Only $226/mth for 2 yr membership.How much?
$7.50 a day if you have time to go everyday, slightly more than a $7.40 toast set too expensive for low SES sinkie.
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Only $226/mth for 2 yr membership.How much?
Only low iq sinkies will not take into account the rental, energy and staff fees when looking at food prices,
this is why they cannot start their own business and be successful but complain like whiny child on the internet, while people like me get to earn $$ and invest houses overseas.
They get dumbed down and brain fucked multiple ways.
Successful people don't care about a few dollars.
That is the reality that businesses will only survive if they cater to customers who understand the country they are living in. People whether rich or poor, who cannot fork out a few dollars are simply not cooperating with modern society's rising inflation requirements and are true social outcasts already obsolete.It is comprehensible that a biz entity would face overhead costs, such as like you mentioned, rental, energy, labour, etc, not to mention a competitive Free Market to survive.
Thus a biz entity would have to be VERY careful on pricing & amenities it offers - to go for quantity or quality, or else the entrepreneurship will fold quickly, even if they have deep pockets. Such is only economics & none needs a PhD to realize such.
The issue is that the biz entity is not some fancy restaurant whereby one would enjoy a quiet breakfast like at Raffles Hotel, or serving Michelin star food, but is just a mere shop space whereby patrons are seated not even half an arms length away, worse than HDB hawker stalls, & yet it dares to charge such high prices for a mere breakfast meal that would had only cost $0.50cts at home to prepare or at most $1.50 with economy of scale in place for a biz concern with overheads to bear.
Singaporeans are not fools, so only those whom have deep pockets would spend there. It is THEIR money & none can criticize. Only thing is that the rich DO NOT get rich by spending, but by SAVINGS & being thrifty with only much carefully considered wise investments.
Fortunately for that biz entity, Singapore is a tourism spot with millions of tourist arrivals each year, & thus their market are the frivolous spendthrift citizens and Tourists. However, tourists too are not fools.
In time they will realize such high costs for a mere hole in the wall establishments & WILL thru social media spread the word of being SHORTCHANGED, & thus sadly, the belief that Singapore is an expensive place to go even for a vacation, harming our economy.....
Only $226/mth for 2 yr membership.
$7.50 a day if you have time to go everyday, slightly more than a $7.40 toast set too expensive for low SES sinkie.
Sinkies get the govt we voted for. They are milking their citizens dry.Hahaha Singkie deserve to be fucked. Even your HDB is so Fucking expensive and now the Peasant food costs you $7.40 per set. Hahaha. Singkie deserve it
The Lexus LM MPV is a Japanese luxury car that costs S$651,800.
This accounts for the lack of fluency in spoken English among the majority of adults in S'pore, in spite of 10 years or more of instruction in an English-medium school environment. Generations of S'poreans enter the working world hampered by their inability to be understood globally.i'm talking about normal Jap cars lah.................
The losers are those with PHV stickersIt is the same with cars in SG. I have a few acquaintances who would not be seen dead riding on public transport, so they buy 8 or 9-year-old used cars on the cheap with new plates to give the impression that they are new vehicles.
That is why $20 cheekon rice is not-too-distant de wohHahaha
Singkie deserve to be fucked.
Even your HDB is so Fucking expensive and now the Peasant food costs you $7.40 per set.
Hahaha. Singkie deserve it
Imagine the huge disappointment that a woman turning up for a first date will find when the guy picks her up in a car with that PHV decal.The losers are those with PHV stickers
This accounts for the lack of fluency in spoken English among the majority of adults in S'pore, in spite of 10 years or more of instruction in an English-medium school environment. Generations of S'poreans enter the working world hampered by their inability to be understood globally.
We pay $7.40 at Toast Box and know we will get something in return. We may spend the same amount of money at the Tote Board, but receive nothing back. Hahaha!
True. Some bangala became overnight millionairs too, richer than you.There are some who spent $1 at the tote board but won back $1 million. Don't be jealous just because you didn't win.
You seem unaware that when you ASSUME, you just make an ASS of yourself.There are some who spent $1 at the tote board but won back $1 million. Don't be jealous just because you didn't win.