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Hehehehe. Detox program temporary on hold. Here got many 高手. 小弟 pai seh, pai seh. Bought a pack of CP Mexican wings. Defrost it and add a little of Shao Xing wine and Pan fried for 2 mins. Aroi mak mak. And more importantly, goes well with the whisky.
Fishypie, have been trying the egg omlette fuffy version but have no luck. Any tips from you or any bros/sis ? OK, fluffy means 'hoo hoo' in hokkien. Don't exactly know how to express it in English. Pai seh.
Still evaluating the weather. Might or might not go out tonight. :p
As regards to the fLuffy omLettes; here are some simpLe pointers :
1. Your oiL have to be adequate, and set on high heat tiLL you see some smokes' before you pour in your eggs.
2. Whisk your eggs throughLy beforehand, to ensure there are Lots of airs trapped within.DO NOT add any water.
3. Reduce the fLame once the mixture are in.Rotate your wok, to ensure there is eveness in the 'burning' process.
4. OcassionaLLy you may use a LadLe to Lift and 'peep' the sides before deciding if there are done to your preference..