From this, we already see that this Benny is certainly a thinker. A clever chap who knows how to get the best out of the situations he is faced with.
Future president?
I don't think he has political aspirations. If he had, he would have been a PAP candidate in a previous general election. Raymond Lim is his brother.
Raymond Lim are you sure
GoldenDragon said:They are brothers.
I can only say that you don't know him personally.....Raymond's problem was just his inability to cope with the complexity of the problems at hand - the problem caused by an artificially imposed explosion in population, the failure to change a tariff based system that has reached the tipping point, the saturation level for it to be effective, and the higher expectation of the populace in line with higher standards of service provision all around the world.
steffychute the ISD agent just replied.![]()
Seee3 said:I can only say that you don't know him personally.
You do not have to be a genius. You need to be able to look around the problem, reverse think, so that you deconstruct bad assumptions and goals set in the initial construct, gather more information to understand what is the real problem, real objective and the acceptable consequences. Our ten-year series only one answer mental universe scholars, have to eliminate anyone who offers another real life possibility as it challenges their singular mental universe and value of self-worth. Because they cannot handle multiple universes, timelines and possibilities, lack understanding of what goals are supposed to be, due to lack of personal philosophies and ideals, they will never get anywhere. A genius is called as such because he is a person that can let go and look at the problem in another manner to tackle it and because the solution and method - typically not complicated, maybe complex at best - is so obvious ex post facto that people bash themselves for being so blind-spotted, they think this person is a genius. He is just a well grounded daily chap who does not make unnecessary value judgements and lets reality take form in his mind and then decide what could be a course of action. Having a playful mind with a degree of disinterest is good. Our chaps have serious complexes in life. It shows in how they handle public and private replies and how they behave has persons. I do not know why they cannot afford to lose. In the long run, we are all dead. If they loosen up during the free think sessions, something good will come up. There is always enough time to think and plan. Figures for simulations only verify hunches and observations in a probabilistic world.Yes. I don't know him personally. But I had occasion to know his father. The problem he inherited was major and unless he was an outstanding genius, he could not have solved it.
Bigfuck said:You do not have to be a genius. You need to be able to look around the problem, reverse think, so that you deconstruct bad assumptions and goals set in the initial construct, gather more information to understand what is the real problem, real objective and the acceptable consequences. Our ten-year series only one answer mental universe scholars, have to eliminate anyone who offers another real life possibility as it challenges their singular mental universe and value of self-worth. Because they cannot handle multiple universes, timelines and possibilities, lack understanding of what goals are supposed to be, due to lack of personal philosophies and ideals, they will never get anywhere. A genius is called as such because he is a person that can let go and look at the problem in another manner to tackle it and because the solution and method - typically not complicated, maybe complex at best - is so obvious ex post facto that people bash themselves for being so blind-spotted, they think this person is a genius. He is just a well grounded daily chap who does not make unnecessary value judgements and lets reality take form in his mind and then decide what could be a course of action. Having a playful mind with a degree of disinterest is good. Our chaps have serious complexes in life. It shows in how they handle public and private replies and how they behave has persons. I do not know why they cannot afford to lose. In the long run, we are all dead. If they loosen up during the free think sessions, something good will come up. There is always enough time to think and plan. Figures for simulations only verify hunches and observations in a probabilistic world.
You are talking about a different issue. You can have access to information of the phenomena and come up with a solution in your head or on paper. Pushing it through needs a leader, a gutsy person or a person who is very innocent, truthful or a visionary that common people will call foolish. By your statement, I see we have a lot of short-visioned opportunist that are usually reasons who collapse a system before the full benefits can be reaped. Smart opportunists chop or relegate the initiator into mediocrity after the full benefits have been reaped. That is the problem with China. Someone comes up with a great way to make tons of money, but short-sighted dumb opportunists would run off with measly small capital of a few thousand rmb meant to register the company.Geniuses need guts because you go against mainstream.
For one to have good understanding of another, they need to work together / interact for a substantial period of time. It may not be the magnitude or complexity of the problem. VB and TSL created a mess too but they are spared. Maybe it is the attitude.Yes. I don't know him personally. But I had occasion to know his father. The problem he inherited was major and unless he was an outstanding genius, he could not have solved it.
VB and TSL created a mess too but they are spared.
i'm sorry if i may sound brash, but i'd like to hazard a guess: i reckoned that converts, ignoramus and sycophants are easier to handle under most circumstances :p:p:p
Actually Raymond got caught out by his peers. Raymond was still on the same mode that first began when he was in school. When he reached cabinet, he was still operating on the same mode. Just ask his peers and the events leading to the Rhodes Scolarship. Here is what I mean.
Raymond began to accumulate achievements rather than addressing and solving issues. He also could not stop networking. He actually developed a strong relationship with old man to the detriment of his peers. Go thru his CV and you will know what I mean. Also note that he did not take the usual path to cabinet. Not OMS, Not Admin Svc, neither corporate bigshot or community leader. He was too busy on the same mode and he forgot his Ministry's role. Transport portfolio is one of the most important in the last 2 decades. It's defines the city and country and we made a name 40 years ago in building at that time world class transport infrastructure.
Father is known to old man and wife. Note, he was taken out without a warning. Least missed amongst his peers. He began advising old man about Temasek when he was the transport minister. That broke the camel's back.
steffychun said:How on earth did the Rhodes Committee choose him is a wonder. Compared to our other Rhodes Scholars, he pales in comparison
Actually Raymond got caught out by his peers. Raymond was still on the same mode that first began when he was in school. When he reached cabinet, he was still operating on the same mode. Just ask his peers and the events leading to the Rhodes Scolarship. Here is what I mean.
Raymond began to accumulate achievements rather than addressing and solving issues. He also could not stop networking. He actually developed a strong relationship with old man to the detriment of his peers. Go thru his CV and you will know what I mean. Also note that he did not take the usual path to cabinet. Not OMS, Not Admin Svc, neither corporate bigshot or community leader. He was too busy on the same mode and he forgot his Ministry's role. Transport portfolio is one of the most important in the last 2 decades. It's defines the city and country and we made a name 40 years ago in building at that time world class transport infrastructure.
Father is known to old man and wife. Note, he was taken out without a warning. Least missed amongst his peers. He began advising old man about Temasek when he was the transport minister. That broke the camel's back.