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yes knnbccb bastard?
You are really upset about being insecure and going for botox hahahahahahahah

yes knnbccb bastard?
You are really upset about being insecure and going for botox hahahahahahahah![]()
Only reason is that she mentioned about ISD to GoldenDragon and that he and his clones started harrassing her. That doesn't change the fact that GoldenDragon has many monikers and he has been using them to get his way. Surely you have noted TFBH's support, GoldenDragon's bitchiness (scroobal like) and Hawkeye's reappearance. Surely you don't think scroobal was only lurking around as JHolmesJr all this time?
As for her more dated issue with you, I was not aware of the circumstances at all. Apologies for that. I am not accepting that she was in the wrong, but I have no knowledge of that issue.
aiyo! you believe this bitch? so gullible hor? she also accused me of using multiple clones to attack her. wtf?! i use one and only moniker on this site. another moniker was created on day one but for testing only and never used again. to her, everyone is ganging up on her with multiple clones. it's delusional and imaginary hallucination. she has a pattern of harassing and chasing away others like semaj, otherwise a neutral and innocent moniker. i refrain from stepping on her tail unless it's necessary to act. she too deserves a place here as it's a microcosm of schizophrenic sg.
You are really upset about being insecure and going for botox hahahahahahahah![]()
hi bastard?
Wow, insecure gay bitch who needed botox GoldenDragon still fighting for your forum existence? So upset about people knowing you had botox hor?![]()
yes SOB? yes? knnbccb.
Not true at all. GoldenDragon's lynch mob started the bullying, she started complaining (perhaps excessively) and then the bandwagon bullying (including you) started. And it was only because she questioned him about ISD, which was a complete lie from him.
wtf?! that mental case has gone off her knockers with me way before she provoked gd to get on her knickers. what bandwagon? i have the pm's and time stamps to prove it. this only proves that you're mistaken and poorly informed without the evidence.
The lynching is done by scroobal and all his monikers including TFBH. And then there are the bandwagon bullies which include you. It's pathetic that you haven't realised that. The reason I'm doing this is that for years, scroobal has been bullying those who are in disagreement with him or who are "against him".
Obviously you won't realise that, but all ginfreely did was to ask GoldenDragon if he was from ISD and the bullying started from them. And then you were one of those who jumped on the bandwagon. You can claim to come to the rescue but you are actually part of the lynching mob.
hint. coinciding with laksaboy's disappearance from this site. that mental case feuded and chased away a favorite but controversial moniker. and then unsolicited spams on my notification log and inbox accusing me of associating her with any post on hookers and prostitutes. was utterly surprised and shocked that she would associate all posts on women in walking-working professions with her. this came from nowhere and way back last year. go figure. by the way, why now have her interest at heart? the nut case will spam you too. or perhaps nuts coexist peacefully.
aiyo! you believe this bitch? so gullible hor? she also accused me of using multiple clones to attack her. wtf?! i use one and only moniker on this site. another moniker was created on day one but for testing only and never used again. to her, everyone is ganging up on her with multiple clones. it's delusional and imaginary hallucination. she has a pattern of harassing and chasing away others like semaj, otherwise a neutral and innocent moniker. i refrain from stepping on her tail unless it's necessary to act. she too deserves a place here as it's a microcosm of schizophrenic sg.
No, she didn't accuse you of multiple clones. I only noticed her complaints because they were linked to the GoldenDragon incident, since he did sent 2 PMs to me claiming that he was former ISD, claiming CSJ and LTK are moles.
Anyway I am 100% about GoldenDragon, his other monikers and his identity. I would bet my life on it, let alone my internet moniker.
ginfreely said:Do you know me personally? Based on what you insist I am an indecent woman? Tell me, if not shut up and stop your insinuations.
I am a graduate who worked for many years, i cannot be rich enough to retire and live a simple life as a landlady without the need of immoral earnings? I must be some immoral person to do this?
I cannot talk to laksaboy in the forum? Did I talk to him about myself? No. Himself? No.
ginfreely said:Hey bully, enough of your insinuations of shiok and being hooker to pay rent. I said I am not one and never being one in my life. I regret sharing about my life in this forum about renting leading to such psychopath spin of facts to wild story. Listen up bully! I rented in my twenties and rich enough to pay rent without being hooker. You are such s presumptuous old fogey. Go to hell!
don't know what caused this mental case to start spamming me, but it seems to be a case of mistaken identity. i was referring to my bedok landlady, and this mental case ASSumed it was her. truly. siao char bor only gets sympathies from likeminded siao ting tong. title of spam was "hey bully".
and nobody prevented her from replying to laksaboy. didn't know where this wild imagination came from. i was just replying to laksaboy jokingly, and the mental case thought i was referring to her. coincidentally, laksaboy disappeared thereafter. must be hounded night and day by siao char bor.
"hell hath no fury like a woman scorned."![]()
more spam from presumptive imaginator....
Yes I only interacted with golden dragon and asked him about ISD. I have hardly any interaction with scroobal and tfbh. Except once i recall when scroobal had some issues with froggy (which led to froggy deleting all the food pics in the Thailand thread). I remember did speak up for froggy then, saying something about all kinds of posters
and not just so called high quality posters should be allowed.
Hi jw5,
Wow respect! So many people spread lies about me and got away with it but you know and said it is not true at all! Thanks! You know esbd is blatantly lying! Yes, when I asked golden dragon about ISD was when you were exposing his PM to you about ISD, which although I can't remember exactly when got to be at least a year or two earlier than any of my PMs to esnd, which only started last year. So sorry I didn't really read all these GD shit threads this few days, just now happened to scroll this thread and saw this shit from esnd and so replying now.
when that bastard has an identity crisis he switches to become this guniang. bad mental case. no medicine cure type.