Dear Scroobal
Its merge or die at this moment for many parties. if they do no get any results by 2016 then its down hill all the way.
1. Jee Say see's the writing on the wall as does the new batch of candidates from the SDP. Yawning bread has already clearly stated the need for retail politics 101. The question is can SDP to retail 101 or do they need to merge with people who understand and can do retail 101 and lose that bloody bear. Jee Say's first approach was not the SDP , he came with to many conditions attached on his participation and was rightly told to F Off. NSP might have taken him in but heck his conditions were also to onerous for them. And how he is arranging M n A 's ?
2. The Split within the NSP is within the old boys who stayed west and the new boys who stayed east. The Newbies did better. GMS as the Sec Gen is stuck in the Singapore River trying to balance both. Can he do it or will the New Ones leave ? Remember the balance of power lies with the old ones and the cadre memberships and not the new ones.
3. SPP dead as a doornail. My recommendation is that SPP should merge with WP. Chiam be made hounary Chairman and WP goes and gives WKS a heart attack the next round. Lina to retire from politics and let the Chiam name retire
with Aplomb. I love the man to bits but its depressing seeing him at his age throwing himself against the PAP brick wall. Rocky Balboa is fine when he is old but not to Old Rocky Balboa is painful when he is the age of your grandfather
4. The question as always is the last NCMP seat. Honestly between letting her grow as an NCMP under the NSP and its factions, or letting the WP dominate the NCMP seats and letting her learn retail politics under the WP, I would recommend the latter. Her head and heart all are in the correct direction she just needs grounding and experience and the only party that can provide that at present and also needs help from all levels is the WP.
I think the Chiams know Lina's limitations and age is also a factor.