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A nation of PHVs and food deliveries


This pandemic a lot of companies especially F&B are shutting down, rising local unemployment becoming very obvious. At my flat, I notice many local unemployed at home. Recent months, I also see a rising number of neighbours doing Grab Food, the shock is sometimes the same flat would have two or more Grab Food riders!

The exponential growth of young people doing PHVs and too many senior PMETs out of jobs have forced a change of PHV policy that only 30 and above are allowed. I already had many friends who graduated from Poly and ITE doing Grab Food, some are doing PHVs as they had license. The PHV friends told me many young grads from Polys and universities doing PHV too, even Masters grads. Singapore seems to have very highly educated doing PHVs and Food Deliveries. People from all the over the world would be shocked to find out that Degrees and Masters in Singapore from NTU and NUS are doing low level menial jobs.

Many jobs that can be done by locals are in the hands of foreigners, many foreigners have become PRs or new citizens. These PRs and new citizens support PAP and hire their own natives which explains it is getting very difficult for home grown to land jobs and often hearing locals being discriminated at work place. This is a country where our leaders keep saying and reminding locals that we need to keep our doors wide open to foreigners and let them compete in every sector. I sometimes wonder if other countries do actually such to their local citizens especially in a pandemic.

Anyway, there are too many foreigners in Singapore, that includes PRs and new citizens. And since General Election is over, I know we can complain and complain, nothing will change since next election is years away. I just want to air my grievance here and let all know the gravity of the situation we home grown face and getting worst and worst during this pandemic. The only jobs most locals can have are PHV and Food deliveries on top of being self employed, this is very sad for many of us.




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