it’s actually “jiāyóu” (加油). what is this moronic claim that your “keyboard” cannot support chinese characters? use the mouse or any soft keyboard on the screen, you twit!
Dont come with your fucking crap about hanyu pinyin to me.
I hated hanyu pinyin as that was originally designed as a burial shroud for Chinese language by Mao Tze Tung.
He wanted that to utterly do away with Chinese characters. Starting with bastardised jiantije to replace Chinese.
I never use hanyu pinyin and never will.
I use the zhuyinfuhao or bopomofo that my keyboard dont have. Used to have that but after I spilled my coffee on it, the replacement I bought in Stinkapore just dont have that.
Dont imagine , other than others from your rotten kind of Chinese education, uses the fucking hanyu pinyin and read the cheebye jiantije pidgin form of bastardised Chinese with the heart ripped out from Chinese.
I was living in Taiwan for many years.
There was this place in Taiwan , and within the distance of 1 km away from that place, about 5 to 6 different official road signs to that place.
Chinese characters all the same. But on that 5 or 6 road signs, I seen 5 or 6 different ways that same place was written in English alphabets
Only arseholes who find it difficult to read Chinese rely on English like a fucking mantra using that to point to Chinese words.
All the Taiwanese there never even seen those words in Chinese. Only I whose chinese not as good as native Taiwanese noticed the fucking english words. But my chinese will be far better than you ever hope yours to be.
And a Taiwanese friend gave me his name card. Everything in Chinese was correct of course. The English section of his name and company address written wrongly.
I pointed that to him and he laughed. That only I noticed that and everyone else just see the chinese character part of his name card
I had a laugh at that too.
If you think you so fucking clever that it is time I chucked you into the ignore where you can stew away and I never got to read your fucking rot no more.
Make my day. One more reply from you on your superiority with the fucking hanyu pinyin and I never will see your shit no more. And you can fuck
@ginfreely and other arseholes in my ignore bin