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Serious Bro Chun Sing Warns Samsters To Stop Spreading Fake News About CECA Stealing PMET Jobs From Sinkies! You Fucking Liars, Oppies!




Alfrescian (Inf)

SINGAPORE — The Government takes a “very serious view” of online falsehoods being circulated on Singapore’s free trade agreements (FTAs), in particular its FTA with India, said Trade and Industry Minister Chan Chun Sing on Saturday (Nov 9).

“These postings and messages are circulated to stoke the fears of Singaporeans in times of economic uncertainties. And some go even further to play the racial card to divide our society,” he told reporters at a doorstop interview at The Treasury.

“The government takes a very serious view of these attempts to rattle Singaporeans and divide our society.”

He did not elaborate on the source of these postings and messages nor say what action, if any, the Government would take against them. He did note however that Singapore’s network of FTAs has created better jobs for Singaporeans.

Since 2005, the year Singapore signed the Comprehensive Economic Cooporation Agreement (Ceca) with India, the number of PMET (Professionals, Managers, Executives and Technicians) jobs for Singaporeans has grown by 400,000, he said.

Ceca had come under the spotlight in recent weeks following an incident where JP Morgan employee Ramesh Erramilli was filmed abusing a security guard at his condominium. Married to a Singapore-born citizen, he had become a Singapore citizen under the Family Ties scheme.

Following the incident, some netizens and websites claimed that Ceca provides Indian nationals with special immigration privileges, opening the floodgates for them to migrate to Singapore and compete with Singaporeans for jobs.

Mr Chan said that CECA does not give Indian nationals privileged or unconditional access to Singapore, and that “none of our FTAs do”.

“Indian professionals, like any other professionals from other countries, have to meet MOM’s (Ministry of Manpower’s) existing qualifying criteria to work in Singapore,” he said, adding that anyone applying for Singapore citizenship must likewise satisfy existing criteria.

“All our FTAs, including Ceca, place no obligations on Singapore with regard to immigration and work-pass matters.”

On Wednesday, the Government’s fact-checking site Factually had put up a Facebook post on Ceca, stating that Indian nationals, like all foreign nationals, must meet “work-pass criteria” to work here.

“Their employers are subject to the Fair Consideration Framework (FCF) that punishes employers discriminating against Singaporeans,” it added.

Launched in August 2014, the FCF is part of the Government’s overall effort to strengthen the Singaporean core in the workforce and sets out expectations for companies to consider Singaporeans fairly for job openings.

Mr Chan noted that there will always be some employers and employees that try to “circumvent our system” but added that “they are the minority”.

Less than 1 per cent of those who employ foreigners who are Employment Pass holders are on MOM’s FCF watchlist, he added.

Being placed on the watch list means that the MOM will scrutinise these firms’ Employment Pass applications more closely.

Mr Chan said the government will “weed them out systematically” to protect Singaporean companies and workers. “Companies know the deal, those who violate our rules will be taken to task.”


Mr Chan said Singapore’s network of FTAs, including Ceca, has attracted more global multinational corporations to Singapore and created more opportunities for businesses and better jobs for Singaporeans.

“Since 2005, PMET jobs for Singaporeans has grown from 825,000 to 1.25 million now,” he added.

This is more than half of all Singaporean jobs, Mr Chan noted.
There are 2.2 million Singaporeans in the workforce, according to MOM.

Mr Chan added that the unemployment rate of Singaporeans has been one of the lowest globally, both before and after the signing of Ceca. The FTA has also allowed homegrown companies such as BreadTalk and Teh Yih Jia to expand into the Indian market.

Bilateral trade between the two countries has grown from S$16.7 billion to over S$26.4 billion, with Singapore now one of India’s largest foreign investors, he said.


Amidst the current uncertain economic climate, Mr Chan said that the Government “understands and shares Singaporeans’ concerns with competition and job prospects.”

“But the way to help Singaporeans is not to mislead them and create fear and anger.”

Instead, Singapore must expand its markets and build up capabilities to compete on innovation, quality and connectivity rather than price and size.

He added that the Government is committed to equip Singapore’s students and workers with the right skills.

“Times are uncertain, it is important for us to stay cohesive. Help one another, but never allow others to stoke the fears and racial biases of our people,” he added.

“Never to do this for selfish, personal or political reasons. And we, Singaporeans, are definitely better than this.”


How does he know which PMET jobs are created because of CECA? If he can figure that out, then he should be able to figure how many jobs are lost due to the CECA. With more than a million Ah Nehs here, only the stupid will believe that the Ah Nehs have not taken jobs from sinkees.

