My relative who is staying in Vancouver now has 6 kids. When he first arrived in Canada he only had kid
If iCanada was as expensive as Spore, there is no way he could have afford to have all those kids.
Hey how are you John Boy..Anyway I feel Canada is way better for those who are in the blue collar type work and not afraid to get their hands dirty or sweating it out. Can't really comment on PMET type jobs as I have never work these kinds of jobs before. The sinkees I met in retail and the FnB sector in peesai would definitely benefit working and living in Canada as to peesai. Working long hours in peesai does not mean anything. In fact you only spend more then you earn. End of the day no one going to take care of you when you are sick or have medical problems due to the long back breaking hours at work. Have a few friends of mine now having severe back problems due to their work.
Also I would also like to add that those white collar workers whom had to leave their jobs because of health or whatever reasons in peesai will be in for a shock if they wanted to work part time as a sales staff or service staff because of the pay and long hours. My cousin in Canada got retrenched in his comfy job as an exec and to make ends meet he worked in a office supply store for awhile. The pay was of course far less but at least it could sustain himself and a family of 5, a mortgage, a car loan and other stuff. In peesai he would probably be working an equivalent to Popular bookstore. I dont really think staff at Popular bookstore are paid well enough to have a family of 5 and own a car in peesai.
One of my other cousin worked at now defunct Blockbuster videos during his uni days and got promoted to manager within 2 years. He bought a house and a SUV.
Back then, I do not recall seeing any video stores jobs in peesai that paid enough for a sinkee to live that kind of life my cousin did.
Sure there is no guarantee of good jobs in any cuntry, but in peesai there is no guarantee of anything even if you have a job. People are scared out of their wits in peesai, not knowing whether they will be replaced by cheap FTs. With flats and home prices on the rise, I feel peesai going to have a huge number of bankrupts in the future. How to have kids in a cuntry that will sell you out leaving you high and dry. No one wants that for their kids man.
Sure my kids may or may not be successful in in their jobs but at least they have a shot for a successful life in places like Canada or OZ. Cant say the same about peesai though. If your workplace in peesai have more and more FTs each day working beside you, your number is kind of up. From the looks of it now, even PMET jobs are under threat. No sector is safe in peesai. Some already lost like the FnB sector and retail.