Just came back from the usual Sunday Gossip session. Joyce Leong and her husband are with City Harvest Church. The hubby is an Amercan who first went Malaysia as a volunteer for some organisation. Never held a decent job, played stock market and did not go far. He is now motivational coach and leadership trainer and conning his away with uneducated asians. He has been given jobs by the local ang mo inmates. He met Joyce in Malaysia and she is the original SPG. Goes for Hash House harrier runs and gets the usual gangbang at the end of the run.
Both of them are milking the gullible with she claiming to be Sports Professional.
Anybody remember the big hoo-ha about that Escape Chapel Party featuring a bunch of indecently dressed (and ugly) girls in nun costume that upset the Catholic community a few weeks back?
Article - http://sg.news.yahoo.com/chijmes-‘chapel-party’-draws-flak-from-catholic-community.html
Apparently it was set to be hosted by none other than Joyce Leong's daughter - Jade. I wonder what her holy mom's friends had to say about that!
Event details - http://allevents.in/Singapore/Escape-Chapel-Party---First-Time-In-Asia/271225536291385
Leong Daughter's FB - https://www.facebook.com/jadegriffin93
Not bad for mixed blood, she's on top ten of my bonking list. If like daughter like mother, it should be easy to hook up cos her mom's such a whore!