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Being a SAF-regular leaves a scar in life

Byebye Penis

SAF is in a poor shape in terms of discipline and real warfare. We have excellent, committed soldiers in various branches and primarily in commando units but most other regulars are parasites in the system. In many units, the regulars are having their morning tea or sleeping in bunk now after roll-calls.

Conscription gave them authority and rank when there are there long enough, meritocracy is non-existence. Those who were about leave the service after first contract are even forced to give way to fucked-up regulars in annual appraisals. Personally, i know a MSG in Provost and CPT in Air Force who were ranked second-last or near-bottom despite being the best performers in their unit, just because they were not renewing their contracts with SAF.

I know we have excellent military vehicles and weapons but when we put boots on the ground, Singapore is suffering a worsening decay in readiness because many seniors in army are bad examples and leaders. For every good soldier like SP Ng, I can find another 4 less-worthy ones in service.

Many regulars are there for the headcount. They are pretty much useless. They only thing that they are good at, is bullying (throw ranks). Worst of all, they bring along such cultures with them to the GLCs, ministries and stat board after their retirement.


SAF is in a poor shape in terms of discipline and real warfare. We have excellent, committed soldiers in various branches and primarily in commando units but most other regulars are parasites in the system. In many units, the regulars are having their morning tea or sleeping in bunk now after roll-calls.

Conscription gave them authority and rank when there are there long enough, meritocracy is non-existence. Those who were about leave the service after first contract are even forced to give way to fucked-up regulars in annual appraisals. Personally, i know a MSG in Provost and CPT in Air Force who were ranked second-last or near-bottom despite being the best performers in their unit, just because they were not renewing their contracts with SAF.

I know we have excellent military vehicles and weapons but when we put boots on the ground, Singapore is suffering a worsening decay in readiness because many seniors in army are bad examples and leaders. For every good soldier like SP Ng, I can find another 4 less-worthy ones in service.

Many regulars are there for the headcount. They are pretty much useless. They only thing that they are good at, is bullying (throw ranks). Worst of all, they bring along such cultures with them to the GLCs, ministries and stat board after their retirement.

Totally agree with u!
In fact My National Slavery was in SCDF I guess this bullying goes across all sectors.


Here in public hospital max 4 patients to 1 nurse and private hospital 5 to 1 nurse.
Cannot more then that because the law stated it bro.

Thought private hospital always better than public.
So next time need to go hospital better to go public ward?

Here in NSW, public queue always much longer than private and also cannot choose doctor.
Not sure of facility availability.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Thought private hospital always better than public.
So next time need to go hospital better to go public ward?

Public hospital is better if you're an elite PAP person. The top doctors there will be assigned to your care, be your 奴才 and at your beck and call. :wink:



Thought private hospital always better than public.
So next time need to go hospital better to go public ward?

Here in NSW, public queue always much longer than private and also cannot choose doctor.
Not sure of facility availability.

If u ask me gahmen or private hospital which one is better I say it doesn’t make any difference in service just that private hospital u have to pay (u paid private insurance) and the Q is shorter to see or warded it takes less then 10min.
While gahmen hospital is free but if u got non life threatening sickness just to see a doctor it takes 4hrs at least.
I used to worked in gahmen and private hospital before as an orderly (in sg they call hospital attendant)

I had 2 operations in Melbourne gahmen hospital one is major.

The major operation before that I went to GP and after the GP doctor check my illness immediately he call hospital to check in the next day. I had to check in the next day and the gahmen hospital check me and gave me I think iron and blood because I was loosing blood badly and was told the do the operation the following day. (I had piles pansai got blood)

oh ya when they check me they found out I got another problem gall bladder if I not mistaken and that is not life threatening so that i have to wait for afew months for the minor operation.

In Australia if your sickness is life threatening u will get treated fast but for non life threatening sickness u have to Q that is how healthcare works in Australia and it is free too.
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Public hospital is better if you're an elite PAP person. The top doctors there will be assigned to your care, be your 奴才 and at your beck and call. :wink:

Not only that, you forgot to mention they can just pay $8 for a heart by pass in the top class hospital with the best hospital and room facilities.

