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- Feb 14, 2009
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Next GE, Oppo parties better not attack Mapok Tan severely becos you will drive sympathy votes away !
We all know, HDB housing policy is in a big mess and being sustained by fairy-tale economy as well as the FT policy !
But still got many voters believe Public houses are affordable and nothing wrong with the system becos they oredi paid up the loan last time they bought !
Oppo parties' object is to go out there next GE and make these people think and calculate themselves ! Most of all, educate them about basic shelters !
Be gentleman, try to talk something logical to the voters about HDB flats !
Be simple as possible so voters can digest fast !
You are dealing with primitive voters who get used to paying, free things are taboo subjects , pls remember !
First, tell the voters that HDB flats are not own by voters , the rightful owner is HDB, Town council is MA ! Just check the contract !
Voters only buy lease for 99 years ! After 99 yrs , if the house is not evicted en-bloc , what you paid for the 99 yrs will becum zero !
Tell the voters that in the 70s and 80s, majority HDB leaseholders could afford to pay up HDB loan in 3 to 5 yrs time !
But now, it needs 20 to 30 yrs to pay up ! HDB lease price went up 30 times, ask the voters, touch your heart, did you voters see your salaries go in par ???
Tell the voters that if HDB value keeps appreciating , if you don’t sell away, can you feel the appreciation ?
But if you only have one HDB shelter , and let say you sell away to take the profit , will you able to buy another cheaper HDB lease ?
Tell the voters, If you people who got HDB flats and got private homes, of course, the appreciating HDB value will benefit you right ! But how many of your comrades got two homes ?
Another thing, you voters buy HDB lease for 99 yrs ! Now, if your HDB shelter is 40 yrs of age, you may think HDB is going to knock it down and build you new HDB flats to get new lease right ! Of course, if economy is good, land is enough to do so, you are lucky right ! But how long can this system sustained ! Sinkapore is a small island, it will becum very crowded very soon , every inch of land will be earmarked for condos and concrete jungles , so you see many HDB flats may stand for 100 years into the future. Politics in sinkapore will change, all landscapes will also change !
As houses get expensive, more children will take over their parents house , this is a fact , who got enough money to blow when they hardly can save for rainy days right !
Oppo parties should tell voters that though many people may not live till 99 years of age, but there must be a compensation based on buying price or otherwise when the public house reaches 99 years …….this incident may not or may happen, but at least there is an assurance to low income familes or middle class families and their posterity !
Sinkapore will not always have good economy for a lifetime....this is law of nature !
Tell the voters, a better way to control HDB price going up faster than salaries is to implement rules on PRs buying HDB flats !
Let say, new PRs cannot buy Public house lease within 5 years , this is only fair becos NS is compulsory to the locals, besides, public HDB flats why can sell to FTs right !
There are many points to talk about HDB flats, go for the chink to sway the voters !
One important point to note is that since HDB houses’ owner is HDB, why leaseholders are paying property tax ? !
Just ask the voters to think for your children and their children before they cast votes, becos Public housing not only must be affordable to pay monthly , they must not take a life time to pay ! The word affordable is nice to hear but if takes 20 to 30 yrs to pay for HDB loan , life is a drag !
ASk the voters, do you live and work just to pay your House lease ??? Is that the purpose to becoming common sinkaporeans ????
Tell the voters, losers or winners are them not Oppo parties, if public Housing takes up most part of their earnings , then you can only do less things in your lifetime if you are just workers !
Pls remember, tell the voters, your salaries are also pegged to foreign workers salaries since Minimum wage cannot work in sinkapore !
Your children’s CPF savings is like a vehicle carrying money to HDB, there would be nothing left for retirement ! And can anyone guaranteed your HDB houses would worth millions 30 yrs from now.
Oppo parties should tell the voters that they suggest tackling the present HDB issues now than talking about value appreciation yrs after yrs is more realistic ! No one can tell what would happen ten years from now !
Meritocrazy may sound so nice and fair to the FTs, but think again when comes to public housing , think for your children when you cast your votes ! You voters are the ones that can make change not any party ! You decide what you want for your posterity !
Pls also think about your fellowmen who struggle to keep up the HDB loan !
Please do not compare with other countries becos comparing apple to orange is not a correct thing to do ! Each country has their advantages and disadvantages….never ending stories !
Tell the voters that Oppo parties do not want to condemn the present HDB policy and price, we are here to share with you the truth for you and your children and their children to understand ! You have to decide what you want , you are responsible for others and your children for everything you vote for !
Just Like the big-time gambling ---the majority voters are the ones who give mandate to have two casinos !
Oppo parties must remind voters that the heavy responsibilities lie with them ! They have to think carefully when they cast votes !
