why do pple still eat breadtalk? It is so damn expensive and no big fuck.
I will buy bread from breadtalk from siam paragon to encourage their wonderful screwing of sinkies in sinkieland. One up for breadtalk and keep doing on what you are doing now.
Cowards deserve to be screwed hard.
I was actually quite sceptical when I read this as I don't think a HR manager will be stupid enough to say that directly to an applicant. However after met some really unpro HR people and knowing how arrogant FTs have become, I think this is highly credible.
Although I'm in China, there is a breadtalk at the basement of my office which I used to patronise. I will stop patronising them from today. And although my action will not make the slightest difference in their biz, I believe it has to start with me and it will make a difference if we all join hands.
I have also boycott Oldtown Coffee. I was shopping at Boonlay last month and was looking for a place to get a cuppa when I saw Oldtown. As I was heading towards it, I suddenly remember Oldtown only hires FT. I turn back and bought a mango juice from a local aunty at the juice bar.
I hope all Singaporeans who read the report will do the same.
For those who might have forgotten, Blogkaki is the blogging site set up by Minister George Yeo. PBM Jack Neo is one of Minister George Yeo’s blogkaki. George Qwek, founder of Breadtalk, is also one of Minister George Yeo’s blogkaki.
Breadtalk has foresight.
I had just kicked your ass so remember to return favor tomorrow if u have the balls.
I was actually quite sceptical when I read this as I don't think a HR manager will be stupid enough to say that directly to an applicant. However after met some really unpro HR people and knowing how arrogant FTs have become, I think this is highly credible.
Although I'm in China, there is a breadtalk at the basement of my office which I used to patronise. I will stop patronising them from today. And although my action will not make the slightest difference in their biz, I believe it has to start with me and it will make a difference if we all join hands.
I have also boycott Oldtown Coffee. I was shopping at Boonlay last month and was looking for a place to get a cuppa when I saw Oldtown. As I was heading towards it, I suddenly remember Oldtown only hires FT. I turn back and bought a mango juice from a local aunty at the juice bar.
I hope all Singaporeans who read the report will do the same.
During the Jack Neo scandal, George Yeo asked Singaporeans to support and rally around Jack Neo. Is George Yeo going to ask the same for George Qwek now?