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3 JLB SAF WO fight in public.


What fight?

It's just a couple of Navy boys letting off steam...common even in American navy, not that such behavior is condoned....

While most Singaporeans are only concerned about cost of living, MRT lines, elections due, etc, our Navy men face FAR more critical issues DAILY - seaborne piracy, & ESPECIALLY the highly contested South China Seas.

It is NOT easy being coped up on vessels, away from loved ones, family, relatives & friends for days, weeks & even months...& as such, whenever shore leave is available, they would desire undisturbed peace to spend as much as possible the limited time they have with them.

Justice must still be served, for their foolishness, under severe Military law which is far harsher than Civilian laws...However, may compassion rule. It was a brawl, no doubt, but none was harmed...


Don't think so la. It's a farking Gov premises, how to find such ladies there?
Been there once or twice, never like the ranjiao eerie military vibes like a farking prison.
Once gotten out of NS and regular days, I've never look back at this type of god-forsaken place which should never exist in the first place.
It a family boring ktv.