This $8 compared with a short GP, not specialist, consultation (up to 10 minutes) will cost you $20 to $30.


If u ask me gahmen or private hospital which one is better I say it doesn’t make any difference in service just that private hospital u have to pay (u paid private insurance) and the Q is shorter to see or warded it takes less then 10min.
While gahmen hospital is free but if u got non life threatening sickness just to see a doctor it takes 4hrs at least.
I used to worked in gahmen and private hospital before as an orderly (in sg they call hospital attendant)

I had 2 operations in Melbourne gahmen hospital one is major.

The major operation before that I went to GP and after the GP doctor check my illness immediately he call hospital to check in the next day. I had to check in the next day and the gahmen hospital check me and gave me I think iron and blood because I was loosing blood badly and was told the do the operation the following day. (I had piles pansai got blood)

oh ya when they check me they found out I got another problem gall bladder if I not mistaken and that is not life threatening so that i have to wait for afew months for the minor operation.

In Australia if your sickness is life threatening u will get treated fast but for non life threatening sickness u have to Q that is how healthcare works in Australia and it is free too.

Thank for sharing. There is another trick I learn. If the hospital near your place has a long queue for certain procedure, you can ask you GP to find another hospital that can give the same operations with a much shorter queue (same week) and write the referral accordingly. There are people going inter city [from Sydney to somewhere] for such immediate procedure.

I also have frequent blood letting in my stool. So much so that my iron blood test reading is low [9.3umol/L] and I need to take iron supplements. Did your surgeon did a band for your piles? Or what did he/she do? My colonoscopy surgeon said not worth doing it as it is very painful and not always getting the desired result as the band always slip. Is that true? Wonder if I need a second opinion.

@nayr69sg can share your input please?


Thank for sharing. There is another trick I learn. If the hospital near your place has a long queue for certain procedure, you can ask you GP to find another hospital that can give the same operations with a much shorter queue (same week) and write the referral accordingly. There are people going inter city [from Sydney to somewhere] for such immediate procedure.

I also have frequent blood letting in my stool. So much so that my iron blood test reading is low [9.3umol/L] and I need to take iron supplements. Did your surgeon did a band for your piles? Or what did he/she do? My colonoscopy surgeon said not worth doing it as it is very painful and not always getting the desired result as the band always slip. Is that true? Wonder if I need a second opinion.

@nayr69sg can share your input please?

in my life time total i had 4 times operations on pile and stress is the main reason why i had piles.
the 4th time is life threathening because my blood in my body is super low i cannot walk like normal person and have to walk like old man and when i climb up the staircase only 1 floor i be out of breath like i run 2.4 km to get gold!!

all the operation i had they used band.
imagine your piles is like a pimple and the band(it is a super micro rubber band) it will choke the piles and it will close and heal and eventually your piles will drop after 1 or 2 weeks depend how fast your piles drop.

the band will not get loosen and drop because the band super tiny it will only drop when your pile is drop('cut" inside your ass). so far i had 4 operation all never drop and they only drop when the pile is"cut" by the ban after 1 or 2 weeks and the piles is heal. the thing your doctor neer tell u is that piles can comes back!!! (just like my case 4 times bro!)

my advice since u got pile just go for the operation because everytime u go toilet and losealot of blood can be very dengerous bro.
always remember piles can comes back after few years later if u are lucky it never comes back if u unlucky like me it comes back.


in my life time total i had 4 times operations on pile and stress is the main reason why i had piles.
the 4th time is life threathening because my blood in my body is super low i cannot walk like normal person and have to walk like old man and when i climb up the staircase only 1 floor i be out of breath like i run 2.4 km to get gold!!

my advice since u got pile just go for the operation because everytime u go toilet and losealot of blood can be very dengerous bro.
always remember piles can comes back after few years later if u are lucky it never comes back if u unlucky like me it comes back.


Sorry to hear about your medical problems.

I, too, had piles.
Luckily during the Colonoscopy, they did not detect any issues.