Cheers…to be continued…..coming up….gangsterism in first world sinkapore ! May the force be with you !
We all know, HDB housing policy is in a big mess and being sustained by fairy-tale economy as well as the FT policy !
But still got many voters believe Public houses are affordable and nothing wrong with the system becos they oredi paid up the loan last time they bought !
Oppo parties' object is to go out there next GE and make these people think and calculate themselves ! Most of all, educate them about basic shelters !
Be gentleman, try to talk something logical to the voters about HDB flats !
Be simple as possible so voters can digest fast !
You are dealing with primitive voters who get used to paying, free things are taboo subjects , pls remember !
First, tell the voters that HDB flats are not own by voters , the rightful owner is HDB, Town council is MA ! Just check the contract !
Voters only buy lease for 99 years ! After 99 yrs , if the house is not evicted en-bloc , what you paid for the 99 yrs will becum zero !
Tell the voters that in the 70s and 80s, majority HDB leaseholders could afford to pay up HDB loan in 3 to 5 yrs time !
But now, it needs 20 to 30 yrs to pay up ! HDB lease price went up 30 times, ask the voters, touch your heart, did you voters see your salaries go in par ???
Tell the voters that if HDB value keeps appreciating , if you don’t sell away, can you feel the appreciation ?
But if you only have one HDB shelter , and let say you sell away to take the profit , will you able to buy another cheaper HDB lease ?
Tell the voters, If you people who got HDB flats and got private homes, of course, the appreciating HDB value will benefit you right ! But how many of your comrades got two homes ?
Another thing, you voters buy HDB lease for 99 yrs ! Now, if your HDB shelter is 40 yrs of age, you may think HDB is going to knock it down and build you new HDB flats to get new lease right ! Of course, if economy is good, land is enough to do so, you are lucky right ! But how long can this system sustained ! Sinkapore is a small island, it will becum very crowded very soon , every inch of land will be earmarked for condos and concrete jungles , so you see many HDB flats may stand for 100 years into the future. Politics in sinkapore will change, all landscapes will also change !
As houses get expensive, more children will take over their parents house , this is a fact , who got enough money to blow when they hardly can save for rainy days right !
Oppo parties should tell voters that though many people may not live till 99 years of age, but there must be a compensation based on buying price or otherwise when the public house reaches 99 years …….this incident may not or may happen, but at least there is an assurance to low income familes or middle class families and their posterity !
Sinkapore will not always have good economy for a lifetime....this is law of nature !
Tell the voters, a better way to control HDB price going up faster than salaries is to implement rules on PRs buying HDB flats !
Let say, new PRs cannot buy Public house lease within 5 years , this is only fair becos NS is compulsory to the locals, besides, public HDB flats why can sell to FTs right !
There are many points to talk about HDB flats, go for the chink to sway the voters !
One important point to note is that since HDB houses’ owner is HDB, why leaseholders are paying property tax ? !
Just ask the voters to think for your children and their children before they cast votes, becos Public housing not only must be affordable to pay monthly , they must not take a life time to pay ! The word affordable is nice to hear but if takes 20 to 30 yrs to pay for HDB loan , life is a drag !
ASk the voters, do you live and work just to pay your House lease ??? Is that the purpose to becoming common sinkaporeans ????
Tell the voters, losers or winners are them not Oppo parties, if public Housing takes up most part of their earnings , then you can only do less things in your lifetime if you are just workers !
Pls remember, tell the voters, your salaries are also pegged to foreign workers salaries since Minimum wage cannot work in sinkapore !
Your children’s CPF savings is like a vehicle carrying money to HDB, there would be nothing left for retirement ! And can anyone guaranteed your HDB houses would worth millions 30 yrs from now.
Oppo parties should tell the voters that they suggest tackling the present HDB issues now than talking about value appreciation yrs after yrs is more realistic ! No one can tell what would happen ten years from now !
Meritocrazy may sound so nice and fair to the FTs, but think again when comes to public housing , think for your children when you cast your votes ! You voters are the ones that can make change not any party ! You decide what you want for your posterity !
Pls also think about your fellowmen who struggle to keep up the HDB loan !
Please do not compare with other countries becos comparing apple to orange is not a correct thing to do ! Each country has their advantages and disadvantages….never ending stories !
Tell the voters that Oppo parties do not want to condemn the present HDB policy and price, we are here to share with you the truth for you and your children and their children to understand ! You have to decide what you want , you are responsible for others and your children for everything you vote for !
Just Like the big-time gambling ---the majority voters are the ones who give mandate to have two casinos !
Oppo parties must remind voters that the heavy responsibilities lie with them ! They have to think carefully when they cast votes !
Cheers…to be continued…..coming up….gangsterism in first world sinkapore ! May the force be with you !