In ancient Egypt, they have a crocodile god.
This croc is dead, can't you tell?
looks like it drowned la...thats why i asked.
Don't you know that a croc can't be drowned? It's an amphibious reptile.
1 or 2 that never learnt to swim when their mummy was giving lessons leh :p
Must be 1 or 2 that never go NS and AWOL!
Don't you know that a croc can't be drowned? It's an amphibious reptile.
Technically untrue. Crocs can hold their breath underwater for a long time but they still have to come up for air. They can certainly drown.
Yes.. Crocs sightings are quite common at Sungei Buloh.. Many people takin photos there managed to get a glimpse of these crocs swimming there.. Some can also be seen at the mangroves.
Just imagine havin a baby croc and releasing it in Bedok Reservoir.. After a few years, it'll develop to be a giant monster.. Many people canoeing at Bedok Reservoir.. Can imagine the croc overturning the moving canoes there and with people shouting in terror upon seeing the croc... KNN my idea can be made into a movie.. :p
Just imagine havin a baby croc and releasing it in Bedok Reservoir.. After a few years, it'll develop to be a giant monster.. Many people canoeing at Bedok Reservoir.. Can imagine the croc overturning the moving canoes there and with people shouting in terror upon seeing the croc... KNN my idea can be made into a movie.. :p
got movie already lah....
Singapore has been a natural habitat for snakes since eons ago. Even in old PA as trainees, we had quite a number of snakes in barracks and Coffee Hill jogging areas. Who needs snake catching lesson in PA course syllabus? Just scare it away or kill it bare handed. To be more accurate, when unarmed, shoe legged, just aim properly and stomp on it a few inches down its neck. But to qualify, there were neither pythons nor cobras, just small bush snakes. There was once a most hilarious incident. One night, an Indian trainee came out jumping and screaming cock-and-butt naked from the toilet, of course raising alarm through the bunks and all rushed in. A snake had crawled up through the toilet bowl when he was shitting. The was still gliding nonchalantly on the ground. One joker laughed and said dey, thought you Indian expert with snake? Want us to do it for you? Our Indian squadmate recomposed himself, said he was taken by surprise, grabbed his baton and killed the snake.
@ Drifter, is this an alligator or a croc? Looks quite tame..