I've mentioned before I'm a Beng at heart but trying my best to wash away this part of me as I'm very ashame of it. I mean at most I was Beng for maybe until 16-17ish that's when I discard that part of me. And spend the next few decades trying to get away from anything that's Beng....like the pap scholar system it seemed the first 17 years of my life already determined my entire life.
Another aspect I hate besides being Beng is the chinkness and sinkieness in me. I try very hard to get rid of that too.
I guess I can't truly do it but I take heart my children and their children would never have to struggle with identity crisis like me. They are the total opposite of these three traits I hate....thanks to my good upbringing and social engineering since young.
And yes about the social standing thingy....I'm at the age that I careless about those things and I wish I can say I'm rich enough to heck care too but I'm not. I'm just contented and happy with my current lifestyle. It's not luxurious or anything but I can say I dun need to work anymore. And money can only buy you that much respect.....if you want to elevate your standing then discard those 3 traits I mentioned.....sinkieness chinkness and bengness....the last is closely related to sinkieness.
Ok so suffice to say you were born in say a lower strata of society/something that people would call say "hokkien peng" in fact i would say more towards the criminally inclined side of life.
The thing is i doubt you ever shook off these 3 things you mentioned you hate off. You told me you have been jailed in 3 countries before. Mudland, sg, thailand. I'm not sure what type of offences you committed to get you jailed whether they were "high class" crimes you know white collar ones or the "low class" ones like rioting, fighting. I am sure during your childhood years committing criminal offences were not new to you already. It's kind of hard to go from a crime/incident free childhood to one that involves being jailed in 3 different countries.
True ah pap seems to get their scholars from a young age. Someone that has been getting A's from primary to sec to A then to uni etc has the best possible chance to be a pap scholar.
Anyway from your own life circumstances and what you post today remember your post a few days back like "in my circle someone who we don't hear from is either dead or in jail" shows that not only did you not shake off your ah beng type of upbringing you actually lived thru it and are currently living it right now but is just too ashamed to admit it. I mean take any normal person. Who would write something like if i don't hear from my old friend he is either dead or in jail. That's some hardcore shit right there.
Also sad to say you mention your kids have good upbringing and social engineering i highly doubt it. I mean other than you having been jailed in 3 different countries you mentioned you got divorced 2x and you have remarried a 3rd time this time with a thai wife whose brother is some high ranking colonel am i right? Suffice to say some of your kids are from a different marriage am i right to say and you mentioned recently you got a gf pregnant even though you are currently married am i right?
Btw is your current lifestyle of not having to work due to you know your own efforts or due to criminal activities?
I think you led a pretty good life. I mean you're not in jail anymore despite all your past activities, you have kids and you are still chionging now am i right? Going to thai discos etc.
Kind of sad you didn't shake off your supposed childhood problems but instead embraced them and developed them but is too ashamed to admit it.