But, its very painful.
You cannot sit due to that protruding lump.
And, truly very embarasing, when suddenly it drips out blood in public.
My problem is even worst as I am taking warfarin.
Thus, I cannot undergo any major operation.

I read through and learnt that eating figs will help.
I tried, followed by prunes.
The lump subsided.
It only bleeds if I am not disciplined , like taking mutton.
Since then, I am only taking High-Fiber food,
Lots of fruits.
and water esp. fruit juices.

It helps a lot.
I am very very much better now [using my very own Home Remedy].



Sorry to hear about your medical problems.

I, too, had piles.
Luckily during the Colonoscopy, they did not detect any issues.

But, its very painful.
You cannot sit due to that protruding lump.
And, truly very embarasing, when suddenly it drips out blood in public.
My problem is even worst as I am taking warfarin.
Thus, I cannot undergo any major operation.

I read through and learnt that eating figs will help.
I tried, followed by prunes.
The lump subsided.
It only bleeds if I am not disciplined , like taking mutton.
Since then, I am only taking High-Fiber food,
Lots of fruits.
and water esp. fruit juices.

It helps a lot.
I am very very much better now [using my very own Home Remedy].
bro i can understand your sitiuation hope u get well bro.


Super Moderator
Staff member
Thank for sharing. There is another trick I learn. If the hospital near your place has a long queue for certain procedure, you can ask you GP to find another hospital that can give the same operations with a much shorter queue (same week) and write the referral accordingly. There are people going inter city [from Sydney to somewhere] for such immediate procedure.

I also have frequent blood letting in my stool. So much so that my iron blood test reading is low [9.3umol/L] and I need to take iron supplements. Did your surgeon did a band for your piles? Or what did he/she do? My colonoscopy surgeon said not worth doing it as it is very painful and not always getting the desired result as the band always slip. Is that true? Wonder if I need a second opinion.

@nayr69sg can share your input please?

If you have a colorectal surgeon I guess you have done a colonoscopy? That one is important to check for cancer. What about Esophagealgastroduodenoscopy? EGD in North America, in SG they call it OGD.

Might be good to scope up top as well to rule out cancer too. Anemia in males is always a concern.

So if they have done that and diagnosed that the cause of your anemia is due to blood loss from your hemorrhoids then you must be bleeding quite a lot.

I am guessing your surgeon is advising that you go for hemorrhoidectomy. ie remove the hemorrhoids? That might be a better option since your problem is not just piles but bleeding piles to the extent it causes anemia. So a hemorrhoidectomy would be a definitive procedure.

Banding is more for like people with some small first degree or second degree piles. But it is painful and recurrence rates are quite high.

Is there a reason why you would prefer not to have the hemorrhoidectomy?


This certainly leaves a scar on all soldiers; a lifetime.


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Alfrescian (Inf)
In army talking about discipline and punctuality, haha when exercise starts end on time? When officer arrived on time? Late 1 hour? Exercise delayed 1 hour becos his balonglong? Knn diu :biggrin:


In army talking about discipline and punctuality, haha when exercise starts end on time? When officer arrived on time? Late 1 hour? Exercise delayed 1 hour becos his balonglong? Knn diu :biggrin:

bro in Australia i saw 3 times with my own eyes while taking public transport a army or a police officer taking public transport the Australian even old man will stand up and offer their seat to the officer!!!!! and all 3 times i saw the officer smile and say thank you and remine standing. in Australia uniforms are much respected even garbage man clearing your bin people will greet them and will give drinks oh postman too! i always give them cans drink :smile:
can u get this king of respect in singapore toward those wearing uniform in my 36 years of living in singapore not even once i see bro.

Byebye Penis

In army talking about discipline and punctuality, haha when exercise starts end on time? When officer arrived on time? Late 1 hour? Exercise delayed 1 hour becos his balonglong? Knn diu :biggrin:

Air Force & Navy are better. If the plane or ship bombs the place a min later, the enemy may got away. A min early, our scouts are still in the location.

In army, the CO tells the OC falling at 7am
the OC tells the CSM 6.45am
CSM tells the PS 6.15am
PS tells his Sect Comm 6am
Sect Comm tells his men 5.45am fall in.