i am not the least interested in getting involved with politics..
we must face the fact that PAP is no longer interested in taking care of singaporeans.
no need any tactic or what. dun ever think that your 1 vote to oppo is of no use. if everybody think like that, oppo sure to lose.
i have voted 4 times in my life b4, all to oppo. i dun care who the oppo is.. as long as they contest in my area, they will get my vote..
if u and the rest of 66% still believe in the state media that there r no quality oppo, u can continue to vote MIW.
then accept whatever shit they give u and stop complaining about high hdb prices.
Dear Big Boss SIFU,
So, I guess you must be doing very well in your life, and have owned a HDB, and always voted opposition. Very happy for you, congratulations.
I thought this website is for some complaints to be heard and to be discussed?
If it were so easy that if you vote a opposition, and the HDB prices will magically drop, I'll do that, but who can stand up and guarantee that? Can you?
HDB pricing are based on DEMAND & SUPPLY, obviously, the DEMAND now is much much greater than SUPPLY. that's why the up pricing.
Sorry to tell you this, I'll VOTE for a competent Government, and that's my choice, and I would rather see SINGAPORE be in good hands. (even if it's run by MIW, at least their team is stronger)
Remember the HISTORY, Hitler rose because back then Germany was poor, and being bullied around by British and French, people were really going HUNGRY...
Now, really, how many people are going HUNGRY in SINGAPORE??? For me, being a usual person, I don't really care, and I don't want to see these people around my pigeon hole.
So, what's wrong with complaining about HIGH pricing?
what's wrong with typing into this forum to get some feedback from like minded people?
To each his own, has been the policy of friendly forumers to get a multi viewpoints, rather than sticking on a single point of view.
I am not a genius, likewise, I am not a hero, I am not brave, but I am just a Singaporean, who want to own a HDB with reasonable pricing... that's all.
Are there any constructive answers, rather than ONLY voting for the opposition? if that works, hey man, I'll do it!