All the economic good news he cited because of the CECA, the beneficiary is India, not SINKapore. We have a trade deficit with India.

Unemployment rate is low because many displaced PMET are now Grab or taxi drivers lah.

Ah Heng is bad, Kee Chiu is bad ...who is next?


If 1 million Indian nationals meet the requirements, we should take in as many as we can. Singapore hires on merit. We don't hire and promote base on race and religion like what mudland, indon and other shariah societies often do.
President must be Malay, pm must be Chinese, this not promote base on race? :thumbsdown:


No wonder this idiot schoolboy is not PM designate. He tries too hard selling a fallacy. At least HSK does not try to hide the reason CECA is disadvantageous to sinkies.


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
What does this paper general know? He has never spent a day in the private sector, never have had to walk in the shoes of the man in the street, never have had to put up with those fucking arrogant CECA bastards and their families at work, in the neighbourhood, at private clubs, in public.

Chan Chun Sing came from a broken home and rose from poverty to become a scholar, an outstanding general and a minister. These are the same footsteps that great American Presidents have taken to become most powerful men in the free world.

Do not under estimate a military man. The world would be a different place today without them.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Now you know why the PAP govt came up with the fake news law. It's a pre-emptive measure for censoring real news as the election approaches.

In the last election in Malaysia, Najib was also obsessed with 'crushing false online claims' about BN/UMNO. :wink:



Definitely sounds legit! :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

Another question: 400,000 PMET jobs were created since 2005 after CECA. How many of these newly created jobs can be directly attributed to CECA? How many of these jobs were taken up by CECA intercompany transfers? Local pmet jobs went up from 50 to around 56%. So how many of the 400k PMET jobs created actually went to locals, how many went to foreigners?

What benefits did India obtain by signing CECA with us? How many of their nationals benefited from migration flows to Singapore?

How much have profits have our investments in India made as a result of CECA?

Where is the data driving these decisions?

Waiting to be convinced of the benefits of CECA and other FTAs for the 80% of Singaporean HDB dwellers.


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
Another question: 400,000 PMET jobs were created since 2005 after CECA. How many of these newly created jobs can be directly attributed to CECA? How many of these jobs were taken up by CECA intercompany transfers? Local pmet jobs went up from 50 to around 56%. So how many of the 400k PMET jobs created actually went to locals, how many went to foreigners?

What benefits did India obtain by signing CECA with us? How many of their nationals benefited from migration flows to Singapore?

How much have profits have our investments in India made as a result of CECA?

Where is the data driving these decisions?

Waiting to be convinced of the benefits of CECA and other FTAs for the 80% of Singaporean HDB dwellers.

If you don't own a $1.5 million condo why don't you just shut the fuck up and accept the fact that life is not fair.


Old Fart
Chan Chun Sing came from a broken home and rose from poverty to become a scholar, an outstanding general and a minister. These are the same footsteps that great American Presidents have taken to become most powerful men in the free world.

Do not under estimate a military man. The world would be a different place today without them.
OK, if you say so!:thumbsup::biggrin:


Chan Chun Sing came from a broken home and rose from poverty to become a scholar, an outstanding general and a minister. These are the same footsteps that great American Presidents have taken to become most powerful men in the free world.

Do not under estimate a military man. The world would be a different place today without them.

Tot he was LKY's Butler all this while.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
How does he know which PMET jobs are created because of CECA? If he can figure that out, then he should be able to figure how many jobs are lost due to the CECA. With more than a million Ah Nehs here, only the stupid will believe that the Ah Nehs have not taken jobs from sinkees.

Bro Chun Sing knows because he is the Minister of Trade and Industry, you twit! You, on the other hand, are just an oppie who exploit sinkies' xenophobia and uncertainties with your wild exaggerations.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Chan Chun Sing came from a broken home and rose from poverty to become a scholar, an outstanding general and a minister. These are the same footsteps that great American Presidents have taken to become most powerful men in the free world.

Do not under estimate a military man. The world would be a different place today without them.

All this come from poor/broken home is well and good. Which then begs the question: then why does he still not understand
the plight of the poor?


The answer is that he is eternally grateful to Singapore (well, not actually Singapore but the Familee) for his own perceived "success". And when he encounters poor people who were like him when he was young, he cannot understand why they cannot be like him. :wink:

All this come from poor/broken home is well and good. Which then begs the question: then why does he still not understand
the plight of the poor?