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First Chinese commando officer graduates in Malaysia

Rogue Trader

Alfrescian (Inf)
You've swallowed the zionazis bait hook line and sinker.
The only time where Jews were chased out was when the roman Catholics rules Jerusalem in to 700s.
Jews are present in every mid east Arab country and they're welcomed to stay and practice.
Only Jerusalem? History isnt your strong suit.


Jews are well known for never integrating with the people they live with and always backstab their hosts. Because they are insecure religious psychos. Like all satanic children of Abraham

Rogue Trader

Alfrescian (Inf)
You've swallowed the zionazis bait hook line and sinker.
The only time where Jews were chased out was when the roman Catholics rules Jerusalem in to 700s.
Jews are present in every mid east Arab country and they're welcomed to stay and practice.
Anyway, this thread is about a Malaysian Chinese commando officer in Malaysia. Stop trying to play the victim card every chance like that Raeesah khan.

It's tiresome


Lol, he can join the jialiaobee army personal in sg ,maybe he can land in mrt, my 2IC in smrt , very lay back guy thru connections also can join mrt, lol,but too sad like to go jb fir ktv n drunk driving,lol,think he like jiuhu bu, his career ended