Exactly. The thread about one sg lady who buy an apartment for more than $1 million and the article seems to think it is ok for that and Singaporeans just put in the most effort in their life to give in to getting expensive housing.
Well, middle finger to the govt.
and boomers in that thread, suspected hired by PAP, to even prompt in posts to praise such prices for personal gain when you sell it. How lame is that and also an insult to people's intelligence. Personal gain aka PAP gain. that is how i see it. Not the people's gain. People will be in debt for so many years and stress to keep up with payment to deal with these high housing prices for the gain of PAP and their mismanagement of the housing prices.
But dun worry, you can sell it and gain all back.. yeah, that is the advertising theme for that and so it is all good for high prices.
Then get some stupid boomers, even paid for, to tell others how good that is for selling it to gain it all back and have a competition on who can sell the highest. HAHAHAHAHA!!!! This is funny and sad at the same time.