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Posted on 21 Jul 2010
Karang guni man ransacks unsecured recycle bins for items
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When this karang guni man saw that these recycling bins were not properly secured, he decided to try his luck by going through them in hopes of finding something useful, says STOMPer Gao_Luck.
The sender wonders why the bins, which are located at Lavender MRT station, weren't secured properly and hopes that they have not become a collection point for karang guni men to obtain items for free.
In an email, Gao_Luck says:
"Yesterday, I saw this karang guni ah pek openly stealing all recycled cans from the recycling bin placed out Lavender MRT.
"The bins weren't secured or fastened and one can easily pull them out and retrieve whatever is inside, just like what this ah pek is doing.
"Have recycle bins become a collection area meant for karang guni people?".
Click on thumbnails for larger image
Keywords: karang guni , recycle bins
Karang guni man ransacks unsecured recycle bins for items

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So sad
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Sure or not?
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When this karang guni man saw that these recycling bins were not properly secured, he decided to try his luck by going through them in hopes of finding something useful, says STOMPer Gao_Luck.
The sender wonders why the bins, which are located at Lavender MRT station, weren't secured properly and hopes that they have not become a collection point for karang guni men to obtain items for free.
In an email, Gao_Luck says:
"Yesterday, I saw this karang guni ah pek openly stealing all recycled cans from the recycling bin placed out Lavender MRT.
"The bins weren't secured or fastened and one can easily pull them out and retrieve whatever is inside, just like what this ah pek is doing.
"Have recycle bins become a collection area meant for karang guni people?".
Click on thumbnails for larger image

Keywords: karang guni , recycle bins