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2 ATB chiobus performing Jay Chou's 青花瓷 at Qingdao University graduation ceremony


Alfrescian (Inf)
wen me listen 2 songs, me njoy listening 2 dose in which ze singer conveys ze words in ze lyrics in their singing ...

a singer shud make listeners feel n c ze story described in ze lyrics ... else, despite ze singer has gr8 vocals, saccharine voice, sexcellent technical singing skills, me dun tink iz up 2 ze mark ...

like, in tis song ... @ ze part ...

天青色等烟雨 ...

a singer shud make listeners haf a cyan colored sky n misty rain image in their minds ...

jay chou did tis very wel in his original version...


wen me listen 2 songs, me njoy listening 2 dose in which ze singer conveys ze words in ze lyrics in their singing ...

a singer shud make listeners feel n c ze story described in ze lyrics ... else, despite ze singer has gr8 vocals, saccharine voice, sexcellent technical singing skills, me dun tink iz up 2 ze mark ...

like, in tis song ... @ ze part ...

天青色等烟雨 ...

a singer shud make listeners haf a cyan colored sky n misty rain image in their minds ...

jay chou did tis very wel in his original version...

u tink dis 中国风 song got ze 意境? :biggrin:


… dis part esp made me feel i m in chibi :thumbsup:



u tink dis 中国风 song got ze 意境? :biggrin:


… dis part esp made me feel i m in chibi :thumbsup:

This one made me feel I'm in Jurong East: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:



Alfrescian (Inf)
u tink dis 中国风 song got ze 意境? :biggrin:


… dis part esp made me feel i m in chibi :thumbsup: ...

me suaku, never hear tis song b4 ... now oni listen 2 it 1st time ...

acturarry, ze accompanying music plays n important in creating 意境 ...

in ur eg, ze words were powderful ... me can c in dem ze fierce, raging battle fot out n iz aftermath, ze sorrow, ze regrets ...

but in ze song, @ ze part where dese lines were sung, ze music n singing did not bring out tis description ... probly, bcoz dese lines were in ze verse part of ze song n dey din bother 2 ...

normally, me find 意境 in choruses or bridges ...

in 天青色等烟雨, there were ze cymbals softly simulating falling rain ... n coupled wif gentle singing, u can feel ze light, delicate, soothing raindrops ...


Thank you Mr Ba...u, for bringing this beautiful, melodic Chinese song here.

Mr Jay Chou is indeed a talented musician, & it seems like he once belonged to a past era in China, as most of his songs were inspired life in ancient China & often accompanied by ancient China musical instruments such as the Gu Zheng, flutes, etc, thus his lyrics seems 'cheem' by some..

Perhaps it has to do with the Buddhist beliefs in REINCARNATION, that somehow, we Humans will return back to Earth, some trapped with past memories, to complete one's deepest desires, either as a mere cockroach with a merciful lifespan of a year before being reborn again or as an upright Human with a lifespan of 100yrs thru one's meritorious or lack of such deeds in previous lives...

Ultimately, regardless if such beliefs are real or not as there is NO scientific facts on REINCARNATION. A mortal is gifted with the precious gift of life & free will, to live this life as best as one can without harming others & there lays immortality - to be remembered by grateful generations to come.

Each has only one life to live, thus treasure it & make it meaningful to oneself & loved ones.

No mortal is perfect & it is only thru mistakes that we learn, to correct them, to progress, survive & evolve & leave regrets far behind us, no matter how beautiful a porcelain vase metaphor one once had, as no material goods or that emotional Human life is a bed of roses forever, may be or subscribe to the hopes of unproven reincarnation or await for a better next life on Earth ......

We Humanity DO have the power to make this life alone right for oneself & loved ones to come, & it lays by working TOGETHER to achieve life's dreams & hopes for all..Such is how Civilization is built & the sacrifices of forefathers who gave us our todays..

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Perhaps it may had been a coincidence that Jay Chou' song was impromptuly selected, or may not in these times when China is facing job creations for its numerous intelligent citizens....

Let no harm be done to the singers, they have dreams & longings, but are innocent & far too naive to fully understand China's history. It is a large empire & definitely not easy to manage by a central govt as ancient Chinese wisdom had said - local leaders are near but the emperor is far....

The introvert, lonely but talented Jay Chou songs often harken to a previous golden age of China's 5000yrs history but with social issues as well, as if he had lived thru it once or thru previous lives.

This video is another example of his longings, in this movie he acted in, on the power of love & its tragic consequences when not properly managed....

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me suaku, never hear tis song b4 ... now oni listen 2 it 1st time ...

acturarry, ze accompanying music plays n important in creating 意境 ...

in ur eg, ze words were powderful ... me can c in dem ze fierce, raging battle fot out n iz aftermath, ze sorrow, ze regrets ...

but in ze song, @ ze part where dese lines were sung, ze music n singing did not bring out tis description ... probly, bcoz dese lines were in ze verse part of ze song n dey din bother 2 ...

normally, me find 意境 in choruses or bridges ...

in 天青色等烟雨, there were ze cymbals softly simulating falling rain ... n coupled wif gentle singing, u can feel ze light, delicate, soothing raindrops ...

ah po tanks 4 ze analysis. 4 me, 意境 iz best found in ze verses. :biggrin:
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