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2 ATB chiobus performing Jay Chou's 青花瓷 at Qingdao University graduation ceremony


In Chinese folklore, perhaps infused with the concept of Reincarnation brought by Buddhist beliefs since 300BC, it was said that for a soul on the path to be reborn, one must drink a special potion - 'forget love' potion in order to wipe away one's previous Earthly life experiences, to start afresh, renewed, with innocence & hope, for a better future, as it often that such memories will linger within some Human soul & may cause renewed suffering thru trying to continue one's previous longings, as love is power over many desires of life, & the meaning of one's existence, even as simple as waking up to a new dawn with courage to face new challenges, to provide for one's loved ones or selfishly for oneself....

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