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Banks should phase out updating of passbooks at ATMs


Whenever a person can't keep up with the pace of life and its changes, it's time to leave. Otherwise, he/she will just become another jiakliaobee and a burden to society.
There are plenty of them! Wait long long for this to be over...


The situation has worsen during this festive season. More old farts are hogging the ATMs to update their passbooks. And many are updating more than one frigging book. I just witnessed a heated quarrel between one old fart with a walking frame and an old cunt. Old cunt was updating a few passbooks and flipping the pages to check. Old bloke lost his patience and told her off. Old cunt shouted back at him and all hell broke loose. The AETOS security chap had to intervene to stop the commotion. Damn sia suay!

They should limit people to 3 transactions, does not matter whether it is to update passbooks, or to transfer money to numerous people. :cool:


I was elated just looking at the disappointed and distressed faces of old farts who couldn't update their bank passbooks yesterday when the whole DBS/POSB system came to a complete standstill.


I was elated just looking at the disappointed and distressed faces of old farts who couldn't update their bank passbooks yesterday when the whole DBS/POSB system came to a complete standstill.
You are very happy when you see others in trouble, in distress and having problems in life. Did u go and tell them how happy you are when you see them having problems?


Alfrescian (Inf)
I was elated just looking at the disappointed and distressed faces of old farts who couldn't update their bank passbooks yesterday when the whole DBS/POSB system came to a complete standstill.

You sound vaccinated.


Alfrescian (Inf)
we have poor eyesight, so need to take a while to vet the passbook. Also, it's our life savings.....it's all we have to our poor inconsequential names. But like I said, my old fart friends and I do our banking online because we are educated and have embraced technology.:biggrin:
I beg to differ. I'll do all my transactions at the ATM machine. The only thing I will embrace is a busty chiobu, not some unsecured banking technology that keeps fucking up now and then.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Just now, one fucking old cunt was hogging the ATM trying to update 7 bank books! WTF! I went up to her and told her to be more considerate as there were 5 persons waiting behind her. She buay song and walked off after updating 3 books.
You should have tore up all her pass books and throw them on the floor.


You are very happy when you see others in trouble, in distress and having problems in life. Did u go and tell them how happy you are when you see them having problems?

What trouble were they in? I have had enough with these retards hogging on to the ATMs by updating their silly passbooks. Some idiots even want to be doubly sure that there's no error, slot in their ATM cards to recheck the amount again. Not that they have a few millions in their accounts.

Scrooball (clone)

Here’s a controversial idea…. Why not send old farts to Malaysia?

The relatively low tech environment and fresh air will do them wonders