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Posted on 01 May 2010
Electrical parts fall apart in lift, causing an entire HDB block to black out
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So sad
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STOMPer Kate had two shocks. The first one was the fact the entire HDB block which she lives in blacked out. And secondly, the cause of the blackout was because the electrical parts in a lift had fallen apart.
In her email to STOMP, the STOMPer recounted:
"There was a sudden blackout at my flat on Apr 30 and I started thinking that it was short circuit within my flat but realised all the units near to the lift lobby for all the levels including the lifts were all blacked out as well.
"Guess what the cause of black out ?
"Oh my! I got a shock of my life when I saw the inside of one of the lifts and thank god there was no one in the lift otherwise it would be very serious if it hit someone's head.
"The electrical metal parts in the lift at the roof actually fallen off.
"This is absurd. How could this possibly happen? Were there no regular checks by Fujitec?"
Click on thumbnails for larger image
Keywords: lift , blackout , HDB flats
Electrical parts fall apart in lift, causing an entire HDB block to black out

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So sad
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Sure or not?
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STOMPer Kate had two shocks. The first one was the fact the entire HDB block which she lives in blacked out. And secondly, the cause of the blackout was because the electrical parts in a lift had fallen apart.
In her email to STOMP, the STOMPer recounted:
"There was a sudden blackout at my flat on Apr 30 and I started thinking that it was short circuit within my flat but realised all the units near to the lift lobby for all the levels including the lifts were all blacked out as well.
"Guess what the cause of black out ?
"Oh my! I got a shock of my life when I saw the inside of one of the lifts and thank god there was no one in the lift otherwise it would be very serious if it hit someone's head.
"The electrical metal parts in the lift at the roof actually fallen off.
"This is absurd. How could this possibly happen? Were there no regular checks by Fujitec?"

Click on thumbnails for larger image

Keywords: lift , blackout , HDB flats