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A Tribute To Good Old Forum Banter



Goh Meng Seng People's Power Party




People's Power Party - PPP

The False Dream Sold by the Asset Enhancement Scheme: What It Cost Us
The belief that HDB flats are ‘retirement assets’ is fundamentally flawed. In reality, these flats are meant for housing all generations, not as investment tools. The 99-year lease policy only works if we’re ready to rebuild and renew by year 30.
For years, the Asset Enhancement Scheme lulled us into a false sense of security, selling us the idea of forever ‘enhanced’ values. In chasing short-term profits, Singaporeans may have jeopardized their own future and that of generations to come. With each passing year, the sustainability of our housing market grows more uncertain.
The way forward is clear—focus on creating a housing policy that prioritizes need over profit. This means acknowledging the limits of 99-year leases and planning for regular rebuilding cycles. Only by doing so can we ensure a stable, sustainable future for all.
#hdb #retirement #singaporepolitics #singapore #singaporehousing



Goh Meng Seng People's Power Party

I guess a lot of Singaporeans are extremely disappointed by the broken promise of LTA & SMRT of resuming the train service along the East West line on Monday, from Buona Vista to Jurong East.
This is after 5 days of disruption from normal service and contrary to what the Minister for Transport Chee Hong Tat has wished, there is apparent anger outburst from the ground and lots of Singaporeans are losing patience. My friend was basically screaming and venting his frustration to me when he was trying to travel between town and Boon Lay.
When the MRT broke down and service disrupted for 5 hours in Dec 2011, the then CEO & President of SMRT Saw Phaik Hwa resigned in Jan 2012 and the performance bonus shares awarded to her were cut back.
Right now, instead of 5 hours disruption, we are having 5 days or even longer disruption! I really wonder who will take responsibility and accountability for this disruption?!
I really don't know how they do their checks on the tracks before they started the track repair. They first claimed there are 34 cracks and after fixing these cracks, they found another 12 more?!
This doesn't instill confidence in the whole repair and maintenance of the SMRT and LTA at all! How would we know if they didn't miss another few more cracks after fixing the 12?
They say that these cracks were previously "not visible" during the first checks. My question is, how did they perform the checks in the first place!
Are they just using their eyes for visual checks or with laser scanners? There are already high tech Robotic scanners which utilize AI to identify fine line defects for rail!
How can they miss these additional cracks if they are using effective tools?
I think it is time to have another COI on this apparent incompetency of LTA and SMRT in maintaining our MRT.



GMS gives some adviCe. :wink::coffee::tongue:

Goh Meng Seng People's Power Party

This is an advanced small size, handy rail track Robotic AI Laser scanner which the Chinese developed to help in the maintenance of the hundreds of thousands kilometers of rail tracks in China.
There are also 3D Robotic scanners made by other companies which will do scanning to ensure the surrounding area of the tracks are clear and safe for the trains to pass through, apart from checking on the wear and tear of the tracks.
Some companies from the Western countries have also develop similar devices utilizing AI technology to help them to maintain their rail systems.
There is really no excuse for LTA and SMRT to miss out the 12 cracks if they have used the appropriate tools to do the checks on the tracks.
I really wonder how they plan their "predictive maintenance" if they don't utilize such scanners to provide data for their system to crunch! What types of sensors have they installed that would end up with 3 breakdowns within 2 weeks?
