Congratulations sir, if i could, i would have traded all the material things/titles/cars i have now for the 2 kids i have lost so that i will have 4 kids.
Yet i am grateful for the 2 that i have. There was a very depressing time in my life when i was facing huge stress at work, then had a low appraisal
despite meeting and beating all the numbers and working 3 days + nights in a row. Whenever i said i had skipped meals, some folks will say they
skipped too but do they all regularly have their breakfast at 4 or even 7pm by choice? I didn't want to argue as i feel too tired sometimes and i
kind of lost my spirit.
In the end, all it took was for my son to jump on my back and hugged me tight (i was so tired i was by then lying prone on the bed with the laptop, still working) His firm hug and hands stroking my hair and
saying "Daddy, you are so tired, i love you" followed by "Daddy, can i play the game console?" Hahaha kids will be kids but his single action was
better than any physical tonic. It was a tonic straight for the soul.
So sir, i am very very happy for you, this is a good outcome. I can understand why No. 2 did what she did to rebuke no. 3 as she was just being a mother who is protective and concerned about her child's future. Before you inform No. 1, do take precaution that she may be vindicative and take everything you have since you guys are business partners.
After all, it was your fault but take heart, all shall pass, no matter how violent the storm blows. Save what you can but deny nothing that is rightfully hers, if you must part, part on good terms. Worse come to worse, take custody of the child, stay with No. 1 and still take care of No. 3 and especially No. 2 on the side. If nothing else, she was and is the mother of your child.
In the worst case, no matter whether No. 1 or No. 3 leaves, you still have a complete family so don't take life too hard.
Like what a certain BHS always told me,
What goes up, must come down, what goes down may yet rebound.
I would open up a bottle..........of champagne because it is a new life coming into your life and you are at a pivotal point where everything is in your hands to make or break.
You are becoming a father!!!

The one single moment where you feel magic is when your child is born, one moment there was only 2 (4 in your case) of us. Then suddenly it became 3 and things never became the same again.
I can definitely assure you, in 7 months time, it will be worth it. Come what may, i am confident that you can handle it and handle it well.
Best wishes and congratulations again!