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Chitchat Can uncle like this type of music?


Can uncle buy used young people item from carousell young users and meet up to collect the items and asking several questions before buying? Is it xia suay as they will wonder how come uncle want their item for own use. Or is it better for uncle to pretend they buying for their children niece etc?


Can uncle go zouk alone wear gentlemen club going clothes and try to act pitiful drinking alone to find opportunity to get to know chio girls hand to hold?


Can uncle go zouk alone wear gentlemen club going clothes and try to act pitiful drinking alone to find opportunity to get to know chio girls hand to hold?
My uncle asking this is becas last time he can go club act pitiful drinking alone and able to hold chio girls hand. Last time he was good looking but not a wise men . Now is not good looking but a wise men I.e breakeven


Can uncle go zouk alone wear gentlemen club going clothes and try to act pitiful drinking alone to find opportunity to get to know chio girls hand to hold?

My uncle asking this is becas last time he can go club act pitiful drinking alone and able to hold chio girls hand. Last time he was good looking but not a wise men . Now is not good looking but a wise men I.e breakeven
Why do you need to hold a girl's hand???


My uncle asking this is becas last time he can go club act pitiful drinking alone and able to hold chio girls hand. Last time he was good looking but not a wise men . Now is not good looking but a wise men I.e breakeven
Acting pitiful is 1 good method to be able to get to know girls. My uncle tested before when he was in 30s. My uncle think becas it creates a kind of mature sophisticated image :biggrin: Girls will see many man happy there so by being alone and pitiful opens up the opportunity. It is different from Acting cool. My uncle do know some man go there act cool KNN useless lah KNN
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