for those "hot" tables "giving out chips" may be more profitable.:biggrin:


I think card count for Baccarat definitely does works and have it's advantages.

But in order to card count need to start from the very beginning of the deck to be accurate. So rather than spending the time to card count, go look for those "hot" tables "giving out chips" may be more profitable.:biggrin:

There are no right or wrong.

However, the probability of when you managed to find such a table,
- You will not be able to place a bet because of too much people with the same purpose as you or the bets placed have already reached the table limit.

- The moment you start to notice such a table, with everyone doing the same, the "tide" may turn.



My Blog is up.

I have always been keen in researching on investment. The typical investments that we see are shares, funds investment, properties which are often people’s favourites. However, investments do carry risks. Regardless of how safe or low risk, as long as it is investment, there is risk. Period.

I have always been keen in playing in casinos, soccer betting. I would not deem it as gambling. There is this term which everyone loves to say “10 gamblers, 9 lose”. However most people do not understand why 9 lose................

Will update my blog as often as I can.......


Online Casinos

I believed most people have gone to casinos before. Whether its on a cruise ship, or on a land casino. However with the internet age, casinos are available readily online. People could play at the comfort of their home without the need to travel.

Many would say playing easily at the comfort of home would increase the addiction level of one in terms of gambling. But I like to view things from another perspective or another side of the glass. Imagine, one does not need to be quit his job to be a professional gambler, neither be a semi-pro. Instead, he could still keep his day job and play 1 or 2 shoes as and when they could afford the time at the comfort of their home. The time saved on travelling could in fact be enough for 1 shoe of game play.

Let me relate some knowledge which I knew about online casinos.

First of all, the betting house which runs the online casino.

Online casinos run by Chinese Mainland people, need to be more wary of them. Not all are bad, but most are. Their tricks involves in irregular transfer of money. Likelihood, by the time you start winning, these sites start closing down. So most winners would not be able to get their money. Another reason they give is delaying payment. In fact, there are so many sites run by China personnel till most of the Chinese gamblers don’t even want to play there.

Remember China Milk Incident, Szechuan Earthquakes which exposed their buildings made of inferior materials.

Online casinos run by some smaller asian countries also have to be a bit wary of their payment. Not only this but they have a tendency of card changing. (Stories related by a few online casino croupiers which I knew)

So is that to say playing online casinos is dangerous? Not every site is lousy.

In fact, looking at places such as UK, Australia where casino gambling is legalised. They have sports betting houses, casinos. Sites such as Ladbrokes, William Hill, Bet365, Gamebookers….etc

However my personal preference is in Ladbrokes because of its reputation in UK. Casino is not their main core of business as they started out with sports betting initially. Furthermore, they are one of the very few sites which offers Live Dealer and live betting which imho is better than just online casinos running by RNG(Random Number Generator)

By playing at the comfort of your home and choosing a online casino which offers live dealer, you get to count cards at comfort and play wisely.

Other articles I have archived them in my blog.


Thanks for the creation for the blog.


I very free now. Recovering from an operation, on long MC, so will add as many as possible. Also have soccer investment. When the English Premier League started, I posted in this forum on an investment. Now midway thru, it has reaped rewards based on the past records of the league results.


This section may seem pointless to some, but most people who play baccarat simply do not know the rules or even if they knew it, they are not sure.
Playing a game without knowing the rules well is no different from self destruction. Why is there a need to know these rules well? To fully understand my calculations on baccarat play, one must know the rules 100% well enough to know when PLAYER bets need to get a 3rd card and when BANKER needs to draw a 3rd card.

Card values
Ace = 1 point
2 = 2 points
3 = 3 points
4 = 4 points
5 = 5 points
6 = 6 points
7 = 7 points
8 = 8 points
9 = 9 points
10 = 0 points
J = 0 points
Q = 0 points
K = 0 points

The suits of the card have no relevance to the game. In Baccarat, the “10-value” cards do not have any points. Highest hand will be 9 points total. Supposedly, “10-value” cards are worth zero and should not affect the results, however, the “10 value” cards are one of the most influential cards in the deck(will explain more in later chapters)

When first 2 cards for either Player or Banker results in total of 8 or 9 points, it is considered a Natural and there is no need to draw a 3rd card for either Player or Banker.

Rules for Player Hands
When Player first 2 cards total points are Player’s Hand
0,1,2,3,4,5 Player draws 3rd card
6,7 Player must stand. Banker draw 3rd card only if its first 2 cards total 0,1,2,3,4,5,
8,9 Natural, both Banker and Player do not need to draw any 3rd card

Rules for Banker Hands
When Banker first 2 cards total points are Banker Hand draw 3rd card when Player’s 3rd card is Does not draw 3rd card when Player’s 3rd card is
0,1,2 Must always draw 3rd card
3 A,2,3,4,5,6,7,9,10,J,Q,K 8
4 2,3,4,5,6,7 A,8,9,10,J,Q,K
5 4,5,6,7 A,2,3,8,9,10,J,Q,K
6 6,7 A,2,3,4,5,8,9,10,J,Q,K
7 Banker stands. Does not draw
8,9 Natural, Does not draw

Due to the drawing of the 3rd card rule, this is one aspect which favours the Banker bet more. This is also why for Banker bets, there is a 5% commission or in some casinos 50% commission on Banker 6 while pays full on the rest of Banker wins.

**The table indenting is not available, probably have to refer to my blog to see the table where the rules of drawing 3rd card will be clear.