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Boy takes a dump in airplane aisle - Guess the Nationailty


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
See how brazen these Tiongs are in HK?


hi there

1. bro, that whore/bitch in the clip is one excellent example of chins overseas.
2. coarse, loud & definitely uncouthed.
3. if she thinks that she can get away by being loud.
4. she can forget it in hk.
5. hongkies have backbone hoh!
6. arrest & throw it back to chineyland.
7. case close:biggrin:


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Remove the chinks, the ah nehs and the muslims from this planet and all the world's problems are solved forever.

hi there

1. sammy, i got to agree with you on this.
2. snakes, dogs & things cannot be in the same place with humans mah:biggrin: