Just think about it. Those that are here know that it is very difficult to survive in Spore. There is ageism. The cost of living here is high & there is no end to the cheap foreigners coming to Spore. If you are in Canada your children get all sorts of benefits. Even if you are earning minimum wage it's better than what you have in Spore. Don't forget that your families health care will be taken care because poor people don't have to pay premiums. It's FREE.
This is very misleading, health care is NOT free in Canada. There is no free lunch, nothing is free in this world. If you did not pay for the service, it meant someone else paid for it. It meant some portion of the government revenue from taxes has paid for it. That is why taxes including income taxes is so high in Canada.
Provincial Health Insurance
You need provincial health insurance, whether it is OHIP, MSP etc. for health coverage. The provincial health insurance is not free, you pay premiums for the insurance. Generally, most treatments are covered but some rare procedures are not covered.
Extended Health Insurance
You need extended health insurance for dental and drugs. You don't get the medicine from the doctor, you need to go to the pharmacist to get your medicine. The pharmacy will charge $10 as pharmacist dispensing fee plus cost of the drug. Generally, the cost of drug is like $5 or so, depending on drug, so that one medicine costs $10 + $5 = $15. If doctor give you 3 medicine, that is about $15 x 3 = $45 for the medicine. You either pay per use so don't need extended health insurance, buy your own extended health insurance (which is expensive) or if you work, the company may offer extended health insurance.
Not all companies offer extended health insurance, some companies have no extended health insurance at all, for those that offer (mainly large companies and professional jobs), it is always a co-pay, which means the company will deduct a certain amount from your pay cheque for the extended health insurance premium. And in most cases, it is 80% coverage, particularly for basic dental work and 50% for major dental work. In this category, no matter what extended health insurance you have, you still need to pay. Personal extended health insurance plans - you pay the full premium and a certain percentage of coverage such as the 20% or 50% that is not covered. For plans through the company, you pay a discounted premium and a certain percentage of coverage such as the 20% or 50% that is not covered. So this is absolutely not free, you will need to pay.
What about the poor people that is preached up there? You will never get free health care in Canada because if you are poor, which means you have little skills or education (if you have skills, you can make use of those skills to make money, then you are not poor), you will never qualify for permanent residency in Canada. The government of Canada will not admit you.
You will never be considered poor as long as you have a roof over your head, job or not, or even minimum wage job, even you are totally broke, they will not treat you for free. In an essential medical case, they may treat you but will send you an invoice. If you don't pay that invoice, it will go to collection. Once on collection, that will trigger a lot of bad things which will affect your status, financial position, etc. etc.
The only way that you can be poor and be recognized as poor is if you are prepared to be homeless with absolutely zero property. You sleep on the streets. You wear dirty clothes and smell really bad. That they will treat you for free. Otherwise, don't count on free health care in Canada because the government, doctors, pharmacists know about that if you can come to Canada, you have money.
(That's what their screening for PR does, admit those immigrants who will not be a burden to Canada. You are heavily taxed in other areas to provide services to Canadians)
Health care is very heavy burden in Canada. Long wait lines, expensive drugs, lack of medical facilities/equipment etc etc.