Yes they like it here. They have said they definitely DO NOT want to do NS. Haha!I am training and encouraging my boys to do NS. 2 years is nothing. Do your kids like it there?
Yes they like it here. They have said they definitely DO NOT want to do NS. Haha!I am training and encouraging my boys to do NS. 2 years is nothing. Do your kids like it there?
In 50 years I hope Singapore races intermarry and becomes truly mixed.With Singapore I think there IS racial discrimination within society especially socially. But the PAP government is very powèrful so employment wise investment wise it is all racially blind and based more on either meritocracy or nepotism.
Lately I have seen the PAP also try to push and educate Singaporeans to be more racially blind when it comes to social issues too. Which is a good sign for the CECA crowd.
CECA is big because there is no such agreement eg with China. So I do expecr more Indian nationals in SG over time. 50 years from now I wont be surprised if SG is majority Indian.
I was not aware of CECA until a year or so ago. Perhaps because I came before it was signed. I think the proof is that the racial Indian population is still 8%. Indians are not getting PR or citizenship nowadaysWith Singapore I think there IS racial discrimination within society especially socially. But the PAP government is very powèrful so employment wise investment wise it is all racially blind and based more on either meritocracy or nepotism.
Lately I have seen the PAP also try to push and educate Singaporeans to be more racially blind when it comes to social issues too. Which is a good sign for the CECA crowd.
CECA is big because there is no such agreement eg with China. So I do expecr more Indian nationals in SG over time. 50 years from now I wont be surprised if SG is majority Indian.
Hmm.. I only know that it's still not prevalent but eventually if you are qualified well it will happen. I see more of my Indian friends with local spouses , both male and female. They are all well qualified with good jobs. But yea I don't know the society well enough. Hope sons will.Unlikely. Seriously. You dont understand the Chinese in Singapore then.
I remember many years back we had a Indian female classmate. She was telling us that many of the Indian guys will go chase the Chinese girls. Some succeed. But she said she seldom hears of Chinese guys chase Indian girl. Especially the very dark skinned Indian girls possibly of Tamil Nadu ancestry.
We guys kinda just nodded our heads and didnt know what to say really.
So you may be lucky you have sons and that inter racial marriage for them is more possible. But if you has daughters....maybe not so much.
I have experienced a bit of racist looks , but nothing institutional because I have not accessed government systems. But as long as I live in my bubble is okay. Time will tell when my kids grow older.From your personal experience have you experienced any racial discrimination in Singapore?
And how does it compare with Canada with regards to racial bias and bigotry?
So far I find Canada pretty good. And I live in Calgary which is conservative stronghold. Whereas when I was in Singapore I can see a lot of condescending comments about Filipinos, PRC (called cheena or chinaman which is funnu because they are same ethnicity as majority race but still discriminated!) And of course Indians. I am sure you are aware of the derogatory used to describe Indians in Singapore? Two words. First starts with A second starts with N ends with H.
WHat's the big deal, singapore also have done that in one yearCanada breaks record by welcoming over 400,000 immigrants in 2021
Sikhs are sikh-kening.
Most Indian friends that I have never been thru any military training. in NS, u need to endure and act blur but have the EQ and situaTion awareness to get out of sticky situationOne word of caution......
NS. You have not done NS yourself. So you probably dont understand it.
I will tell you that before I did NS I was brainwashed by the Singapore education system. SG is good. Racial harmony. Meritocracy. Equality.
But after serving NS my views changed a lot. I saw what Singapore truly is.
The problem with SG is that if you go to good schools you only mix with the same or similar social class. In NS if you get to OCS you will have the same experience too. But for those who might not go to OCS they can be posted to unit and have to serve with gangsters Pri 6 drop outs etc.
You also learn about scholar system rank etc.
I got disillusioned with Singapore AFTER I served NS. Which is ironic.
So that could happen for your sons. I hope they go OCS then they wont have this problem