Speaking of accidents, almost got into a terrible one myself.
Just barely 10 mins ago, i was driving to fetch my wife and kids after just having my late lunch. Terrible thunderstorm came just as i was trying to fetch them, i was driving quite fast on the highway and suddenly have a vision of myself in blood in an upside down vehicle and still worrying about my wife and kids.
I slowed down and all was well as i kept to a safe speed. Suddenly about 20 seconds later, my car suddenly lost control and veered from the extreme right lane to the extreme left lane. I pressed the hazard light button to warn others, stepped on the brakes and the brakes resisted as the ABS kicked in. Instead of trying to over compensate, i let it go where it wanted, slowly step on the brakes and steered it slowly back. Just as i was gaining control, it suddenly went to the other direction and tried to hit a vehicle in front of me.
I slowly turned with it before turning it back to straightened the wheel and then i braked very gently. Suddenly regained control and narrowly missed the left most barrier, i think i startled the poor fella in front of me.
Just had my tyres replaced a couple of months back and i wasn't going that fast but seriously i will keep the speed down in the rain. Arrived and told my wife what happened and told her i won't be going out anymore today.