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A Tribute To Good Old Forum Banter


GMS admires Andrew. :wink::thumbsup::biggrin:

Goh Meng Seng

Yesterday at 00:00 ·

This is UK Parliamentary Member Mr. Andrew Bridgen. He has great integrity to pursue the inconvenient Truth of the CV jab safety and efficacy issues.

He was an Tory MP, the Conservative party which is also the ruling plarty. He was expelled by his party in April 2023 for bringing up inconvenient questions on CV jabs, but he persisted on bringing up these issues, even when almost ALL MPs in UK Parliament literally boycotted his speeches in Parliament by walking out.

He perseveres on this uphill path, bringing up the BIGGEST WHITE ELEPHANT in UK history, glaring Excess Deaths in UK.

A man of great integrity who puts Public Interests before his own interests as a politician.

Now, he has 21 MPs supporting his cause to pressure the UK Health authorities to release crucial Excess Deaths data which it had released to Pharmaceutical companies instead of the public!

I admire Mr Andrew Bridgen's courage, integrity and perseverance in pursuing the Truth, getting to the bottom of REAL LIFE AND DEATH issues.

We need our own Andrew Bridgen in Singapore Parliament, and let it be me.

Facebook refused to allow me to share a very important video which shows what emblemer in UK has found in young dead bodies. But the Truth will prevail.



GMS asks how much is $28 Billions. :unsure::coffee::biggrin:

Goh Meng Seng

2 July at 02:23 ·

After note:

How much is $28 Billions?

Most people don't have concrete idea how much is a billion dollars, lest $28 Billions.

In terms of numbers, it's 28 with 9 zeros aka $28,000,000,000

But this would be seen just as digits to most people.

Would you regard a person earning $1 million per year a rich man? Of course he is. But for a person to earn $1 million per year, it will take him 28000 years to earn $28 billions!

Even if a person earns $1 million a day, it will take him 76 years to earn $28 billions! That will most probably be a life time for a normal person.

Thus it is very important for people to get their perspective right about such huge amount of money before they start talking about the "worthiness" of any project that cost that much.

It's not $28, $28K or $28 million but $28 Billions. They look very similar but extremely different.

We should start taking stock of all these big spendings by the government which keeps saying they need to raise more GST for whatever reasons.

This will be one of my priorities if my team of PPP get voted into Parliament.

Original Post:

I took a trip to the new MRT Siglap station along the Thomson Line.

I actually took a bus from Bedok interchange to reach there, instead of taking the MRT.

These newly opened MRT stations along Thomson Line look very empty to me, even though there is Victoria School just beside it.

I guess they have spent a great amount of money building these 10 stations right from Marina Bay to Sungei Bedok. The cost of building 1 MRT station can be as high as half a billion dollars or more. For the whole Thomson East Coast line of 32 stations, it is said to cost $28 billions which on average, over $870m, per station!

However, it seems that ridership over this line will be quite pathetic as compared to the great amount of money spent on it.

This will be especially so for 10 stations from Marina Bay to Sungei Bedok.

These stations are serving mainly low density residential area which basically has Zero connectivity with other lines.

The fact that I need to take a bus from Bedok to Siglap MRT station says it all.

This line runs parallel to the East West line with no connectivity to the main interchange stations like Paya Lebar MRT or the main densely populated Bedok Station in the region.

The main attraction along the this part of the East Coast line is East Coast Park itself but there is no connectivity to the park other than taking a long walk under the hot sun to get to the underpasses.

It is only logical for this part of the Thomson East Coast line to be connected to Paya Lebar MRT and Bedok MRT, with connectivity built to the East Coast Park.

Heng Swee Kiat claims to have his "East Coast Plan" but apparently he doesn't really know what to plan for!

I don't wish this multi Billion MRT line to become another White Elephant, wasting all the money and opportunity costs of traffic jams and inconvenience for the past years.

The standard of governance has dropped drastically over these few decades with bad planning and over spending of billions on projects that don't make any sense at all. When they run short of money, what do they do? They just squeeze us for more money via raising GST.
