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Banks should phase out updating of passbooks at ATMs


Old farts updating their passbooks are usually the main cause of long queues forming at ATMs. Some idiots even have a few passbooks in hand and slowly take their time to update each book not caring about the folks queueing behind. Who needs passbooks these days when everything can be obtained online?


Super Moderator
Staff member
Usually the old fucking voters of pappies. Feels good looking at passbook, just like looking at CPF statement :biggrin:
Just go online lah.

Get the fucking app!

Obviously these old folks dont read social media or even SBF only fed ST shit.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Old farts updating their passbooks are usually the main cause of long queues forming at ATMs. Some idiots even have a few passbooks in hand and slowly take their time to update each book not caring about the folks queueing behind. Who needs passbooks these days when everything can be obtained online?

Not everyone wants to do things online, fyi.


Firstly, why update?
Whats the purpose?

Worst, those after updating, still stand there to check the entries.!!!


Alfrescian (Inf)
This can only happen when you phase out optical mark recognition betting slips for Singapore Pools. These old farts will be forced to attend SkillsFuture courses to learn how to bet online with their online banking+betting accounts.


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
Old farts updating their passbooks are usually the main cause of long queues forming at ATMs. Some idiots even have a few passbooks in hand and slowly take their time to update each book not caring about the folks queueing behind. Who needs passbooks these days when everything can be obtained online?

If the government lifted the lockdown these old farts would be culled by the forces of nature and the younger generation wouldn't have to waste time and money providing for them and putting up with their Luddite ways.

Pandemics are nature's way of clearing the deck and keeping the population levels in check. The problem nowadays is that mankind constantly interferes with the natural order. Ultimately there is a heavy price to pay for constantly intervening instead of leaving well alone.


Alfrescian (Inf)
This can only happen when you phase out optical mark recognition betting slips for Singapore Pools. These old farts will be forced to attend SkillsFuture courses to learn how to bet online with their online banking+betting accounts.

With the govt's shoddy cybersecurity record, the offline option if available should always be considered. :wink:


Old Fart
If the government lifted the lockdown these old farts would be culled by the forces of nature and the younger generation wouldn't have to waste time and money providing for them and putting up with their Luddite ways.

Pandemics are nature's way of clearing the deck and keeping the population levels in check. The problem nowadays is that mankind constantly interferes with the natural order. Ultimately there is a heavy price to pay for constantly intervening instead of leaving well alone.
It's just about a passbook, what are you going on about?:rolleyes::biggrin:


I'm going on about old farts getting in the way when they should be dead and buried.

Some old farts shouldn't be allowed to remain in this world. They are crude and uncouth, talk loudly in public, dig nose, cough and sneeze loudly in public, spit everywhere etc. And like to talk big and talk cock.


Some old farts shouldn't be allowed to remain in this world. They are crude and uncouth, talk loudly in public, dig nose, cough and sneeze loudly in public, spit everywhere etc. And like to talk big and talk cock.
I also agree.


Old Fart
I'm going on about old farts getting in the way when they should be dead and buried.
Some old farts shouldn't be allowed to remain in this world. They are crude and uncouth, talk loudly in public, dig nose, cough and sneeze loudly in public, spit everywhere etc. And like to talk big and talk cock.
I also agree.
For christ's sake, it's just about a passbook, don't need to get mean and nasty to old farts like me and my generation.:cry: