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助纣为虐Cantonese dogs sons of prostitutes @balls2u @houri @lostvirgin etc are so immoral


K Shanmugam Sc Another day (2 October 24 another evil dirty man walked past from behind me at hawker center and whistled at me. You know what’s more sickening than such people that ganged up on me ? Those in Chinese called 助纣为虐 cover up evil by accusing and blaming victim as mad when there is nothing mad about it but pure evil with Malaysian criminals doing Gestapo style smearing campaign against me for years non stop resulting in these evil dirty men harassment.

Evil devils just act innocent and one thousand men whistled at me with photo proof, with videos with witness on many occasions and yet there are immoral people with no qualms to turn around to falsely accuse victim mad. There is a cctv at the corner of stall that should capture the whistling mouth of this attacker. I don’t confront such evil devils anymore as I am all alone with no one to help me. Where’s justice?



助纣为虐Cantonese dogs sons of prostitutes @Balls2U @Houri @lostvirgin etc are so immoral may you be reborn a woman and be gangraped by a thousand men and get victim blaming as mad because no one helped you Pui!​

Your ccb entitled Cantonese dog son of prostitute mouth say I am not virgin means not virgin say I am mad no whistle means no whistle Knnbccb your women so cheap sell nude sell cb other people cannot be virgin with annulled marriage that meet criminals evil devils like you Pui!




Your ccb entitled Cantonese dog son of prostitute mouth say I am not virgin means not virgin say I am mad no whistle means no whistle Knnbccb your women so cheap sell nude sell cb other people cannot be virgin with annulled marriage that meet criminals evil devils like you Pui!
Dare not swear can do evil Liao Cantonese criminal dogs sons of prostitute @Houri etc 助纣为虐may your women be gangraped and be insulted stinky vagina Pui!


Evil devils just act innocent and one thousand men whistled at me with photo proof, with videos with witness on many occasions and yet there are immoral people with no qualms to turn around to falsely accuse victim mad.
This is not called immoral called what ? Knnbccb