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Man vandalises car with marker -- not knowing he was caught on camera
Posted on 27 September 2013 | 26343 views | 73 comments | 15 shares
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STOMPer Sean had parked his car at Preston Road on Aug 20 and gone for a walk, only to find that someone had vandalised the vehicle with a permanent marker.
When Sean looked at footage recorded on his car camera, he realised that a man who lived nearby was the culprit.
The video shows the man exiting his house and approaching the STOMPer's car with a red marker.
He is also seen scribbling on the car's windscreen, stopping to chat with a passer-by with the marker still in his hand, before returning to continue the vandalism.
Said the STOMPer:
"I caught this guy red-handed vandalizing my car on Aug 20 at 16 Preston Road.
"I had driven up the road and parked by the side (no markings or indication to say that I couldn't). That was one of the entrances to the Hort Park Tree Top walk, and I wanted to go for a walk.
"When I came back, I saw my car smeared in bright red ink on the front, side and rear glass. This was done using a permanent marker no less.
"Apparently, I had parked in 'his spot'. Even then, I would have gladly driven away if he had just asked. Heck, I'd even pay a fine if I was really in the wrong. But this vandalism sure isn't called for.
"I have made a police report.
"Be wary of this vandal who lives at Preston Road in Singapore."
STOMP has removed parts of the video that do not show the man vandalising the car.
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GALLERY: Click on thumbnails for larger image
Posted on 27 September 2013 | 26343 views | 73 comments | 15 shares
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STOMPer Sean had parked his car at Preston Road on Aug 20 and gone for a walk, only to find that someone had vandalised the vehicle with a permanent marker.
When Sean looked at footage recorded on his car camera, he realised that a man who lived nearby was the culprit.
The video shows the man exiting his house and approaching the STOMPer's car with a red marker.
He is also seen scribbling on the car's windscreen, stopping to chat with a passer-by with the marker still in his hand, before returning to continue the vandalism.
Said the STOMPer:
"I caught this guy red-handed vandalizing my car on Aug 20 at 16 Preston Road.
"I had driven up the road and parked by the side (no markings or indication to say that I couldn't). That was one of the entrances to the Hort Park Tree Top walk, and I wanted to go for a walk.
"When I came back, I saw my car smeared in bright red ink on the front, side and rear glass. This was done using a permanent marker no less.
"Apparently, I had parked in 'his spot'. Even then, I would have gladly driven away if he had just asked. Heck, I'd even pay a fine if I was really in the wrong. But this vandalism sure isn't called for.
"I have made a police report.
"Be wary of this vandal who lives at Preston Road in Singapore."
STOMP has removed parts of the video that do not show the man vandalising the car.
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GALLERY: Click on thumbnails for larger image